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Defamatory Meaning

Aug 2024

Docuseries Not Defamatory as a Matter of Law

Emmy Parsons

A Florida state court recently held that a docuseries titled Paul T. Goldman did not defame the woman on whom one of the main characters was based, holding that the series was not capable of defamatory meaning and was not “of and concerning” the plaintiff.

Sep 2023

Essential Elements of a Libel Claim Are Indeed Essential

Jack Greiner

Mr. Weiler attempted to put the cart before the horse here by arguing that the impact of the statements – true or false – harmed his reputation. But a plaintiff can’t proceed without evidence to support an essential element.

Jun 2022

Banks v. Cadwalladr – Meaning, Intention & Public Interest

Emma Linch

The length and detail of the judgment demonstrates the level of detail required to succeed in a public interest defence.

May 2020

President Trump Is a Libel Bully Again and It’s Worse: He’s Suing from the White House

Susan E. Seager

Donald J. Trump the Libel Bully is back. But this time, rather than filing frivolous libel lawsuits against the press as a private citizen, Trump is filing meritless lawsuits against the press as president of the United States.