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March 2012

MediaLawLetter Index By Topic


(Last updated November 2014)

The index breaks down articles by case name (where the case is featured prominently, or is the subject of, the article) and by topic.  The index indicates the month and year in which the article appeared and, in parenthesis, the page on which the article began. 

Newsletter Stories By Topic:


A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K ·L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z



Mentor Team Program: 8/96(12)  

Right of Publicity Resolution: 12/03(6)

Anti-SLAPP: 8/12(26)


911 Materials: 3/96(13), 4/02(33), 9/03(25), 8/04(47), 4/05(34), 5/12(33), 12/13(19)

9/11-Related Materials: 4/05(31), 07/10(35)

Post-9/11: 9/02(39), 10/02(11), 10/02(53), 11/02(35), 11/02(41), 12/02(35), 2/03(44), 4/03(51,65), 5/03(48), 6/03(5), 6/03(58)

Abu Ghraib Photos: 10/05(47)

Accident Reports: 12/99(8), 7/03(39)

Administrative Proceedings: 2/10(31)

“AIPAC case”: see United States v. Rosen and Weissman

Ancillary Proceedings: 1/04(8)

Arrestees (names & addresses): 7/98(37), 2/99(17), 12/99(1), 11/02(35), 6/03(5), 8/03(45)

Arrest Materials: 8/03(45), 9/03(20), 11/03(43), 4/05(33), 3/11(33), 2/14(26)

Attorney fees:

California “private attorney general” doctrine: 7/03(35)

Attorney speech: 4/07(46) 

Audio Tapes, as evidence: 11/00(29), 11/02(41)

Autopsy Photographs: 10/03(33), 12/03(39), 4/05(38)

Autopsy Reports: 2/09(35), 3/11(33)

Delaware Medical Examiners Statute: 4/06(42)

Bail hearings: 3/03(47)

Canada: 6/10(29)

Preliminary Army Hearings: 7/97 (24)

Bankruptcy Filings: 9/06(37)

Burial records: 6/09(24)

Calendars (public official): 4/99(39), 8/02(41)2/97


in the Courtroom: 2/96(7), 3/96(23), 6/96(5), 5/97(14), 3/99(10), 4/99(35), 5/99(32), 6/00(39), 10/00(31), 6/01(37), 10/01(47), 1/02(3), 2/02(32), 12/02(44), 12/02(45), 3/03(42), 4/03(57), 6/03(53,55), 7/03(34), 8/03(44), 8/03(46), 10/03(30), 10/03(35), 1/04(38), 2/04(47, 48), 8/04(49), 6/05(63), 10/05(54), 4/06(55), 5/06(40), 6/06(38), 12/07(47), 5/08(41), 9/08(31), 1/09(29), 10/09(39), 1/10(12), 1/10(32), 2/11(28), 05/13(29), 11/13(27)

in Execution Chamber: 8/04(49)

in the Jury Room: 6/96 (5), 10/96 (20)

to official public events: 11/03(39)

in the Supreme Court: 10/05(54)

Catholic Diocese Records: 11/03(42); 5/05 (33)

Cell phone records: 1/09(26), 6/11(30)

Child protective agencies: 2/05(45), 7/06(19) , 1/12(34)

Citizen-only FOIAs:  8/06(41)

Civil Trials: 9/96 (15), 3/98 (24), 8/99 (3), 12/99(23), 1/00(38), 10/01(37), 7/02(45), 11/02(37), 11/02(51), 3/03(46), 5/03(41), 7/03(37)

Closure/Gag/Protective Orders: 4/96(1), 7/9(7), 9/96(15), 10/97(23), 11/97(26), 4/99(33), 11/99(16), 5/00(33), 5/00(37), 6/00(35), 6/00(37), 7/00(19), 8/00(34), 8/00(35), 7/01(57), 9/01(37, 38), 10/01(37, 39, 41), 3/02(17, 21), 7/02(31), 8/02(25, 43), 9/02(34), 11/02(37), 4/03(55), 5/03(51), 9/03(19), 5/06(41), 12/13(17)

Ashcraft hearings: 8/02(45)

Deposition transcripts: 12/13(17)

Classified: 6/03(57)

Classified Evidence / AIPAC: 4/07(3)

Closed accident scene: 6/09(29)

Congress: 5/03(48)

Credentials (WorldNetDaily): 3/02(22), 3/03(36)

Contempt, judge found in: 8/13(53)

Contractors: 7/13(27)

Corporations: 1/04(39), 2/04(51)

Court Filings: 10/02(15), 11/02(37), 1/03(39), 2/03(37), 2/03(45), 3/03(37), 3/03(47), 3/03(48), 5/03(39), 6/03(47), 11/03(37), 9/05(21), 9/05(25), 9/05(29), 1/06(33), 7/06(21), 7/09(40), 3/10(32), 3/10(33), 5/11(51), 6/12(37), 8/12(35), 04/13(37), 10/13(32)

Court-Martial Proceeding: 3/05(41), 04/13(39)

Courtrooms: 10/04(33), 10/05(54), 3/06(36), 1/10(8), 1/13(27), 7/13(41)

Blogging: 1/10(32)

Electronic Devices: 7/13(41)

Webcastings: 4/09(38); 10/09(39); 11/09(30)

Credentials: 12/02(4), 3/03(36)

Criminal Complaint, Sealing of: 9/01(37), 12/03(47)

Criminal justice records:  11/05(41)

Criminal records (expunged): 1/03(27); 2/11(3); 2/11(4)

Criminal Trials: 9/96 (15), 11/96 (8), 12/96 (1, 15), 6/98(23), 2/00(33), 3/00(35), 4/00(36), 7/00(19), 6/01(38), 1/02(33), 9/02(40), 10/02(15), 12/02(44), 12/02(45), 1/03(37), 1/03(44), 2/03(25), 3/03(34), 4/03(54), 5/03(43), 5/03(44), 6/03(5), 8/03(44), 8/03(45), 9/03(17), 9/03(23); 9/04(42); 1/05(9), 9/05(25), 6/06(39), 1/10(33), 5/11(48), 2/14(23)

Attorney speech, Limitations on: 4/07(46), 5/11(49)

Gag orders: 4/03(54), 8/03(45); 3/05(39); 4/10(42), 5/11(49); 6/12(33); 10/12(39)

Jokes (Jay Leno/Michael Jackson trial): 3/05(39)

Juror access: 3/07(43); 6/07(35)

Unsealing files: 4/07(52); 8/12(35); 10/12(39)

Crime Scene Photos: 12/05(43)

Crime Victims: 1/00(37)

Critical Infrastructure Information: 9/03(33), 3/04(35)

Debates (Exclusion of Candidates): 3/02(39)

Depositions: 7/98(34), 8/98(20), 9/98(20), 2/99(19), 6/00(32), 12/01(35), 3/02(33); 1/05(39)

Detentions of Suspected Terrorists: 10/01(53), 4/02(61), 11/02(35), 1/06 (29)

Dockets: 5/03(41), 5/03(43), 11/03(37)

Documents After Dismissal: 9/04(39)

Disaster relief: 6/07(39)

Discovery materials: 6/99(17), 3/00(29), 12/01(35), 2/03(33), 4/03(51), 7/03(37), 8/04(45), 9/05(21), 3/07(49), 4/07(43), 2/14(23)


Pleadings: 1/06(32)

Court Records: 3/06(41)

Settlements: 11/07(22)

United Kingdom: 3/08(39)

Electronic Access:

Court Access: 1/03(41), 2/03(35), 4/03(57), 11/09(30)

E-Government Act: 1/03(39)

Exemption From PACER Fees: 10/13(32)


Catholic Church: 4/02(37)

Elected Official’s Personal: 9/05(27), 7/13(27)

Email Records of government officials: 5/07(45), 6/08(37), 1/09(27), 1/14(42), 5/14(38)

Email Records of School: 6/11(26), 5/14(40)

Embedded Reporters at Trade Meetings: 12/03(41)

Embedded Reporters with US Military: 2/04(54)

Energy Task Force: 12/03(56)

Equal Access to official public events: 11/03(37)

Estate Files: 3/05(45)

Evidence Presented at Trial:

Contemporaneous access: 3/06(35)

Crime Scene Photos: 12/05(43)

Mob trial/cooperating witness audio tapes: 3/05(43)

Executions: 4/96(6), 6/98(25), 8/98(19), 8/99(7), 8/00(29), 8/02(49); 6/12(34); 12/12(33)

Executive Branch: 9/02(44), 11/02(39), 11/02(41), 11/02(43), 12/02(35), 12/02(39), 1/03(39), 2/03(20), 3/03(35), 3/03(43), 4/03(49), 4/03(61), 5/03(45), 6/03(56), 7/03(31), 7/03(33), 7/03(35), 9/03(15)

Energy Task Force: 7/03(33), 9/03(15)

Office of Homeland Security/Department of Homeland Security: 1/03(32), 4/03(67), 8/03(50), 9/03(33)

Pardon records: 4/03(49)

Presidential Records: 2/03(20)

Executive Privilege (state): 1/05(38)

Farm Conservation Information: 4/02(39)

FERPA: 7/12(42)

Files, Remote Electronic Access: 9/01(32), 4/02(33), 5/02(26), 3/04(33)

Files in Civil Court, Unsealing of: 10/00(27), 11/00(23), 5/02(29), 11/02(37), 7/03(37)

Financial Disclosure Forms: 3/00(32)

Firearm records: 12/02(39), 3/03(35), 6/03(56)


Canada: 3/02(19); 5/02(35); 6/10(30)

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA): 6/10(30)

European Union: 07/10(30)

Inter-American Court of Human Rights: 10/06(47)

United Kingdom: 3/99(46), 2/02(35) 9/05(43), 3/08(38)

Publishing acquitted defendants’ names: 12/13(21)

Restrictions on content published outside of jurisdiction: 1/14(30)

Super injunctions: 11/09(32), 11/10(33)

Trial exhibits: 1/14(30)

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and: 12/00(30), 10/01(53), 3/02(37), 8/02(55), 11/02(35), 11/02(39), 12/02(35), 12/02(39), 1/03(32), 2/03(39), 3/03(35), 3/03(45), 4/03(49), 4/03(61), 4/03(63), 6/03(5), 6/03(53), 8/03(50), 9/03(28), 9/03(29), 12/03(43), 1/04(14), 2/04(51, 55), 8/04(43), 9/04(32), 1/05(33),  10/05(47), 1/06 (29), 4/06(43), 6/06(43), 10/06(55), 3/07(45), 12/07(46), 1/08(33), 2/08(32), 3/08(20), 3/10(31), 10/10(31), 12/11(17), 12/11(32), 12/11(34), 5/12(34), 9/12(23), 11/12(23), 1/13(29), 03/13(34), 04/13(41), 05/13(27), 05/13(30), 06/13(26), 10/13(28)

Addresses of Aid Recipients: 4/06(43)

“Agency”: 1/03(32), 2/03(39), 4/03(63)

Applied to Corporations: 2/04(51)

Arrest records: 12/06(32)

Discovery: 12/06(32)

Executive Order 13392: 6/06(43)


2006 Proposed exemptions: 5/06(45)

Critical infrastructure: 12/01(42)

Criminal investigation: 6/03(5), 9/03(29)

Intra-agency: 1/08(34), 3/11(5), 5/11(44); 1/13(29)

NSA: 6/03(55); 1/13(29); 05/13(30)

Privacy: 1/06 (29); 9/06(38); 1/09(23)

Trade Secrets and Commercial Information (Ex. 4): 3/10(31); 3/11(5)

FBI Records: 9/06(38); 2/12(44)

FEMA Materials: 4/06(43); 6/07(39), 8/07(21)

General Accounting Office Survey: 9/03(28)

Guantanamo Bay: 10/06(55); 12/06(31)

Open Government Act of 2004: 6/06(43)

Open Government Act of 2007: 1/08(38)

Open Government Legislation: 7/07(45)

Presidential Communications Privilege: 4/03(49)

Sentencing Materials: 3/07(45)

State statutes: 4/03(55); 2/08(32)

Functional Equivalence Test: 10/02(49)

Government Officials: 1/05(31); 2/05(43); 7/11(31)l

Publishing Home Addresses of: 10/07(6)

Physical Safety Exception: 7/11(31)

Government Employees: 11/03(45), 9/05(28), 9/07(31), 2/11(29); 5/11(46), 1/12(37)

Internal Investigation: 10/13(27)

Grand Jury Proceedings: 3/98 (24), 4/98 (26), 5/98 (27), 6/98(24), 7/98(33), 8/98(17), 10/98(36), 8/99 (3), 1/00(39), 8/01(7), 4/03(54), 8/03(49), 11/05(11)

Guardianship Records / Proccedings: 9/06(39)

Habeas proceeding records: 6/09(26)

Height & Weight of Detainees: 12/06(31)

HIPAA, Effects of: 2/04(49), 3/06(33), 4/07(35)

Hostage situations: 12/98(16)

Impeachment proceedings: 2/99(17)

Immigration Proceedings: 4/02(31), 6/02(60), 7/02(36), 9/02(3), 10/02(11), 11/02(41), 12/02(37), 2/03(11), 2/03(43), 2/03(45), 3/03(9), 6/03(47), 9/03(35)

New DOJ regulations: 6/02(60)

In camera review: 5/07(45)

Informants, confidential: 2/14(26)

Interview Outtakes: 4/07(44)

Investigations: 6/03(5), 6/03(56), 11/03(42), 11/08(36), 11/12(23), 12/13(19), 2/14(26)

Judicial Records: 1/96 (5,7), 1/97 (15), 7/97 (25),7/98(34), 10/98(41,43), 5/99(23), 11/99(17), 3/00(33),11/00(27), 6/02(60), 8/02(3), 12/02(38), 2/03(35), 2/03(37), 3/03(47), 4/03(63), 3/04(33); 9/04(44), (45); 1/05(9)

Opinions: 1/03(46), 9/03(19), 11/05(11)

Judicial Proceedings: 10/98(43), 9/02(41), 11/02(41), 4/03(51, 65), 5/03(39), 5/03(43), 5/03(44), 9/03(17); 1/13(27), 7/13(41)


Courthouse, entering or leaving: 6/06(38)

Deliberations: 10/96(20), 3/03(34)

Juror Interviews: 11/97 (23), 3/98 (21, 22), 11/01(19), 5/02(27), 6/02(51), 8/02(47), 3/03(35); 2/10(33)

Juror names: 6/99(19), 6/01(40), 11/01(19), 5/02(27), 6/02(51), 8/02(47), 1/03(35); 4/05(37); 4/07(41); 5/07(47); 6/07(35); 8/08(38); 07/10(33)

Juror Questionnaires: 3/07(43), 8/08(41), 1/12(31)

and social media: 9/11(45), 7/13(41)

United Kingdom: 12/13(23)

View of crime scene: 5/06(43)

Voir dire: 1/03(35), 2/04(45), 9/04(29), 1/10(8), 1/13(27)

Juvenile proceedings/records:  7/06(15), 1/12(38), 8/13(53)

Labor strategies: 2/05(47)

Law Enforcement Information: 1/03(45), 6/03(5, 49)

Data and incident tracking information: 2/14(26)

Police Personnel and Information: 4/98(10), 10/98(36), 6/03(49), 10/13(27)

Leaks: 11/02(41), 12/02(35), 6/03(57), 8/03(41), 8/03(45)

Legal Bills: 12/03(51)

Level 1, 2, 3 Cases (Connecticut): 5/03(41)

Mayor: 3/04(31), 12/11(34)

Medical records: 6/03(51), 06/13(36)

Meetings: 3/05(42)

Open Meeting Laws: 4/03(55); 11/04(57); 3/05(42); 9/09(31)

Military, In times of war: 10/01(53), 11/01(45), 1/02(37), 2/02(39), 3/02(41), 9/02(37), 10/02(55), 12/02(35), 2/03(41)

1992 Principles for Military Access: 10/01(53, 60), 10/05(53)

Embedding of media: 2/03(42), 4/03(65), 5/03(34), 6/03(59), 7/03(32), 9/03(35)

Military secrets/national security privilege: 3/03(44), 7/03(26)

Military Proceedings: 4/02(61), 5/03(59); 3/05(41); 4/12(11)

Motion Papers: 3/00(31), 10/02(53)

Motor Vehicle Registrations: 1/00(47)

Mug Shots: 9/05(23); 9/05(24); 2/12(41)

Names of Detainees: 4/02(61), 11/02(35)

National Security: 12/06(31); 1/09(24); 5/12(34); 03/13(36)

Oral arguments: 3/03(46), 4/03(51, 65), 5/03(39)

Out-of-State Citizens:  8/06(41); 9/12(23)

Peer Review: 6/00(11)

Personnel records: 6/03(49), 7/03(35), 9/05(28), 10/11(34)

Photographs: 12/06(31)

Plea agreements: 12/02(38)

Police disciplinary files: 4/08(49)

Police gun purchase records: 07/10(37)

Police Officer personnel photographs: 8/05 (30)

Preliminary Hearing: 10/03(29)

Pretrial Hearing: 9/03(17), 9/03(23), 11/05(45)

Press Room: 8/02(53)

Press Passes: 4/10(36)

Prisons, prisoners: 5/03(48), 6/03(5), 7/03 (32); 8/05 (32); 1/08(18)

Psychiatric Records: 10/98(41)

Public Records Laws: 2/00(31), 6/00(33), 9/01(31); 12/01(7); 7/02(29), 9/02(40), 9/02(41); 10/02(49), 11/02(39), 2/03(35), 2/03(45), 3/03(48), 4/03(55), 6/03(47), 11/03(45), 12/03(48), 1/04(35), 9/05(23), 9/05(24), 9/05(27), 9/05(28), 10/05(48), 11/05(41), 6/07(37); 11/07(23); 1/08(36), 2/08(32); 6/08(37), 7/08(34); 8/08(44), 12/08(35), 2/09(32), 6/10(37); 6/10(38), 7/10(37), 10/10(32), 10/10(35), 1/11(34), 2/11(32), 6/11(30), 7/11(31), 12/11(32), 12/11(34), 1/12(34), 7/12(39); 9/12(21)

Alaska: 11/10(21)

Arizona: 5/07(45), 11/09(29), 6/11(26)

Colorado: 6/11(30)

District of Columbia:

Claiming Deliberate Process Privilege: 11/13(29)

Florida: 6/12(37), 2/14(23)

Kentucky: 10/10(32), 1/12(34)

Illinois: 12/11(17)

Iowa: 7/12(39)

Maine: 7/08(34), 2/11(32)

Maryland: 1/14(42)

Massachusetts: 9/12(21)

New Jersey: 9/02(41), 6/10(38), 7/12(43)

New York: 9/01(41), 12/01(7), 07/10(37), 10/10(35), 1/11(34), 12/11(32), 12/11(34), 2/14(26)

Ohio: 6/07(37), 7/12(42)

Pennsylvania: 11/07(23), 2/08(32), 6/10(37)

Tennessee: 10/02(49)

Texas: 7/11(31), 7/13(27)

Washington: 11/03(45), 1/10(10), 7/10(13), 11/10(23), 7/11(27)

Quarterly Reports: 1/05(37)

Reporter’s Notes: 5/03(54)

Retaliatory Denial of: 6/00(33, 38)

Satellite Photos: 10/01(53)

Sealing of court records: 1/03(31), 5/03(39), 9/03(19), 10/03(35), 12/03(45), 5/06(41), 7/08(17), 5/09(35), 1/11(36), 10/12(39),

Search Warrants: 6/02(59), 3/03(39), 8/03(45), 9/03(20), 9/03(23), 3/04(36); 8/05(31); 12/08(33); 9/12(21)

Settlements: 8/98(19), 7/00(1), 12/00(27), 1/01(19), 2/01(24), 9/01(30), 10/01(39), 2/02(31), 11/02(51); 9/04(39), 4/11(3)

Sex offender database: 6/09(28)

Sexually violent predator act proceedings: 2/08(27)

Show Cause Hearings: 4/07(41)

Speeches/award ceremonies: 3/03(17)

Speed of Access:  1/06 (32)

Sport Events: 4/00(35)

State property: 1/12(41)

State rules: 3/03(43)

State Bar Records: 6/11(28)

Student publications: 12/06(33)

Sunshine in the Courtroom Act of 2007: 10/07(46)

Surveillance Tapes: 8/01(11), 7/06(17)

Tapes of reporters’ conversations: 5/03(61)

Teacher’s performance reviews and standardized testing: 11/13(25)

Telephone records: 4/99(39), 5/03(45)

Terrorist Victims’ Courtroom Access Act: 1/02(4)

Toxic Release Inventory: 10/05(55)

Trade Secrets: 2/06(32)

Troops: 11/01(45), 1/02(37)

University Board of Regents Meetings: 11/03(47)

University Presidential Candidates: 8/04(48)

Unsealing of court records: 10/03(35)

Warrants (arrest, search): 9/03(20), 10/03(29), 04/13(37)

Washington State Public Disclosure Act: 10/05(48); 1/10(10)

White House logs: 12/07(31)

Witnesses: 8/03(44), 6/14(23)

Written Questions Only: 12/03(42)

Actual Malice: See Libel, defenses/privileges

Application to Breach of Contract Claim, 4/99(7), 10/00(25), 8/07(11)

Administrative Procedure Act: 4/03(63)c

Adult Content Producers: 2/06(43)

Advertising/Commercial Speech: 10/94(5), 6/95(5), 2/96(5), 5/96(1), 3/97(9), 12/97(11), 3/98(8), 7/98(38), 1/99(28), 6/99(21), 8/99 (27), 11/99(7), 2/00(22), 11/00(7), 5/01(13), 6/01(19), 7/01(11), 10/01(35), 12/01(15), 7/02(9), 10/02(29), 11/02(23), 11/02(25), 2/03(47), 4/03(10), 4/03(47), 4/03(48), 6/03(61), 6/03(79), 7/03(7), 7/03(53), 8/03(13), 9/03(5), 12/03(35), 3/04(45, 47), 9/05(32), 9/05(47), 11/05(13), 1/06(39), 3/06(12), 3/08(29), 12/09(10), 2/10(3), 1/11(29), 12/11(19), 04/13(43)

Ad-Skipping Technologies: 8/13(51)

Alcohol Advertisements and Student Newspapers: 9/13(37)

Attorney Advertising: 7/95(1), 6/03(79), 11/05(13), 1/06 (53), 3/06(12), 1/09(32), 9/09(41), 3/10(23), 04/13(43), 3/14(33)

New York: 7/07(43)

Virginia: 04/13(43)

Book Covers: 4/07(26)

Brothels (Legal Brothels in Nevada): 9/07(40); 3/10(23)

Campaign Advertising: 7/07(3), 1/10(3)

Compelled Funding of Commercial Speech: 7/97(6), 2/01(27), 7/01(14)

Consumer Fraud: 2/00(5), 6/00(25), 4/03(48), 6/03(61)

Consumer protection laws: 1/06(53)

Grounds for suit over movie ad: 11/13(17)

Likelihood of confusion: 11/13(20)

Consumer reports: 6/03(15)

Consumer survey: 8/03(62)

Corporation Responding to Criticism: 5/02(3)

Directories: 7/11(32); 10/12(37)

Drugs, Prescription: 7/07(45); 12/10(23), 6/11(6)

Endorsements and testimonials: 12/09(10)

Entertainment’s Marketing of Violence to Children, FTC Report on: 5/01(19)

False Advertising: 10/02(29), 2/03(47), 4/03(47), 7/03(7), 9/03(5), 3/04(16, 45), 1/06 (39), 8/07(23), 2/08(12), 9/13(14), 11/13(17)

Media liability:  1/06(39)

First Amendment Protections: 6/00(25, 27), 2/14(8)

Gambling Ads: 6/05 (73), 3/06(48)

Internet / Website Advertising: 4/07(7); 04/13(43)

“Inextricably intertwined” commercial/noncommercial speech: 2/14(8)

Keyword Advertising: 4/09(3)

France: 6/08(33); 4/10(48)

Media Marketing Accountability Act, Proposed: 5/01(17)

Movie Marketing: 3/04(45)

Non-commercial, ruled to be: 12/06(23); 6/08(25); 5/12(11); 02/13(12)

Online Ad Networks: 11/13(6)

Political advertising: 2/03(15), 8/07(17); 8/09(12)

Practical Matters of Provocative Promotional Announcements: 6/02(15)

Programmatic Buying: 11/13(6)

Public Broadcasting: 12/13(30)

“Son of Sam” Laws:

California: 9/99(7), 2/02(49)

Massachusetts: 3/02(3)

New York: 5/98(27); 7/01(54)

Texas: 7/01(54)

Telemarketing: 6/03(61), 6/03(63)

Tobacco Warnings: 12/11(19)

Weight Loss Advertising: 2/03(47); 12/11(24)

Agricultural Disparagement: 10/96(24); 9/98(28), 3/99(9); 03/13(22)

Alabama (Food Disparagement): 2/95(7), 3/95(6), 5/95(10)

California: 5/07(25)

Food Disparagement: 3/95(5), 6/95(1), 9/97(12)

Florida (Food Disparagement): 6/94(4)

France: 8/01(43)

Georgia (Food Disparagement): 2/95(7)

Idaho (Food Disparagement): 2/95(7)

Louisiana (Food Disparagement): 2/95(7)

Massachusetts (Food Disparagement): 4/97(6)

Minnesota (Food Disparagement): 2/95(7)

Mississippi (Food Disparagement): 2/95(7)

Missouri (Food Disparagement): 2/95(7)

Nebraska (Food Disparagement): 4/97(6)

North Dakota (Food Disparagement): 4/97(6)

Ohio (Food Disparagement): 2/96(1); 7/97(20)

Oklahoma (Food Disparagement): 6/95(1)

Pennsylvania (Food Disparagement): 2/96(7)

Perishable Products Disparagement Laws: 4/94(3), 6/94(4), 3/95(5), 5/95(10), 6/95(1, 13), 11/95(12), 2/96(1), 4/96(15), 6/96(7), 4/97(6), 1/98(1), 2/98(1), 3/98(1), 4/98(4), 5/98(11), 7/98(7)

South Carolina (Food Disparagement): 2/95(7)

South Dakota (Food Disparagement): 4/94(2); 2/95(7)

Texas (Food Disparagement): 2/95 (7), 1/98 (1), 2/98 (1), 3/98 (1), 12/98(22), 5/99(30)

Washington (Food Disparagement): 2/95(7)

Wyoming (Food Disparagement): 4/97(6)

American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC):

See United States v. Rosen and Weissman (E.D. Va.)

Alternative Dispute Resolution: 8/95(5), 10/96(1)

American Law Institute:            

International Jurisdiction and Judgments Project: 11/02(9), 1/03(5), 11/04(47), 6/05(57)

See also Restatements

Anonymous Speech: 10/05(13), 1/06(06), 8/09(15), 8/09(17), 9/09(20), 4/10(12), 7/10(13), 11/11(16), 09/12(10), 12/12(27), 02/13(17), 10/13(13), 1/14(16), 3/14(32)

Anticybersquatting Statute: 3/00(15), 1/11(33)

Antiprofanity Statutes: 3/00(32)

Anti-SLAPP Statutes: 7/94(3), 9/94(3), 5/95(5), 8/95(3), 6/96(9), 9/96(9), 11/96(4), 2/97(11), 3/97(7), 4/97(29), 8/97(15), 10/97(18), 12/97(8), 5/98(9), 9/98(10), 10/98(26), 11/98(14), 12/98(25), 2/99(9), 3/99(13), 4/99(13), (14), 7/99(7), 9/99 (23), 10/99(42), 3/00(12), 10/00(5), 11/00(15), 12/00(9), 1/01(17), 3/01(11)(13), 6/01(27), 7/01(39), 8/01(10, 31) 9/01(25), 10/01(26), 11/01(34), 2/02(25), 9/02(31), 10/02(41), 11/02(33), 2/03(19), 4/03(47), 6/03(14), 6/03(25), 7/03(20), 7/03(25), 8/03(35, 37), 11/03(27), 12/03(30), 2/04(9), 3/04(7, 11); 9/04(14); 10/04(25, 26); 11/04 (26); 1/05(23, 25); 2/05(31); 4/05(18),  10/05(40), 11/05(34), 12/05(17), 5/06(29), 6/06(17), 6/06(22), 8/06(21); 2/07(11); 3/07(9); 7/07(23); 12/07(11); 12/07(13); 2/08(17); 6/08(8); 9/11(14); 9/11(16); 9/11(17); 12/11(14); 1/12(16); 1/12(17); 5/12(18); 5/12(26); 10/12(8); 10/12(12); 01/13(25); 01/13(26); 02/13(13); 04/13(16); 05/13(19); 06/13(22)

Arizona: 5/06(30)

California:  7/94(3), 9/94(3), 8/95(3), 6/96(9), 9/96(9), 11/96(4), 3/97(7), 4/97(29), 8/97(15), 9/98(10), 10/98(26), 12/98(25), 2/99(9), 3/99(13), 4/99(13, 14), 7/9 (7), 10/99 (42), 10/00(5), 11/00(15), 9/01(25), 11/01(34), 1/02(23),  8/02(27), 9/02(31), 4/03(47), 6/03(25), 7/03(20), 7/03(25), 8/03(35, 37), 11/03(27), 3/04(45), 1/05(25), 3/05(15, 29), 10/06(39), 2/07(11), 3/07(9), 7/07(23), 12/07(11), 12/07(13), 2/08(17), 3/08(27), 3/08(28), 6/08(8), 6/08(18), 8/08(20), 12/08(15), 5/09(20), 5/09(22), 6/09(12), 8/09(33),9/09(10), 10/09(24), 12/09(18), 1/10(24), 2/10(3), 3/10(15), 4/10(17), 10/10(27), 10/10(28), 1/11(24), 2/11(11), 4/11(16), 3/12(7), 3/12(8), 4/12(19), 4/12(24), 6/12(8), 8/12(18), 04/13(16), 06/13(22), 9/13(14), 1/14(29), 2/14(3), 2/14(12), 2/14(14)

Applicability in federal court: 12/13(14)

Delaware: 9/94(3)

District of Columbia: 12/11(14), 3/12(8), 6/12(4), 06/13(30), 7/13(14), 10/13(16), 2/14(21)

Applicability in federal court: 12/13(15)

Florida: 4/01(22)

Georgia: 12/03(30); 1/05(23); 10/05(40); 12/06(11); 5/08(22); 10/09(36)

Illinois: 9/07(23); 10/07(14); 08/10(29); 10/10(13); 1/11(22); 9/11(17); 1/12(16); 10/12(8)

Indiana: 6/01(27); 5/06(29)

Louisiana: 2/02(55); 11/02(33); 6/03(14); 2/04(11); 4/09(15); 3/10(15); 1/12(17); 10/12(12)

Maine: 9/99(23); 4/08(34); 12/10(31); 5/12(18)

Massachusetts: 5/95(9); 6/96(9); 8/01(31); 2/03(19); 5/09(24); 2/10(12)

Minnesota: 9/94(3); 5/98(9)

Nevada: 9/94(4); 3/12(7), 06/13(32), 10/13(5)

New Jersey: 5/09(27)

New York: 9/94(3); 2/97(11); 10/97(18); 11/98(14); 3/04(7); 10/06(36); 9/07(24); 9/09(18); 1/11(18); 6/12(11)

Oregon: 3/04(9); 4/09(16)

Pennsylvania: 4/01(22)

Rhode Island: 9/94(3), 12/97(8)

Texas: 7/11(18), 01/13(25), 03/13(31), 05/13(19), 7/13(28), 3/14(33)

Utah: 4/01(22), 6/09(6)

Vermont: 02/13/(13)

Washington: 9/94(3), 11/10(16), 4/12(18)

Anti-terrorism bill: 10/01(53)

Antitrust: 10/99(31), 11/99(39), 1/01(35), 1/03(7), 9/04(16)

April Fools: 6/03(40)

Asylum: 4/03(72)

Attorney-Client Privilege: 9/05(19), 4/10(55), 08/10(41), 11/13(13), 3/14(44)

Attorney Discipline: 12/04(59), 9/07(41)

Bankruptcy: 12/04(34), 9/06(37)

Blair, Jayson: 6/03(7), 6/03(39)

Bloggers: See Cyberspace

Book Author:

Defamation: 4/07(23)

Shield laws: 3/07(13)

Book Reviews: 4/94 (1), 9/94(1),12/94(1), 3/95(13), 9/96(5), 2/98 (21), 8/00(33), 4/02(56), 5/03(61)

Breach of Contract: 5/99(1)(3), 2/03(11), 6/03(25); 1/08(21); 10/09(31); 4/12(22); 5/12(27); 8/12(14)

Application of actual malice standard to, 4/99(7), 10/00(25), 8/07(11)


Family Friendly Programming: 7/07(45)

Hopper Digital Recording Device: 8/13(51)

Non-Compete Clauses: 7/02(16), 9/08(33)

Violence on Television: 5/07(51)


Broadcast Standards Commission (UK): 5/00(48)

False Light Claims: 9/06(9)

Indecency: 9/04(28), 12/04(49), 1/05(51), 3/06(45), 7/06(33), 1/08(37), 2/08(36), 12/11(26), 12/11(28), 1/12(4)

Intimidation of: 9/05(47)

License Renewal: 1/05(51)

Loss of license: 8/04(57)

Public broadcasters and commercial advertisements: 12/13(30)

Regulations (2004): 12/04(49)

Voluntary Limits on Terrorist Videotapes: 10/01(53)

Business Disparagement: 1/04(3); 12/06(22)

Business of Law:

Outside counsel: 12/13(37)

Business Publications: 7/07(21)



Cable Access: 11/96(21), 6/97(19), 7/97(28)

Cable Act of 1984: 7/96(11)

Cable Act of 1992: 7/96(1)

Editorial Rights: 7/00(21)

Indecency: 7/96(1), 7/99(35), 6/00(43), 5/01(21)

Campaign Finance:  9/05(49), 10/05(15), 7/07(3), 10/07(42), 6/09(32), 1/10(3)

Reality TV show as campaign donation: 1/14(20)

Canada: 6/09(20); 03/13(38)

Canfield, Peter: 12/07(3)

Cartoons: 8/03(43); 9/09(10)

Defamation claims: 5/07(21)


Library Books: 10/00(35), 2/03(38)

Newspapers: 2/03(5)

Citation of Unpublished Decisions: 4/06(53)

Civil Rights: 10/99(44), 10/02(19), 11/05(44), 3/08(26), 4/08(20)

Florida: 1/95(1), 10/01(27)

Georgia: 1/95(2)

New York: 12/94(14), 10/96(24)


Ethical considerations: 8/02(59)

Collateral Estoppel: 10/96(14), 4/97(26), 11/98(10)

Commercial Speech, see Advertising

Commercial Confidence (breach of): 4/03(37)

Commercial Disparagement: 9/06(15)

Commodity Exchange Act: 8/99 (29)

Computer Code as Speech: 12/01(53), 1/02(40)

Computer Fraud and Abuse Act: 2/06(38), 5/08(13), 4/12(37)

Conflict of Interest: 11/96(11)

Confidential Conversations

Secret recording of: 4/02(21)

Confidential Records: 9/06(27)

Confidential Sources:

See also Reporters Privilege

Disclosure by Attorney: 9/05(19)

Disclosure in Court, Journalist’s Liability: 4/06(37), 6/10(3)

Fifth Amendment Privilege against revealing: 2/10(30)

Government subpoenas/searches of communications: 3/14(44)

Public Perception: 10/04(32)

Congress: 5/09(7); 8/11(36)

Contests: 4/08(10)

Contingency Fees:

United Kingdom: 12/98(29), 11/05(39); 1/11(37)


Breach of:  2/06(21); 10/07(32); 3/08(28), 11/13(18)

Forum selection clause: 2/08(11), 12/12(19), 9/13(35)

Unilateral contract

Made-on-TV contract: 3/14(42)

Copyright: 4/94(1), 3/95(7), 9/95(1), 10/95(5), 2/96(2), 9/96(3), 1/97(1, 16), 2/97(1), 2/99(25)(27), 6/99(39), 5/00(43), 7/00(36), 3/01(25), 6/01(17, 18), 9/01(30), 10/01(7), 4/02(4), 7/02(47), 9/02(45), 10/02(30), 12/02(41), 1/03(10), 1/03(13), 3/03(6), 4/03(41), 4/03(46), 7/03(22), 7/03(41), 7/03(55), 8/03(53), 9/03(7), 10/03(67), 10/03(75), 11/03(53), 1/04(25), 8/04(63, 69); 11/04 (41), 9/05(46), 12/05(41), 1/06(37), 8/06(25), 10/06(53), 3/08(32), 7/08(27), 8/08(33), 11/08(30), 1/09(20),,8/09(28), 9/09(15), 1/11(8), 8/11(19), 9/11(37), 9/11(39), 10/11(26), 10/11(32), 11/11(29), 1/12(39), 3/12(18), 3/12(25), 4/12(4), 4/12(8), 6/12(15), 6/12(20), 6/12(23), 8/12(27), 9/12(34), 11/12(43), 01/13(05), 01/13(09), 03/13(11), 03/13(15), 03/13(17),04/13(3), 04/13(7), 04/13(9), 05/13(32), 05/13(37), 06/13(40), 11/13(23)

Access and Probative Similiarity: 9/13(32)

Ad-Skipping Technologies: 8/13(51)

Aereo: 9/13(27)

Aggregation: 4/09(39); 6/09(30)

Attorney Fees: 4/07(37), 8/09(26), 7/12(32)

Books: 12/09(36), 12/10(27), 3/11(24), 4/11(3), 5/12(9), 6/12(23)

CD-ROM: 12/03(7), 3/05(35), 6/07(31), 7/08(27)

Compilation: 4/03(41), 6/07(31), 11/07(18)

Contract: 7/00(35), 12/02(41), 11/03(31), 9/07(35)

Contributory Infringement: 8/13(51)

Copyright Reform Act: 4/94(1, appendix), 7/95(1)

Copyright Restoration Act: see Uruguay Round Agreement Act

Copyright Term Extension Act: 1/03(13); 9/07(33)


Actual: 10/03(75)

Profit: 10/03(75)

Statutory: 7/07(37), 10/11(26)

De Minimis Use: 1/04(25), 7/08(29), 8/13(48)

Direct Infringement: 8/13(51)

Digital Millennium Copyright Act: 12/01(53), 1/02(40), 5/02(24), 2/04(31), 12/04(42), 1/05(43, 47), 4/10(29), 1/12(39), 4/12(4), 01/13(05), 03/13(15), 05/13(39), 7/13(30), 7/13(33), 11/13(23), 12/13(9)

DVR: 8/08(35)

Ebooks: 8/01(37), 7/13(33), 12/13(12)

Electronic Archives: 4/01(43), 7/01(7)(9), 10/01(33), 3/03(6), 12/13(12)

Equitable Estoppel: 6/05 (71)

Exclusive Right: 11/03(31); 9/11(27)

Fair Use: 12/96(13), 5/97(15), 10/97(27), 5/99(35), 11/99(25), 1/00(30), 2/00(41), 11/00(28), 12/00(23), 1/01(31), 3/01(25), 5/01(9), 9/01(30), 10/01(7), 11/01(3), 3/02(23), 6/02(42), 10/02(47), 4/03(43), 4/03(46), 9/03(46), 11/03(51), 12/03(37), 12/05(41), 1/06 (35), 8/06(31), 2/08(31), 7/08(29), 1/09(21), 7/09(3), 8/09(30), 3/10(28), 1/11(8), 8/11(19), 5/12(5), 6/12(15), 8/12(29), 03/13(11), 04/13(12), 05/13(32)

Digital databases: 5/09(41), 6/09(33), 12/13(12)

Fleeting factual uses of works: 1/14(40)

Newsworth disclosures: 3/14(8)

Parody: 4/03(46); 6/07(19), 8/11(19), 6/12(15), 9/13(30)

Transformative: 6/07(19), 6/08(35), 8/09(33), 9/09(10), 7/10(10), 5/12(5), 8/13(44), 8/13(48), 9/13(30), 12/13(12)

Family Entertainment and Copyright Act: 5/05(53)

Fantasy Sports:  8/06(33)

File sharing: 12/04(41), 6/05 (7), 12/05(41)

FilmOnX: 9/13(27)

Filtering Requirements under Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA): 6/02(49)

First Sale Doctrine: 08/10(7), 4/12(8), 04/13(3), 7/13(33)

Hot News Misappropriation: 2/09(29), 3/10(3); 08/10(18); 12/10(14); 7/11(3)


Australia: 11/10(31)

Canada: 2/14(29)

Europe: 2/14(29), 5/14(5)

India: 8/03(53)

France: 9/09(36), 1/10(43)

U.K.: 1/10(44), 04/13(45)

News Aggregation: 8/11(30), 04/13(45)

Internet: 11/95(8), 12/95(1), 6/97(18), 1/99(31), 7/99(31), 10/99(47), 11/99(25), 4/00(18), 10/00(37), 11/00(24), 3/02(23), 2/03(23), 7/03(55), 9/03(7), 9/03(41), 9/03(46), 10/03(67), 3/06(51), 4/07(37), 5/07(30), 1/09(18), 11/11(29), 4/12(4), 8/12(31), 9/12(34), 01/13(05), 06/13(40)

Hyperlinks: 2/14(29)

Websites:  1/06(37), 4/07(37), 7/07(40), 12/10(10), 12/10(14), 1/11(9)

YouTube video: 3/14(6)

Joint work:

Actor in film: 3/14(6)

Joint Author: 12/07(39)

Laches: 1/14(37)

Legal fees: 4/03(43), 1/11(39)


Fees: 4/03(43), 9/11(42), 7/13(33)

Standing: 2/14(36)


Actor’s copyright interest in contribution to joint work: 3/14(6)

Editing movies for offensive content:  8/06(29)

Ideas/Screenplays: 3/08(34), 2/09(30), 5/09(43), 7/09(37), 2/12(45), 3/12(25), 1/14(37)

Overseas infringement: 9/03(41)

P2P Service: 7/03(55), 12/04(41), 6/05(7), 04/13(09)


Archives: 11/04(41)

images taken from Twitter: 12/13(9)

reprinted in newspaper:  8/06(25), 7/07(37), 8/12(27)

reused in broadcast: 7/07(39)

reprinted online: 2/08(29), 11/09(31), 1/11(9), 4/11(12), 6/11(8), 01/13(5)

reused in artwork: 4/11(8), 01/13(09), 05/13(32), 8/13(44)

reused in satirical T-shirt: 9/13(30)

stock photography and textbooks: 2/14(35)

Public Domain: 7/98(41), 11/99(23), 6/03(71), 3/12(18)

Public Records: 8/00(31), 9/01(41), 4/02(47)

Registration Requirement (Section 411): 10/09(12), 3/10(25)

RIAA: 9/03(7)

Sampling: 6/05 (67)

Search engines: 3/06(51), 7/07(40), 10/10(30)

Search Warrants (for e-mails and IP addresses): 6/02(47)

Songs: 12/10(22)

Sonny Bono Act: 12/98(27), 1/99(32), 1/03(13)

Statute of Limitations: 1/14(37), 2/14(35)

Striking Similarity: 9/13(32)

Substantial Similarity: 1/03(10), 2/03(31); 8/05 (20, 23) 9/05 (46); 9/07(37); 9/09(38); 11/10(25); 9/11(39), 10/11(32), 03/13(17), 9/13(32)

Television show idea: 7/08(28), 12/10(15), 5/11(7)

Termination of rights: 4/08(47)

Time-shifting: 8/13(51)

Thumbnail images: 3/06(51); 5/07(30); 7/11(16)

Unregistered: 12/07(25)

Uruguay Round Agreement Act: 9/07(33), 3/11(9)

Credit Ratings: 9/09(29), 7/13(39)

Crime Victim Information Cards: 4/00(12)

Criminal Libel: see Libel

Criminal Trials: 3/02(29), 11/02(12), 10/13(35)

Pre-Trial Publicity in Criminal Cases: 3/06(39), 7/10(15)

Critical Infrastructure: 12/01(42)

Cyberspace: 5/94(appendix), 6/94(4), 7/94(3), 9/94(4), 11/94(1), 3/95(1, 7), 5/95(12), 6/95(1), 7/95(1), 11/95(8), 6/96(1), 3/97(2), 5/97(3), 7/98(25), 2/01(22), 12/02(5), 3/03(28), 7/03(51), 7/03(57), 8/03(19), 8/03(42), 9/03(45), 12/03(23), 8/11(32), 10/11(22), 2/12(20)

Advertising (Pop Up Ads): 7/05 (53), 12/05(41)

Attorney Advertising: 7/07(43)

Sponsored Links: 4/07(7)

Anonymous postings: 3/99(14), 5/00(26), 7/00(13), 8/00(12), 9/00(5), 10/00(6), 11/00(21), 12/00(19), 12/00(20, 21), 2/01(19), 3/01(11), 8/01(35), 2/02(34), 11/02(47), 12/03(23), 1/05(49),  10/05(13), 1/06 (15), 1/06(51), 9/06(29), 9/06(30), 12/06(38), 11/07(15), 12/07(22), 12/07(24), 2/08(15), 5/08(33), 6/08(16), 7/08(19), 12/08(6), 12/08(8), 12/08(9), 4/09(27), 5/09(33), 8/09(14), 8/09(17), 9/09(20), 4/10(12), 1/11(29), 2/11(15), 11/11(16), 1/12(25), 3/12(12), 03/13(43), 04/13(23), 10/13(13), 1/14(19), 1/14(34)

Prosecutors posts grounds for new trial: 10/13(35)

Annoying communications: 1/06(51)

Anti-Stalking Laws:

Illinois’s Harassing and Obscene Communications Act: 8/02(20)

Violence Against Women Act:  1/06 (51)

Banner Advertisements: 1/04(17)

Bloggers: 10/05(13), 12/06(35), 3/07(17), 10/07(26), 11/07(15), 12/07(24), 2/08(34), 2/09(39), 8/09(18), 8/09(33), 09/9(25), 9/09(41), 11/09(23), 1/10(32), 2/11(17), 1/12(27), 1/12(29), 7/13(3), 1/14(13), 2/14(22)

Case Files, Remote Electronic Access: 9/01(32), 11/03(35)

Chat rooms: 6/03(67)

Child Online Protection Act (COPA): 3/99(37), 7/00(17), 4/03(6); 4/07(49)

Children’s Do Not E-Mail Registries: 9/05(32)

Copyright: 11/95(8), 12/95(1), 12/96(13), 8/97(27), 6/9(25), 8/99(31), 1/00(30), 9/00(43), 10/00(17, 37), 11/00(23, 24, 31), 12/02(41), 2/03(23), 9/03(41), 1/05(43, 47), 4/05(43), 3/06(51), 4/07(37), 7/07(28), 7/07(40), 8/09(33), 7/13(30), 2/14(29), 3/14(6)

Streaming Broadcast Television Programs: 9/13(27)

Cyberbullying: 5/08(13)

Cybersquatting: 5/00(45), 4/05(41), 9/05(30), 5/14(14)

Digital goods: 7/13(33)

Digital security/encryption: 3/14(45)

Discovery: 1/06(15)


Do Not E-Mail Registries:  9/05(32)

Employee Usage, Monitoring of: 9/01(31), 6/10(23)

Junk E-Mail (“spam”):  3/97(3), 12/98(26), 6/03(70), 10/03(73)

Mass, Enjoining as Trespass to Chattels: See Cyberspace, Injunctions, Mass E-Mails, as Trespass to Chattels

Service of process by: 11/05(28)


European E-Commerce Directive: 7/03(57)

European Privacy Directive: 10/03(73)

Forum Shopping: 11/11(43)

Liability for User-Generated Content: 10/13(18), 1/14(34)

Personality Rights: 11/11(41)

Expungement of Criminal Records and Online Arrest Reports: 9/13(23) 

Facebook ‘Like’ as Protected Speech: 9/13(38)

Filtering: 11/98(26)

Gambling: 4/08(10)

Gambling advertising: 3/06(48)

Hate Speech: 3/03(28), 6/03(67)

Indecency: 3/96(19), 6/96(1), 7/97(1, 4), 3/98(33), 1/01(25)

Impersonation: 5/14(10)

Injunctions: 7/03(55), 11/10(14), 1/14(25), 3/14(6)

Mass E-Mails, as Trespass to Chattels: 1/02(20), 4/02(55), 7/03(46)

Posting of Messages: 1/02(13), 4/02(16), 5/03(20), 11/03(17), 11/03(26), 7/07(28), 11/09(23), 7/10(24), 1/11(31)

Posting Trade Secrets: 9/03(38)

Invasion of privacy: 11/95 (8), 1/01(25), 12/01(7), 6/03(49); 12/06(9); 5/10(9); 11/10(42); 12/10(32)

Judgment Bar: 8/04(6)

Jurisdiction: 10/96(5), 2/97(17), 3/9 (3), 4/97 (19), 5/97(17), 9/97(16), 10/97(5), 11/97(17,18), 12/97(16), 1/98(18), 4/99(21), 6/99(29), 7/99(24), 8/99 (15), 10/99(37), 2/00(17), 4/00(13), 4/00(15), 5/00(27), 9/00(3), 10/00(17), 12/00(31), 2/01(6), 4/01(21), 7/01(39, 47), 9/01(7, 11), 12/01(3), 4/02(9), 6/02(46, 66), 7/02(21), 9/02(7), 10/02(33), 11/02(47), 12/02(5), 1/03(15), 2/03(23), 3/03(26), 3/03(33), 5/03(10), 6/03(19), 7/03(58), 8/03(19), 9/03(42), 9/03(43), 11/03(55), 1/04(23, 26), 2/04(35), 11/04 (44, 45), 9/05(5), 10/05(39), 11/05(29), 1/06 (43), 7/06(27), 6/10(14), 5/14(32)

Defamation Cases: 11/03(55), 9/05(5), 10/05(39), 11/05(29); 4/07(17); 6/07(12), 8/07(19); 4/10(47), 6/10(12), 7/10(24); 1/11(27)

Effects test: 4/00(15), 9/02(7), 10/02(33), 1/03 (15); 11/04 (45)

Intentionals: 8/02(19)

Sliding Scale Analysis: 2/02(23), 5/02(11), 6/02(45), 9/03(42); 11/04 (45)

Survey of: 9/03(43)

Trademark and Unfair Competition cases: 11/03(55), 1/04(23), 7/06(27)

Libel: 5/94 (appendix), 6/94 (4), 11/94 (1), 3/95(1), 5/95(12), 6/95 (1, 18), 11/95 (8), 12/95 (1), 2/96 (3), 9/97(15), 4/97 (1), 5/97 (3), 4/98 (1), 5/98 (12),7/98(25), 9/98(21), 8/99 (9), 5/00(23), 7/00(12), 10/00(5), 11/00(21), 12/00(7, 10), 1/01(25), 2/01(19), 3/01(13), 4/01(21), 9/01(7), 10/01(21), 11/01(12), 12/01(25), 5/02(10), 12/02(5), 12/02(17), 12/02(43), 2/03(15), 2/03(19), 3/03(3), 3/03(26), 5/03(10), 5/03(61), 6/03(11), 6/03(68), 6/03(70), 8/03(22), 8/03(39), 9/05(5), 11/05(27, 29),1/06 (15), 6/06(24), 7/06(11), 3/07(17), 6/07(21), 7/07(28), 12/07(20), 12/10(28), 1/12(27), 9/12(26), 02/13(09), 02/13(17), 7/13(3), 10/13(12), 10/13(14)

Anti-SLAPP: 3/07(19), 6/07(15), 8/09(33), 4/12(18)

Commenters on websites: 10/13(13), 10/13(18)

Constitutional limitations on defamation claims: 1/14(13)

Hyperlinking: 10/13(16)

Publication: 7/01(41), 9/01(11), 12/01(5), 6/03(27), 11/03(17)

Rankings and Ratings Publishers: 9/13(11), 9/13(14), 2/14(37)

Republication: 12/1 1(17), 4/12(16)

Single Publication Rule: 11/99(4), 4/00(19), 6/00(15), 9/00(2), 10/01(31), 11/01(37), 8/02(21), 2/03(21), 4/03(11), 6/03(21), 1/04(9, 11), 2/04(30), 3/06(32), 9/06(25), 12/06(13), 5/07(26), 7/05 (41), 7/06(9), 10/06(28) [Incl. list of cases], 12/06(13), 3/06(32), 3/07(25), 5/07(26), 8/07(20), 11/09(19), 12/09(25), 12/09(26), 6/10(16), 10/10(17), 12/11(17), 2/12(7), 8/12(05), 04/13(26), 2/14(18)

Single Publication Rule versus Multiple Publication Rule: 9/13(23)

Website changes: 5/07(26); 12/09(25) (comprehensive review of cases)

Linking (Regulations Against): 6/97(18), 10/00(5), 4/01(25), 5/02(24)

And copyright: 5/07(30)

As Republication: 5/07(26)

Defamation: 6/10(16)

Hyperlink sufficient for fair report privilege: 10/13(5)

Sponsored Links: 4/07(7)

Trademark: 12/08(21)

Messages, Enjoining the Posting of: see Cyberspace, Injunctions, Posting of Messages

Metatags: 9/99(9)

Monitoring of Employee Usage: 9/01(31)

Music File Sharing: 9/03(7)

Net Neutrality: 7/06(25); 7/07(49)(overview of debate), 1/14(7)

Newspapers on the Web: 1/98(19), 9/00(2), 11/00(23), 12/00(7), 12/02(5), 4/03(11)

Added harm of on-line distribution: 12/01(7)

Online commenters with Facebook plugin: 2/14(12)

Oregon anti-abortion website: 3/99(48), 4/01(39), 6/02(3)

Pop-up Ads: 7/02(51), 8/03(48), 10/03(71), 1/04(21), 7/05 (53), 12/05(41)

Pornography: 6/98(29), 7/98(21), 11/98(24), 3/99(47), 5/00(30), 10/00(22), 1/01(25), 2/01(35), 7/03(51), 9/03(45)

“Virtual” Child Pornography: 4/02(57)

Privacy: 4/08(50), 1/12(8), 1/12(43)

Right to be Forgotten: 5/14(5)

Provider Liability: 4/97(1), 11/97(15), 4/98(1), 6/98(29), 7/98(26), 9/98 (21), 11/98(24), 1/99(33), 3/99(36), 12/99(7), 4/00(17), 5/00(27), 6/00(15), 7/00(16), 2/01(19), 6/03(67), 6/03(68), 7/03(51), 7/03(57), 9/03(45), 11/03(57); 2/05(33, 34), 7/06(11); 5/12(13)

Immunity, under Communications Decency Act / Section 230: 10/00(5), 11/00(19), 2/01(19), 8/01(33), 10/01(21), 11/01(12, 37), 6/02(25), 7/02(23, 49), 6/03(68), 7/03(49), 9/03(37), 10/03(39), 11/03(57), 2/04(34, 35); 8/04(33); 1/05(47); 2/05(33), 11/05(27); 9/06(33); 5/07(27);  5/07(36), 9/07(17); 10/07(27); 11/07(21); 3/08(41); 4/08(3); 5/08(9); 5/08(11); 6/08(3); 6/08(15); 1/09(13); 5/09(9); 7/09(6); 8/09(34); 9/09(20); 11/09(25); 1/10(25), 3/10(18), 10/10(30), 11/10(18), 1/11(28), 1/11(32), 6/11(15), 6/11(20), 9/11(34), 10/11(10), 2/12(27), 5/12(13), 7/12(27), 7/12(29), 8/12(38), 8/12(40); 7/13(3), 7/13(22), 9/13(11), 2/14(12), 5/14(17)

Australia: 8/12(33)

Estonia: 1/14(34)

European Court of Human Rights: 1/14(34)

France: 7/02(53)

Germany: 7/02(52), 7/03(57)

United Kingdom: 4/99(19), 4/00(55), 5/00(16), 12/02(16)

Service of Process (United Kingdom): 5/96 (5)

Radio Royalty Rates: 11/03(53)

Retention of e-mails (by ISP): 2/05(34)

Retraction statutes: 3/07(25)

Revealing software flaws: 11/03(56)

Safe Harbor: 9/08(34), 7/10(7)

School Social Media Policy: 8/13(55)

Search Engines: 5/14(7)

Search Engine Rankings: 3/07(19)

Streaming Rights: 07/10(41)

Subscriber Identities: 7/98(25), 9/98(23), 9/99 (13), 6/00(22)

Terrorism: 8/03(42)

Threats: 4/01(39), 6/02(3), 8/03(42), 8/11(34)

Tort Claims:

Negligence: 2/07(21), 6/11(25)

Trademark: 9/99 (15), 6/03(31), 8/03(19), 1/04(23), 1/05(49), 9/05(30), 4/12(6)

AdWords: 10/11(22), 4/12(6)

Linking / Advertising: 4/07(7)

Twitter: 2/10(26), 1/11(9), 3/11(32), 12/13(9)

Violence: 9/02(5)


Argentina and third-party posted content: 10/13(20)

Attorney Website: 11/13(33)

“Best of” list: 9/03(47)

International Media Law: 8/01(45), 12/02(16), 7/03(61), 9/12(26)

Not covered by newsroom search statute: 12/13(7)

Public Accommodations: 8/11(32), 7/12(30), 2/14(3)

Quebec Language Laws: 9/02(22)

Review and and rankings sites: 2/14(37)

Social Networking: 2/07(21)

Takedown Order: 10/13(24)

Visitor rankings: 12/08(23)

“Vote-swapping”: 8/07(25)

Website operator arrested: 8/02(20), 8/03(42)

Website of the month: 12/03(59) 3/03(17)

Wiretap Act: 2/01(29), 9/01(31), 9/02(29), 10/05(50)

World Summit on the Information Society: 7/03(61)



Compensatory: 8/03(29), 3/14(17)

Reduction of: 10/02(35), 11/07(9)

Presumed: 9/05(7), 5/12(20)

Punitive: 5/03(18), 8/03(29), 10/03(49), 10/03(50), 5/12(16)

Reduction of: 5/99(33), 5/03(11), 10/03(49), 7/11(12)

Review of: 6/01(13), 2/02(5), 10/02(35)

Standard for determining: 11/00(24), 5/03(11), 10/03(39), 1/10(30)

For non-reputational torts: 10/99(1,3), 1/00(13)

Data collection:

Pharmaceutical marketing: 12/08(24)

Data Privacy: 4/00(31), 5/00(41), 7/00(23), 8/00(34)

Sweden: 8/01(44)

Death Penalty:

Motions to compel testimony from reporters regarding: 5/07(44)

Deceptive Trade Practices: 3/97(13), 4/97(5), 2/14(32)

Default Judgment:

Vacated: 4/02(24)

Abuse of discretion: 5/07(20)

Department of Defense

Website Restored: 10/03(12)

Disc jockey: 6/03(40)


Documents Relating to Investigation by Libel Plaintiff: 8/02(23)

Electronic: 10/05(56), 4/06(53)

Disparagement: 2/14(18)

D.C. District Court Privacy Act: 12/13(5)

Docudramas: 3/00(19)

Documentary: 2/07(17)

Prior restraint: 5/07(41)



Political advertisements: 7/03(53), 9/05(15); 10/07(44); 8/09(12)

Campaign Coverage: 8/00(45), 8/01(34); 10/12(40)

Campaign Finance Reform: 1/04(47), 9/05(49), 10/05(15), 7/06(22); 10/07(42)

Endorsement statutes: 11/08(39)

Exit polling: 11/08(34)

FEC records: 7//03(35)

Opinion polls: 7/98(31)

Projections, Erroneous: 4/01(45)

Electronic Communications Privacy Act: 1/97(1), 2/97(1)

Economic Espionage Act: 4/97(2)

Editorial disputes: 5/03(58)

Emotional Distress: 1/97(1), 3/99(19), 3/08(26)

Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress: 2/95(10), 3/96(1), 8/96(10), 1/97(1, 5), 2/97(1), 4/97(15), 5/97(13), 12/97(12), 6/98(16), 7/98(19), 9/00(2), 7/02(15), 9/02(15), 10/02(19), 10/02(31), 2/03(9), 2/03(11), 2/03(12), 3/03(9), 4/03(27), 5/03(21), 5/03(27), 5/03(29), 7/03(13), 8/03(23), 8/03(37), 10/03(37), 10/03(81), 2/05(49), 1/06(5, 9, 20), 2/06(11), 7/06(12), 9/06(23), 2/07(7), 7/07(17), 11/07(8), 4/08(15), 4/08(20), 3/11(15), 7/13(19),  7/13(24), 11/13(14), 2/14(10), 3/14(17), 3/14(20), 3/14(23), 3/14(25)

Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress: 10/95(18), 1/97(5), 2/97(1), 4/97(15), 5/03(29), 7/03(27), 3/06(16), 3/07(3), 7/08(21), 9/13(23), 11/13(13), 3/14(17), 3/14(20), 3/14(23), 3/14(25)


Discrimination: 1/14(29)

Employees v. Independent Contractors legislation: 1/09(30)

Intra-corporate communications: 4/03(35)

Interns: 06/13(33)

Libel: 9/06(34), 4/07(26), 10/07(28), 7/10(22)

Reference Statutes: 1/00(19)

Retaliation: 7/07(23); 7/07(42)

Testers: 12/98(12)

Espionage Act: 3/06(9), 8/06(3); 12/10(8)


ABA Model Rules adaptation in New York: 2/09(52)

Advertising: 1/07(37), 11/07(38), 12/07(49), 10/08(48)

Attorney-Client Privilege: 4/08(52), 5/08(43), 10/09(40), 4/10(55), 12/13(35)

“Civility” Rules: 9/07(41)

Citing adverse authority: 03/13(45)

Chat Rooms: 3/05(55)

Client conflicts: 7/03(65)

Client Perjury: 4/11(48), 1/12(52)

Committee of Concerned Journalists: 11/97 (35)

Communication between inside and outside counsel: 12/06(44)

Compendium of Ethics articles: 7/08(39)

Confidentiality: 9/03(51)

LDRC Ethics Committee Report: 6/02(63)

Conflicts of Interest: 3/06(61); 4/08(52); 6/08(39); 1/09(34)

LDRC Ethics Committee Report: 8/02(59)

Imputed Conflicts: 9/06(41); 10/06(63)

Screening: 10/06(63

Lateral Hiring: 10/06(63)

Waiver Letters: 7/06(35), 07/10(45)

Cooperation with the Media: 6/07(45)

Corporate representation: 4/03(68)

Document Retention (Arthur Andersen): 1/05(55)

Electronic Discovery: 10/04(57), 1/12(52), 06/13(44)

Ethics Corner: 11/02(51), 1/03(51), 2/03(55), 4/03(68), 7/03(65), 8/03(65), 9/03(51), 10/03(83), 11/03(66), 1/04(53), 4/04(57),  5/04(57), 6/04(49), 7/04(70), 10/04 (57), 11/04(61), 3/05(55), 11/07(38), 12/07(49), 2/08(37), 3/08(49), 5/08(43), 6/08(39), 10/09(40), 11/09(38), 1/10(47), 2/10(38), 3/10(48), 4/10(55), 12/10(37), 6/12(39), 1/13(38), 02/13(28), 05/13(51), 8/13(61), 5/14(45)

Ethics Library: 5/06(47), 12/3(32)

Failure to research: 7/03(65)

Federal Rule of Evidence 502: 12/08(42)

Fee awards: 1/03(51)

Future Conflict Waivers:  1/06(55)

Government Investigations and ‘Selective Waiver’ of Privilege: 11/03(66)

Government Lawyers: 11/05(63)

Hiring: 10/06(63), 12/12(38)

Inadvertent Disclosure of Confidential Materials: 4/06(57)

Interviews (LDRC Ethics Committee Report): 7/02(63)

Joint Defense: 9/08(43)

Journalism Guidelines: 9/94(3), 11/94(9), 7/95(11, appendix), 11/95(3), 8/96(15), 10/00(36), 12/09(39)

Judges: 2/07(39), 10/07(12), 12/07(8), 11/09(11)

Legal Commentator Guidelines: 2/98(12)

Libel Conference Footnotes: 10/02(56)

Litigation Privilege / Right to Privacy: 5/07(57)

Metadata: 2/06(47)

Model Rules: 5/09(45), 3/14(47)

Multi-jurisdictional practice: 9/02(47)

Outsourcing: 8/08(46), 12/12(38)

Pre-Publication Review: 8/06(42)

Privacy/Litigation Privilege: 5/07(57)

Professional Detachment: 4/07(53)

Prospective Clients: 3/07(59)

Recusal, Judges: 2/07(40), 3/11(38)

Representing Media Outlets: 3/08(49)

Representing Multiple Clients: 8/04(71), 9/04(54), 3/06(61)

Rule 1.2(b): 4/07(53)

Settlements: 8/07(29)

Society of Professional Journalists: 10/02(14)

Solicitation of non-party employees: 6/09(36)

Standing: 11/08(40)

Stolen Documents: 3/10(48)

Technology: 6/12(39), 8/13(61)

Terrorism: 2/08(37)

Unsolicited E-mail: 12/04(71)

Websites: 12/10(37)

Plaintiffs website/social media campaign: 10/13(24)

Work product doctrine: 12/13(35)

European Union: 7/98(25), 8/04(51), 11/08(26), 12/08(27), 2/09(17), 7/09(27)

Experts: See Witnesses


Failure to prosecute: 3/99(21)

Failure to produce:

Financial Documents: 9/06(27)

Fair Report Privilege: See Libel, privileges/defenses

Fair Trial Concerns: 7/02(44)

False Light: See ‘Privacy, invasion of’


Demand for Press Documents: 10/03(11)

Federal Rules of Civil Procedure:

Rule 12: 12/10(6), 10/13(11)

Rule 26(a) (Discovery Rule), Amendments: 9/96 (13), 10/96 (17), 8/99 (31)

Governing scope of discovery: 9/01(25)

Rule 26(c), Understanding of: 10/03(35)

Rule 26(c), Proposed Amendments: 12/95 (1), 3/96 (1), 4/96 (9), 6/96 (3), 10/96(17)

Rule 60(b), Motion under: 4/99(5)

Federal Rules of Evidence:

Section 405: 7/96(1)

Section 501: 8/13(3)

Federal Communications Commission

Bona Fide News Programs: 10/03(63)

Broadcast Flags: 5/05 (51)

Broadcast licenses: 8/98(21)

Broadcast of taped conversations without consent: 4/02(23)

‘Do Not Call’ List: 10/03(69), 2/04(22), 3/04(43)

Erroneous Election Projections by Broadcasters: 4/01(45)

Fleeting Expletives policy: 6/07(28), 3/08(15), 45/09(3), 7/10(4). 6/12(13)

Fleeting Images policy: 7/08(3), 7/08(4)

“Future of Media” Report (2011): 6/11(10)

Howard Stern: 10/03(63)

Indecency Standards: 2/02(37), 3/03(24), 5/03(55), 2/04(63), 3/04(55), 3/05(49), 3/06(45), 2/08(36), 11/08(6)

Micro-power stations: 4/99(46)

Net neutrality: 1/13(7)

News distortion: 5/03(58)

Notices of Inquiry: 8/04(65)

Personal attack/political editorial rules: 12/98(20), 8/99 (27), 10/00(39)

Violence on Television: 5/07(54)

Federal Emergency Management Agency: 4/06(43)

Hurricane Katrina: 6/07(39)

Federal Trade Commission:

“Do Not Call” Registry: 10/03(69)

Endorsement and testimonial guidelines: 2/09(44)

Journalism Discussion Paper: 07/10(43)

First Amendment:

Alcohol Advertising and Student Newspapers: 9/13(37)

Anonymous Speech: 1/14(16)

Content-Based Taxes: 8/13(41)

Cyberbullying: 8/13(55)

Expungement Statutes: 9/13(23)

Facebook ‘Like’: 9/13(38)

False Statements of Fact: 11/11(24), 7/13(6)

Financial Newsletters: 10/11(13)

Invasion of privacy over criminal history: 11/13(14)

Photographs as Expressive Works: 8/13(21)

Post-trial injunctions: 1/14(26)

Public broadcasters and commercial advertisements: 12/13(30)

Privacy Protection Act: 3/06(42); 3/12(35)

Reality TV show as campaign donation: 1/14(20)

Restrictions on Debt Relief Agencies: 6/09(32)

Right to Reporters Privilege: 8/13(3), 8/13(8)

School Social Media Policy: 8/13(55)

Scientific Research: 5/12(25), 7/13(6)

Stolen Valor Act: 2/12(4), 7/12(5), 02/13(07)

Torts Alleging Reputational Harm and Involving Public Concern: 9/13(15)

Transformative Use Defense: 8/13(11), 1/14(23)

Websites as public accomodations: 2/14(3)

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court: 9/02(39), 10/02(54), 11/02(43), 2/03(44), 4/03(66), 9/03(33)

Foreign Judgments, unenforceable:  10/05(43), 1/06(43), 9/13(9)

Forum non conveniens: 10/02(45), 3/03(27)


Against medical journal: 10/13(11)

Against reality TV participant: 11/13(18)

Freedom of Access to Clinics Act: 2/99(31)

Friedman, Robert (Obit): 7/02(70)

Frivolous Suits: 2/06(15)

Funeral: 4/07(13), 10/09(37), 4/10(8), 08/10(3)


Goodale, James: 11/07(6)

Gross irresponsibility: 7/98(5), 5/99(3), 10/00(14), 1/01(15), 1/02(11), 2/12(15)


Harassment of children on basis of parents’ employment: 10/13(33)

Hate Speech: 4/03(3), 03/13(38)

Cross burning: 4/03(4), 3/04(41)

HIPAA: 6/03(51), 8/04(41), 9/04(33, 37), 6/05 (79), 3/06(33), 4/07(35), 5/08(15)

HIV Status, disclosure statutes: 3/06(29)

Holmes, James: 12/13(3)


Idea Submission: 12/09(34)

Idea Theft: 10/04(49)

In Remembrance:

Richard Schmidt 10/04(3)

Ralph Elliot (3)

Cam DeVore: 11/08(5)

Informational Privacy: 2/11(29)



Sealed / Protective Orders: 3/07(27), 4/11(39)


Injunctions: 7/03(55), 3/14(6)

Mass E-Mails, as Trespass to Chattels: 1/02(20), 4/02(55), 7/03(46)

Posting of Messages: 1/02(13), 4/02(16), 5/03(20), 11/03(17), 11/03(26); 7/07(28)

Posting Trade Secrets: 9/03(38)

Lanham Act:

Injunctions: 6/00(29), 8/02(15), 8/03(69), 9/03(45)

Denied: 10/03(74), 11/03(49)


Injunctions: 11/97 (20), 3/02(5, 26), 11/02(25), 4/03(10), 5/03(20), 5/03(22), 10/04(9, 11), 3/05(5), 6/05 (11), 11/10(14), 2/14(18)

Post-trial injunction: 5/07(17), 04/13(29), 1/14(25), 1/14(38)

Privacy Injunction: 6/03(33), 7/03(41)

Reality TV show as campaign donation: 1/14(20)

Ride-Along Claims: see Newsgathering

United Kingdom (Libor Scandal Reporting): 10/13(21)


Duty to defend against defamation suits: 10/02(43)

Freelance writers: 5/99(12), 12/02(41)

Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress: See Emotional Distress

Intentional Interference with Contract: 1/05(21), 11/13(14)

Intentional Interference with prospective economic advantage: 2/14(18)

Interlocutory appeal: 10/98(13), 11/98(21), 7/99(25), 10/99(42), 6/01(29)(31), 6/08(8), 8/11(10), 2/12(13)

Internet: see Cyberspace


Ride-Along Claims: see Newsgathering

Iraq: 6/03(58), 7/03(32), 8/03(51), 9/03(18), 9/03(35), 12/03(5), 1/04(51)


Journalists (Reporters):

Arrested: 3/02(31), 5/02(25, 32), 6/03(41), 7/03(29)

Asylum: 4/03(72)

Confiscated materials: 3/02(31), 3/03(5), 5/03(13), 8/03(43), 9/03(13), 9/03(14)

Contempt Charges: 2/02(33), 5/02(27), 6/02(51), 8/02(55), 1/03(31); 10/07(7)

Anastasia, George: 6/02(51)

Gambardello, Joseph: 6/02(51)

Lounsberry, Emilie: 6/02(51)

Ott, Dwight: 6/02(51)

Saline, Carol: 2/02(33)

In Iraq: 9/03(18)

In Jail: 8/01(7), 9/01(6), 10/01(32), 11/01(17), 12/01(46)

Killed: 4/03(65), 5/03(52), 7/03(32), 8/03(52), 8/03(61)

Daniel Pearl: 2/02(3)

Missing: 6/03(59)

Notes: 5/03(54)

Prosecutions: 6/03(37)

Subpoenaed: see Subpoenas

Threatened: 2/02(35), 3/02(31), 4/03(72), 9/03(13)


Defamation claims: 4/07(11), 12/06(3), 5/07(3), 10/07(12), 10/07(14), 6/10(18)

Judicial Campaigns: 9/05(49)

Judicial Conference: 9/01(31, 32), 4/02(33), 5/02(26)

Jurisdiction, see Procedure, Civil-Jurisdiction

Justice Department, U.S.

Guidelines for compelled disclosure: 9/01(4), 10/01(45)


Knight Foundation:

Survey on Students’ First Amendment Attitudes: 2/05(54)


Lamo, Adrian: 10/03(11)

Lanham Act: 12/94(8), 4/95(1), 8/95(1), 9/95(2), 5/97(16), 9/97(6), 11/97(29), 2/98(23), 3/99(49), 6/99(35)(41), 7/99(41), 2/00(7), 10/00(19), 12/00(23), 3/01(17), 6/01(35), 10/01(35), 12/01(15), 2/02(21), 5/02(3), 8/02(7), 8/02(15), 2/03(30), 5/03(31), 5/03(35), 5/03(37), 6/03(71), 7/03(9), 8/03(13), 9/03(45), 10/03(74), 11/03(49), 12/03(36), 7/05(53), 9/09(10), 10/09(29), 8/13(11), 8/13(48), 3/14(33)

Injunctions: 6/00(29), 8/02(15), 8/03(69), 9/03(45)

Denied: 10/03(74), 11/03(49)

Law Enforcement:

Privacy Protection Act (against illegal newsroom searches): 

Privilege to Deny Discovery: 6/10(35)

Right to Sue: 10/03(57)


Criminal conspiracy with: 12/13(5)

“Leaks” Panel: 1/02(35)

Leggett, Vanessa: see Reporters’ Privilege

Legislative Update: 11/03(63), 12/03(61), 2/04(61), 3/04(53), 4/04(53), 6/04(43), 7/04(65), 8/04(67), 9/04(51), 10/04(55), 12/04(69), 1/05(53), 2/05(55), 3/05(51), 12/12(15), 03/13(22), 7/13(27), 11/13(35)


42 U.S.C. 1985 claim as a libel claim: 11/01(33)

Actual Malice versus Libel-by-Implication: 6/02(29), 2/04(7), 3/04(4), 8/04(38), 12/04(13), 8/12(07), 8/12(08), 7/13(25)

Advertisement: 9/06(15), 7/13(23), 8/13(30)

Anonymous Defendants: 1/14(16)

Anonymous Plaintiffs: 12/94(14), 1/95(1), 3/96(13), 10/02(55), 2/11(31), 09/12(10)

Anonymous Ratings: 9/04(17), 7/13(22), 10/13(12), 1/14(10)

Anti-SLAPP Statutes: see Anti-SLAPP Statutes

Appellate Review Standard: 5/94(4), 6/95(1), 11/96(7), 12/96(7)

Arbitration Agreement (within scope of): 9/04(25)

Arbitration Decision: 11/13(9), 2/14(20)

Bank Libel Laws: 8/95(7), 2/00(39)

California Bank Rumor Statute (Financial Code § 1327): 6/12(8)

Books: 4/07(23), 8/07(15), 9/08(8), 11/09(6), 2/10(15), 12/12(7)

Cartoons: 10/98(19), 5/07(21)

Causation Requirement: 10/97(15)

Failure to state a claim: 5/07(23)

Choice of Law: 4/96(11), 9/99(21), 9/01(27), 9/02(17), 1/05(27), 10/13(5)

Class actions: 6/03(29)


Sports: 9/06(21)

Local news: 12/06(3), 11/13(7)

Political columnist: 4/07(15)

Communism accusations: 4/09(11)

Confidential Sources (in libel suits): 5/06(23); 12/06(3); 8/11(5)

Conspiracy to defame: 9/06(31)

Corporations as plaintiffs: 3/14(31)

Correction Statutes

California: 3/99(19)

Kentucky: 10/05(35)

Texas: 7/13(27)

Uniform Correction or Clarification Act: 4/94(2), 12/94(9, appendix), 2/95(7), 4/95(1), 7/95(5), 9/95(5), 6/96(2), 4/98(17), 7/13(27)

Criminal charges overturned on appeal: 9/13(17)

Criminal Libel: 5/96(9), 7/96(2), 9/96(9), 1/97(11), 5/97(1), 6/97(9), 8/97(19), 4/98(15), 10/98(25), 7/00(7), 7/00(8), 9/00(5), 12/00(10), 3/01(5), 12/01(27, 28), 8/02(5), 9/02(23), 11/02(45), 12/02(13), 12/02(14), 1/03(17), 1/03(13), 2/03(15), 2/03(17), 3/03(3), 6/03(11), 12/03(31), 1/04(43), 8/04(25, 27); 9/04(24); 11/04 (31, 32), 12/04(62), 4/05(24), 5/05 (21, 23), 8/05(34, 35, 36), 9/05(15), 10/05(40), 11/05(47), 12/05(19), 1/06(23), 4/06(46), 4/06(47), 7/06(14), 8/06(24), 4/07(31), 4/07(33), 4/08(36), 5/08(35), 6/08(23), 8/10(35), 4/12(39), 4/12(40)

Alabama: 7/01(20)

California: 5/96(9), 7/96(2), 9/96(9), 9/00(5), 7/01(20)

Colorado: 8/10(35); 4/12(39)

Florida: 12/01(28)

Kansas: 3/01(5), 12/01(27), 8/02(5), 11/02(46), 2/03(13), 3/03(3), 6/03(11)

Louisiana: 4/12(40)

Damages: 8/98(10), 9/98(9), 10/98(16), 11/98(9)(11), 2/99(16), 8/99 (1), 2/00(1), 4/00(12), 10/00(8, 9), 4/01(17), 9/02(11), 12/02(15), 12/02(23), 8/03(29), 3/04(4), 12/04(19), 12/11(7), 10/13(12), 3/14(17); 5/14(30)

Compensatory: 4/07(15), 1/09(5)

Corporation’s recovery of: 3/14(31)

No actual damages: 3/4(21)

Paid: 6/07(4)

Presumed: 9/00(6); 9/05(7); 11/10(15)

Proof of: 5/00(13), 12/02(21), 11/10(15), 12/11(7), 3/14(16)

Punitive: 12/04(19), 12/05(12), 4/07(15), 3/14(14)

Punitives, Rejection of: 2/04(15), 12/04(19)

Remittitur: 12/03(16)

Special: 12/02(23), 5/03(30), 8/03(34), 12/12(8)

Vacated: 6/07(4)

Dead, Libel of: 4/00(23)

Death, of party: 4/05(25); 6/07(4)

Defamatory Meaning: 3/95(3), 3/96(5), 9/96(8), 1/97(5), 2/97 (9), 6/97(10), 3/98(7), 11/98(7), 8/99 (11), 10/99 (20), 2/00 (21), 6/00(9), 8/00 (23), 9/00(2), 11/00(7), 12/00(9), 1/01(9), 1/01(15), 2/01(12), 4/01(14), 6/01(31), 7/01(31)(33)(35), 8/01(29), 9/01(27), 11/01(27), 12/01(29), 3/02(11), 4/02(19), 6/02(35), 7/02(4, 16), 9/02(11), 9/02(16), 9/02(17), 10/02(27), 11/02(19), 12/02(14), 4/03(11), 4/03(20), 5/03(23), 6/03(31), 7/03(18), 8/03(29), 8/03(34), 10/03(42), 11/03(26), 1/04(15, 24), 2/04(17), 3/04(7), 1/06 (20), 1/06(28), 9/06(9), 9/07(15), 1/08(16), 5/08(16), 6/08(19), 7/09(13), 12/09(19), 06/13(15), 06/13(18), 2/14(14), 3/14(17), 5/14(20)

Context: 2/99(12), 9/00(20), 11/01(25), 6/02(23), 9/02(16), 9/02(17), 10/02(27), 11/02(19), 12/02(14), 7/03(18); 9/06(9); 10/06(23), 10/06(29); 8/09(23); 08/10(20)

Headlines: 1/99(5), 11/00(13), 3/01(4), 3/02(15), 4/02(15), 10/10(22), 3/14(19)

Hyperbole: 10/06(23), 10/06(33), 08/10(30), 4/11(26), 02/13(5), 10/13(14)

Implications/Innuendo: 5/95(1, appendix), 11/95(1), 12/95(1), 6/96(1), 8/96(5), 3/97(5), 4/97(13), 7/97(13), 8/97(5), 9/97(11), 6/98(9, 16), 8/98(13), 10/98(13), 11/98(5)(7), 1/99(5), 4/99(16), 7/99(29), 3/00(8), 8/00(19), 9/00(28), 10/00(2), 11/00(6), 12/00(13, 18), 2/01(13), 5/01(28, 30), 7/01(36), 10/01(23), 12/01(19), 2/02(19), 4/02(14), 12/02(24), 4/03(15), 4/03(17), 7/03(19), 10/03(42), 11/03(7), 11/03(19), 1/04(15), 1/05(30), 6/05 (47, 49), 8/05(11), 10/05(24), 1/06(5, 7), 9/06(20), 3/07(23), 10/07(21), 5/08(18), 8/08(18), 10/09(19), 11/09(9), 11/09(17), 1/10(28), 7/10(18), 2/11(5), 2/11(6), 5/11(19), 5/12(15), 03/13(26), 7/13(23), 7/13(25), 8/13(23), 8/13(26), 9/13(20), 2/14(19), 3/14(15)

Iowa: 3/07(23)

Libel-by-Implications versus Actual Malice: 6/02(29); 5/12(15); 03/13(26)

Massachusetts not yet addressed if publisher must endorse implication: 3/14(20)

Virginia: 3/14(11)

Innocent Construction: 2/00(27), 10/00(3), 8/03(27), 3/04(21); 10/09(33)

Multiple Meanings of words: 7/07(19)

Not capable of Defamatory Meaning: 9/09(31), 12/07(23), 7/10(18), 3/11(14); 02/13(16)

Omission: 5/00(1), 6/3(23), 5/11(19); 5/12(10)

Photographs: 10/96 (9), 6/98 (7), 10/98(18), 11/98(18), 9/00(15), 3/01(3), 7/01(25), 8/01(25), 9/01(17), 10/01(9), 2/02(14), 5/02(18), 6/02(21), 11/02(19), 3/11(21); 2/12(15)

Pleading standards 8/09(3, 7); 10/09(31)

Specific Names/Phrases: 4/11(18)

“FBI Informer”: 9/06(19)

Targeted Audience: 10/03(42)

Twitter: 2/10(26); 11/10(35)

Translations: 11/00(12)

Vocal inflection: 11/98(5)

Default: 3/05(34), 10/05(19), 11/05(16), 4/08(23), 02/13(08)

Directed Verdict: 9/06(13), 2/09(7), 3/10(9)

Disclaimer: 2/06(17), 06/13(20)

Discovery: 7/07(29), 3/14(21)

Dismissal: 9/06(21), 9/06(27), 10/06(29)

Failure to State a Claim: 9/06(25), 5/07(23), 5/13(17), 2/14(21)

Lack of Personal Jurisdiction: 9/06(25), 3/11(36)

Dummy Copy: 6/96(9)

Editorials: 12/04(10); 5/07(21); 6/07(6) See also: Libel-Privileges/Defenses-Opinion

Expungement of Criminal Records and Online Arrest Reports: 9/13(23)

Fake report: 12/98(29), 11/00(17); 2/08(10); 11/12(19)

Fault: 2/06(18); 7/09(18)

Falsity: 2/97(12), 4/97(28), 3/99(52), 10/99(17), 10/99(27), 4/00(8), 10/00(8), 11/00(15), 12/00(10), 1/01(7), 6/02(27), 7/02(5), 9/02(17), 12/02(27), 3/03(11), 6/03(15), 6/03(23), 12/04(9), 1/05(29), 4/05(17), 9/06(19), 9/06(27), 10/06(23), 2/07(7), 6/07(6), 3/08(27), 3/08(28), 8/08(13), 5/09(28), 10/10(10), 8/11(6), 11/11(10), 5/12(22), 8/12(24), 10/12(13), 10/12(17), 12/12(3), 12/12(12), 7/13(23), 9/13(9), 11/13(9), 2/14(21), 3/14(17)

Book character: 11/09(6)

Burden of Proof: 8/95(2), 9/96(11), 2/14(19), 3/14(19)

Fictional character: 11/98(23), 10/03(51), 12/03(39), 2/05(29), 4/05(7), 2/08(8), 4/08(13), 2/14(10)

Movie character: 2/07(11), 2/07(15)

Selection of true statements creating false impression: 2/14(19)

Television show character: 3/08(25), 4/10(22), 4/11(18)

Wanted Fugitive: 11/13(11)

Foreign Libel Law:

Argentina: 5/08(36), 10/13(20)              

Australia: 10/94 (7), 2/95 (13), 9/01(48), 12/02(5), 5/03(9), 10/04(36, 40), 9/05(40), 12/05(35), 12/12(20)

Austria: 1/98(12), 12/13(27)

Canada: 12/94(1), 2/95(14), 8/95(1), 9/96(3), 10/97(24), 1/98(16), 4/98(15, 21) , 7/98(31), 3/00(46), 9/01(48), 12/02(29), 6/03(27), 6/03(29), 7/03(59), 11/03(17), 2/04(36, 37, 40), 8/04(54), 3/05(47), 8/05(37), 9/05(5), 12/05(31, 34), 11/07(27); 7/08(23), 12/08(31), 11/11(33), 4/12(26), 11/12(34), 9/13(9)

Group Libel: 2/11(20)

Libel and Slander Act: 6/03(27), 11/03(17), 7/11(14)

Responsible journalism defense: 12/08(31), 12/09(29), 2/10(35)

Reynolds/Jameel defense: 11/07(24)

Council of Europe:

Convention on Cyber-Crime

Hate Speech: 11/01(38), 7/02(58)

Right of reply: 7/03(63), 2/04(41)

Criminal Libel: 10/06(49)

Denmark: 3/08(37)

Egypt: 8/97 (18)

Enforcement of Judgments in US: 11/97 (1), 7/01(47), 11/01(37), 5/03(3)

Estonia: 10/13(18)

European Court of Human Rights (ECHR): 7/05 (47), 2/06(34), 10/06(49), 11/07(30), 12/07(35), 3/08(39)

Article 10: 10/11(24), 10/13(18), 12/13(27)

European Union: 2/03(26), 2/04(43), 11/04(53), 7/05(49), 02/13(22)

France: 10/97(25), 11/97(32), 12/00(31), 11/01(37), 9/02(23), 1/04(29), 4/06(41), 11/07(31), 9/09(36), 3/11(36)

Germany: 2/03(26)\, 3/08(37), 4/10(47)

Hague Convention: 7/01(47)

India: 2/95 (13)

Indonesia: 6/00(21) 10/07(35), 4/09(28)

Inter-American Court of Human Rights (Inter-Am. Ct. H.R.): 11/13(31)

Ireland: 8/97(18), 11/99(31), 8/03(53), 7/06(28), 3/07(37), 7/09(32)

Israel: 11/97(32)

Italy: 9/09(36)

Kenya: 8/97(18)

Latin America: 10/04(41)

Malaysia: 10/97(24), 9/01(48)

Mexico: 10/97 (24)

Netherlands: 2/08(23), 1/12(50), 5/14(43)

New Zealand: 11/07(31)

Protection against foreign libel law: 5/08(3); 5/08(4); 11/08(20)

Romania: 11/01(41, 42)

Serbia: 8/97(18)

Singapore: 8/97(18), 10/97(24), 11/97(32)

South Africa: 11/98(40)

Sri Lanka: 8/97(18)

Switzerland: 6/02(64)

Taiwan: 5/97(1), 8/97(18)

United Kingdom: 6/94(3), 11/94(4), 2/95 (1), 7/95 (4), 8/97 (18), 10/97 (25), 11/97 (31), 12/97 (1, 4, 5, 6), 5/98(29,37,39, 40), 7/98(26, 29), 8/98(11), 10/98(28), 11/98(35, 36, 37, 39, 40), 12/98(29), 3/99(43), 5/99(40), 6/99(16), 6/99(33), 1/00(29), 4/00(52,53,57), 10/00(43, 45), 1/01(23), 3/01(26), 8/01(41), 9/01(48), 11/01(39), 11/02(9), 12/02(16), 3/03(27), 8/03(57), 12/03(33), 1/04(27), 2/04(39, 41), 3/04(37, 39); 10/04(35, 36, 37); 11/04 (49, 51); 12/04(47), 1/05(41, 42), 2/05(35, 39, 42),  10/05(45), 12/05(37), 1/06 (47), 6/06(31), 8/06(39), 10/06(13), 3/07(39), 10/07(40), 11/07(28), 12/07(34), 12/07(37), 3/08(38), 6/08(30), 2/09(22), 4/09(30), 7/09(25), 9/09(33); 11/09(32); 4/10(44), 2/11(23), 4/11(42), 8/11(24), 8/11(27), 10/11(19), 11/11(37), 2/12(32, 5/12(28), 11/12(36), 02/13(22), 03/13(40), 05/13(41), 8/13(57)

Abuse of Process: 10/11(19)

Conditional Fee Agreements: 12/07(35), 8/08(28), 1/11(37)

Costs shifting: 12/13(25)

Cyberspace: 4/01(23), 12/02(16), 10/04(35), 11/04(49), 9/05(5), 6/06(31), 10/07(39)

Forum non conveniens: 5/00(47)

Internet Libel: 8/08(29), 8/13(57)

Qualified Privilege: 11/99(27), 3/00(45), 6/01(45), 12/01(33), 1/02(15), 1/03(21)

Web Site Operators: 8/13(57)

Damages: 8/11(27)

Data Protection Act: 10/02(25), 10/07(41), 12/07(38)

Defamation Bill of 2012: 5/12(28)

Defaction Act of 2013: 12/13(25)

Defamation Proceedings Cost Management Scheme: 12/13(24)

Exculpatory Material: 12/13(22)

Fair/Honest Comment: 12/10(33)

Hackgate: 8/13(57)

Jameel: 10/06(13), 12/07(34)

Legal Costs: 12/05(37), 1/10(40), 8/13(57)

Leveson Inquiry: 8/13(57)

Multiple Publication Rule: 9/09(33)

Neutral Reportage: 1/05(41), 7/07(40)

N. Ireland: 3/08(36)

Plebgate: 12/13(24)

Qualified Privilege: 1/05(41, 42), 10/07(37)

Political Libel: 8/13(57)

Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006: 10/07(40)

Reasonable Journalist Standard: 7/02(57)

Regulation of Investigative Powers Act: 10/07(40)

Reynolds Defense: 8/05 (37), 10/07(37), 10/07(39), 12/07(34), 3/12(27), 8/13(57), 12/13(22), 12/13(23)

Scientific writing: 4/10(44)

United Nations: 12/05(39), 8/08(28), 3/12(31)

United States, Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in: 11/97 (1), 7/01(47), 11/01(37), 11/02(9), 1/03(5), 5/03(3), 2/05(24, 42), 6/05(59), 5/09(29), 9/13(9)

Zimbabwe: 6/02(66)

Freezing of Assets (prejudgment remedy): 3/05(27)

Frivolous Suits: 2/06(15)

Group: 10/97(10), 5/99(11), 6/03(29), 05/13(13)

Headlines: 7/05 (31), 10/05(37), 3/14(19)

HIV-Disclosure: 9/04(33)

Hyperbole: 9/06(21); 9/06(23); 4/09(25); 09/12(08)

Immunity under Aviation and Transporation Security Act: 2/14(6)

Implication, Libel By:  See Defamatory Meaning –Implication/Innuendo

Injunctions: 11/97 (20), 3/02(5, 26), 11/02(25), 4/03(10), 5/03(20), 5/03(22), 10/04(9, 11); 3/05(5), 6/05(11), 5/08(14)

Post-trial injunction: 5/07(17), 04/13(29), 9/13(14), 1/14(25), 2/14(38)

Injury: 4/03(27)

Innocent construction Rule: 12/06(7); 2/07(16); 9/08(6)

Internet: 4/09(12); 4/09(14); 5/09(16); 6/09(13); 08/10(30), 11/11(33); 12/12(8); 12/12(20); 12/12(27), 10/13(12), 2/14(37)

Intracorporate communications: 2/05(27)

Isolated Statements: 12/04(37)

JNOV: 8/04(37), 12/04(10), 9/09(23), 6/10(21); 12/10(28)

Judge as Plaintiff: 12/06(3); 4/07(11); 5/07(3); 10/07(12); 10/07(14); 12/12(3)

Articles on bail rulings: 4/10(15)

Newspaper denied impartial forum: 6/07(3)

Sidebar: Libel Trials with Judges as Plaintiffs: 5/07(6)

Judicial Conduct:

Corruption: 6/12(3)

Ethical Considerations: 2/07(39)

Recusal: 12/03(18)

Judgment: 4/09(8)

Unenforceable: 4/07(18)

Judicial candidate: 4/08(24)

Jurisdiction: 9/06(24), 1/09(11), 11/11(20)

International: 6/07(11), 4/12(26)

Lack of personal: 4/07(17), 4/08(33)

Lack of subject matter:

Amount in controversy: 4/07(18)

Long Arm: 6/07(11), 6/07(12), 5/11(26), 2/12(11), 2/12(22)

Websites: 6/07(12)

Jury Instruction: 10/06(19), 8/09(28)

Jury Verdicts: 5/00(5), 6/00(1), 7/00(9), 1/02(13), 12/02(15), 3/03(15), 6/(03(7), 6/03(9), 6/03(12), 7/03(19), 8/03(17), 11/03(12), 12/03(19), 12/04(9, 10), 10/06(19)[BTK],  10/06(42), 12/06(3), 12/06(20), 10/09(23), 7/13(3), 8/13(33)

Award reduced on appeal: 4/07(11)

Retrial: 4/07(9)

Ruling for Plaintiff: 4/07(9), 4/07(15), 4/08(22), 7/08(8), 3/14(14), 3/14(17)

Juxtaposition (by): 3/05(23)

Letters to the Editor: 9/01(19), 10/01(13), 3/03 (13); 5/05 (17); 7/05 (55); 3/07(20)

Libel proof plaintiffs: See Libel-Privileges/Defenses

Libel terrorism/tourism: 11/08(21), 2/09(15), 5/09(30), 5/09(31), 3/10(21), 5/11(39)

Arizona: 2/10(27)

California: 10/09(26)

Florida: 6/09(10), 1/11(26)

Federal: 3/10(21)

SPEECH Act: 6/10(22); 8/10(11); 1/11(26), 9/13(9)

Hawaii: 6/09(10)

Illinois: 11/08(21)

Maryland: 4/10(28)

New York: 1/08(3), 5/08(3)

Utah: 2/10(27), 4/10(28)

Loathsome Disease Standard: 5/97(4)

Loss of Reputation, Evidence of: 7/96(1), 11/96(7), 7/97(15), 12/97(9), 11/98(9), 2/00(23), 9/02(13), 5/03(13), 6/03(9), 6/03(43), 3/14(16)

Media v. Media: 7/00(4)

Misquotation: 6/07(6)

Mistake: 4/03(27), 10/05(21), 2/08(19)

Non-Media Defendants: 10/06(41), 9/08(18), 9/11(11)

Notice of defamation lawsuit: 3/14(26)

Negative Campaigning: 4/96(13), 8/99(13), 11/99(9), 2/00(29), 4/00(12)

Negligence of Publisher: 9/08(3)

Of and Concerning: 2/96(11), 12/97(9), 1/98(3), 3/99(17, 19), 12/00(11, 23), 1/01(2), 9/01(27), 10/01(19), 12/01(31), 9/02(13), 3/03(21), 4/03(31), 5/03(23), 7/03(23), 8/04(26, 39), 11/04(29), 3/05(17), 12/05(18), 1/06(17) , 6/06(27), 3/07(21), 4/09(23), 12/09(24), 1/12(23), 2/12(18), 10/12(10), 8/13(33), 9/13(17), 10/13(16), 3/14(16)

“Small Group Theory”: 1/02(11), 5/02(17), 11/09(21)

Omission, by: 3/05(16), 8/13(23)

Peer Review: 9/08(23)

Per Se/Per Quod: 3/95(2), 1/96(11), 2/96(2), 11/98(5, 11), 7/99(21), 4/00(20), 12/00(9), 4/01(13, 16), 7/01(30), 10/01(19), 11/01(35), 12/02(23), 1/03(28), 5/03(30), 6/03(25), 11/05(33), 1/06 (27), 1/08(19), 10/09(31), 11/09(17), 1/13/(20), 02/13(09), 05/13(20), 9/13(14)

Crime: 3/14(22)

Fictional Character: 2/07(15)

Homosexuality: 8/09(13), 3/10(17), 4/10(31)

“Unchastity of a Woman”: 10/06(31)

Photo Misidentification: 12/05(22), 6/06(29)

Pleadings (given to reporter): 11/04 (21)

Political Advertisements: 8/07(17), 8/09(12)

Preemption by labor law:  6/06(36)

Prima Facie Case: 2/06(18), 8/08(16), 12/09(15)

Private Figure Plaintiffs: 5/95(5), 12/97(9), 7/98(5), 11/98(7), 4/99(12), 7/99(11), 10/00(2), 12/00(7), 1/01(11), 4/01(3), 6/01(25, 34), 7/01(15), 10/01(23), 5/02(9, 13), 5/03(15), 5/03(35), 7/03(13), 7/03(65), 8/03(39), 11/03(09), 11/03(13), 12/04(9), 2/05(21), 4/05(19), 7/05 (45), 11/05(15), 11/05(24), 3/06(13), 3/06(16), 5/06(27), 9/06(13), 10/06(33), 10/06(41), 8/07(9), 8/07(16), 10/07(17), 12/07(16), 1/08(11), 1/08(14), 3/08(30), 4/08(17), 7/08(8), 4/09(10), 6/09(11), 08/10(3), 10/10(11), 02/13(07), 2/14(14), 3/14(17)

Attorneys as: 9/06(7); 1/11(25)

Better Busines Bureau as: 9/13(14)

Corporations as: 5/00(21), 5/03(23)

Presumptive Damages: 5/12(20)

Turning self into public figure: 10/06(34), 2/11(14)


Actual Malice: 9/98(11), 10/98(11, 27), 11/98(1), 1/99(1), 9/99(19), 10/99(11,17), 10/99(26), 2/00(11), 5/00(19), 9/00(9), 10/00(8, 9, 14, 24), 11/00(18), 12/00(9, 18), 1/01(2, 4, 5, 9, 15), 2/01(3), 3/01(17, 23), 5/01(26, 27, 34),  6/01(28), 10/01(31), 2/02(5), 5/02(7, 13), 7/02(3), 9/02(28), 10/02(31), 10/02(41), 11/02(15), 11/02(31), 12/02(15), 12/02(19), 12/02(27), 2/03(13), 3/03(11), 4/03(13), 5/03(21), 6/03(9), 7/03(17), 7/03(20), 8/03(22), 10/03(43), 10/03(45), 10/03(59), 3/04(15), 8/04(13, 36), 9/04(27), 11/04 (23), 1/05(17, 19, 26); 3/05(13); 4/05(22, 23); 6/05(23, 39); 7/05(23), 8/05(7, 15), 1/06(25), 3/06(23), 4/06(15), 4/06(17), 6/06(18); 10/06(29); 3/07(21), 10/07(24), 11/07(12); 11/07(13), 3/08(27); 6/08(5); 7/08(5); 7/08(11); 7/08(17), 8/08(6), 9/08(21); 1/09(10); 2/09(12), 5/09(13); 7/09(15); 8/09(13); 1/10(24), 3/10(9), 1/11(19), 4/11(32), 5/11(21), 9/11(8); 9/11(11); 12/11(8); 3/12(4); 3/12(6), 3/12(9), 5/12(22), 7/12(19), 12/12(9); 04/13(32); 05/13(17), 8/13(36), 8/13(38), 9/13(15), 10/13(9), 10/13(14), 3/14(15), 3/14(16), 3/14(17)

Better Business Bureau: 11/03(23)

Bond ratings, applied to: 4/99(7)

Breach of contract, applied to: 4/99(7), 10/00(25), 8/07(11)

Burden of Proof: 3/95(1), 4/97(28), 11/02(15), 12/02(19), 2/03(13), 7/03(17), 8/03(17), 10/03(45)

Content, applied to: 5/00(15), 6/01(23)

Summary Judgment, on motion for: 6/97 (13), 7/97 (9), 9/99(5), 11/00(3), 1/01(9), 4/01(10), 9/02(20), 6/03(15), 6/03(23), 8/03(29), 10/03(59), 11/03(21); 6/07(6); 1/10(24)

Defense has burden: 7/07(11)

Character: 3/03(15)

Complaint, Proposed: 9/13(14)

Consumer Fraud: 5/95 (1), 1/96 (6)

Criminal Libel: 12/00(10); 11/04 (31)

Discovery, Scope of: 5/97 (4), 9/01(23, 25)

Confidential Sources: 5/06(23)

Corrections: 7/07(19)

Destruction of notes: 7/08(13)

Duty to Investigate: 6/96 (1), 11/99(9), 12/99(12), 1/00(26), 5/00(9), 5/00(39), 7/00(3), 3/01(8), 7/01(29), 8/01(24, 29), 9/01(10, 13), 4/03(13), 6/03(9), 9/09(17), 9/11(11), 

Editorial choice: 10/98(11); 7/08(11)

Errors, not evidence of: 2/99(5), 8/00(25), 10/00(8), 2/02(24); 1/05(27)

Emotional Distress, applied to: 1/97 (5)

Expert Testimony: 7/08(11); 8/09(28)

Failure to investigate, not evidence of: 9/13(15), 9/13(19)

Fictional Setting: 2/05(29)

Financial Motives: 6/00(7)

Ill will, as evidence of: 2/99(7), 5/00(9)

Independent Appellate Review for evidence of: 2/02(5), 7/02(5), 6/03(15)

Innocent Dissemination: 7/98(29)

Instructions (Reckless Disregard): 2/02(14)

Iqbal/Twombly Pleading Standard: 3/12(4), 3/12(16), 7/13(24), 8/13(18), 8/13(25)

Issues of Public Concern, applied to: 9/00(6, 14), 2/02(24), 4/11(29); 3/12(9)

Joke: 1/05(11)

Judicial Action: 1/04(13)

Jurisdiction: 8/04 (31); 2/05(30), 3/06(25), 8/12(22)

Lack of Actual Malice: 4/07(19), 4/09(23), 08/10(27), 12/10(28), 2/11(11), 2/11(14), 4/11(23), 4/11(29), 11/13(7), 3/14(22), 5/14(27)

Material Falsity: 2/14(6)

Misstatement, Failure to Retract: 9/13(15)

Mistaken Identity: 3/00(9), 8/01(27), 4/12(12), 9/3(19)

Pennsylvania: 7/07(11)                             

Prima Facie case: 5/97 (5)

Recollection, reporting based on: 4/07(23); 6/07(6)

Reexamination of Standard: 6/96(8)

Refusal to identify sources as evidence of: 10/98(7); 2/05(23)

Repeated errors as evidence of: 11/98(6), 9/02(28)

Restatement (lawyers): 6/98(15)

Retrial with new standard of: 4/07(9); 12/10(29)

Trade libel, as applied to: 10/98(21), 6/02(27)

Vicarious Liability for: 9/00(9), 9/07(11)

Borrowing Statute: 9/00(12), 11/02(15)

Common Interest Privilege: 4/06(26), 1/11(19)

Common Law Qualified Privilege: 11/13(11)

Communication to the government: 3/08(30)

Communications Decency Act: 1/09(16). 11/09(25), 7/13(22)

Congressional Immunity: 1/96(12)

Discovery Abuse: 10/04(59), 12/04(22)

Ecclesiastical privilege: 6/03(31)

Employer’s Statements: 4/07(27)

Fair Comment: 2/00(25), 7/01(44), 7/03(14), 12/05(14), 12/05(15), 10/06(36), 2/10(18)

Canada: 7/08(23)

Fair Index Rule: 4/03(25), 2/14(20)

Fair Report Privilege: 11/95(7), 6/96(8), 8/96(7), 10/96(19), 11/96(11), 12/96(5, 6), 2/97(7), 3/97(7), 4/97(1, 7, 8, 13), 7/97(18), 9/97(11), 10/97(9), 11/97(10), 4/98(9), 10/98(26), 11/98(19)(20), 3/99(20), 4/99(9), 6/99(11), 7/99(14), 8/99(17), 10/99(23), 12/99(9), 5/00(13), 8/00(26), 9/00(21), 10/00(3), 11/00(14, 18), 12/00(18), 2/01(3, 16), 3/01(8, 23), 4/01(11,16), 5/01(33), 8/01(28), 10/01(31), 12/01(15), 2/02(15), 3/02(11), 10/02(34), 11/02(21), 12/02(27), 3/03(9), 4/03(20), 5/03(15), 7/03(20), 7/03(65), 8/03(28), 10/03(39), 10/03(47), 11/03(19), 12/03(20, 23), 2/04(7, 20, 23), 10/04(16, 18, 19), 6/05(44), 7/05(39), 9/05(17), 10/05(41), 11/05(37), 12/05(15), 3/06(16), 3/06(17), 4/06(23), 6/06(18), 6/06(30), 10/06(36), 5/07(13), 9/07(13, 14, 24), 10/07(21), 4/08(25), 4/08(29), 9/08(26), 11/08(14), 11/08(16), 7/09(21), 8/09(12), 09/9(27), 11/09(22), 1/10(17), 2/10(18), 2/10(22), 10/10(5), 10/10(24), 12/10(30), 3/11(13), 4/11(32), 5/11(22), 9/11(13), 1/12(19), 5/12(22), 11/12(19), 11/12(21), 12/12(10), 05/13(21), 7/13(16), 8/13(26), 8/13(30), 2/14(20), 3/14(17), 5/14(21)

Boston Marathon bombing manhunt: 3/14(19)

Confer Upon Oneself: 10/03(47)

Directed Verdicts: 7/07(9)

Expunged records: 4/08(28), 2/11(3)

Hyperlink to article: 10/13(5)

International Arena: 4/97(1), 1/03(21), 9/08(12)

Mere Pleading Rule: 10/97(7)

“Most Wanted” Broadcast: 11/13(11)    

Police Blotter: 7/07(9)

Police report: 6/08(22); 12/12(10)

Reynolds privilege: 1/03(21); 3/08(38)

Familial Privilege: 8/07(16)

Fiction (work is piece of fiction): 5/03(23)

Dreams, description of: 4/07(23)

Gross Irresponsibility: 9/04(15), 3/06(17), 4/08(17), 4/12(14)

Humor: 1/97 (5), 2/00(13); 1/05(11); 2/05(29); 2/09(10)

Hyperbole: 1/97(9), 6/97(9), 7/98(9), 8/98(16), 10/98(19), 11/98(24), 8/99 (11), 8/99(13), 11/99(13), 2/01(12, 14), 6/01(31), 9/01(27), 6/02(9, 20), 11/02(15), 12/02(17), 12/03(22), 1/05(13), 8/08(4), 4/11(26), 4/11(30), 02/13(05), 8/13(23), 1/14(15), 2/14(21)

Incremental Harm Doctrine: 7/96 (4), 10/98(17), 12/98(23), 3/99(17), 7/00(5), 3/01(9), 12/05(15), 12/07(5)

Injury (lack of): 4/03(27), 10/03(43); 3/12(11)

Innocent Construction Rule: 11/96(5), 7/97(13), 9/98(3), 11/99(36), 10/02(41), 12/04(29), 6/05(41, 51), 7/05(17), 4/08(29), 2/09(4)

Judicial Immunity: 9/99(21)

Judicial Proceedings: 4/07(29)

Justification: 12/02(29)

Letters to the Editor: 12/05(5)

Libel-Proof Plaintiff: 3/95(11), 7/96(4), 6/97(15), 1/98(3, 5), 7/98(13), 12/98(23), 6/99(8), 8/99(6), 9/01(10), 4/03(15), 12/04(24), 5/07(13), 9/08(14), 12/10(28)

Litigation Privilege: 11/99(13), 2/00(19), 10/00(9), 6/03(25)

Neutral Reportage: 3/95(11), 6/96(1), 11/96(1), 6/97(13), 11/98(1), 4/00(1), 9/00(13), 12/00(23), 4/02(5), 2/03(21), 11/03(25), 10/04(11), 4/05(25), 6/05(35), 5/06(28), 7/13(24), 8/13(23)

Third-Party Allegation Rule: 7/12(12)

Noerr-Pennington: 12/06(20), 2/11(8)

Official Duty: 10/99(28), 3/00(42), 4/06(20)

Opinion: 8/94(1), 11/94(8), 12/94(1), 2/95(5), 3/95(3), 6/95(1), 7/95(1), 11/95(9), 12/95(1), 1/96(6, 11), 3/96(5, 9), 4/96(1, 3), 5/96(3), 9/96(7), 12/96(9), 1/97(5), 2/97(12), 3/97(5), 4/97(13, 27, 28), 6/97(9,10), 7/97(11), 9/97(13), 10/97(19), 1/98(7), 4/98(13), 7/98(3), 8/98(15), 9/98(1), 10/98(19), 10/98(25), 11/98(20), 12/98(21, 24), 2/99(8), 4/99(9), 5/99(8), 6/99(43), 8/99(9), 8/99(11), 10/99(17), 10/99(25), 10/99(28), 5/00(22), 5/00(29), 8/00(23), 9/00(7, 12), 10/00(5), 11/00(14, 16), 12/00(7, 17), 2/01(12, 17), 3/01(12)(15), 4/01(20), 6/01(31), 9/01(19, 27), 11/01(29), 3/02(14), 4/02(17), 6/02(13, 65), 9/02(11), 9/02(13), 12/02(43), 1/03(19), 7/03(13), 7/03(16), 8/03(23), 11/03(15), 12/03(26), 3/04(7), 9/04(27), 1/05(14), 6/05(53), 8/05(12), 9/05(14), 10/05(36), 12/05(12), 12/05(17), 1/06 (11), 4/06(15), 4/06(21), 4/06(26), 6/06(20), 8/06(23), 9/06(21), 10/06(36), 10/06(41), 6/07(22), 8/07(12), 6/08(5), 7/08(15), 2/09(9), 09/9(27), 2/10(18), 3/10(13), 1/11(30), 5/11(23), 8/11(4), 8/11(12), 9/11(25), 10/11(8), 2/12(18), 2/12(20), 2/12(22), 7/12(21), 7/12(23), 09/12(10), 10/12(17), 04/13(20), 05/13(9), 05/13(13), 06/13(27), 7/13(7)

Broadcasters: 10/06(36), 11/13(13)

Cartoons: 5/07(21)

Columnists: 6/07(22), 8/11(4), 11/13(7)

Disclosed Facts: 10/13(16)

Ecclesiastical Matters: 1/06(11)

Editorial: 5/07(21)

Idiomatic Phrases: 1/00(21), 5/00(8)

Implied Undisclosed Facts: 10/05(36)

Informant encouraging acts of violence: 3/14(21)

Internet posting: 6/08(19), 6/11(17), 10/13(5), 10/13(12), 2/14(37)

Mixed-Opinion: 8/11(12)

Op-ed columns: 11/99(15), 12/99(17), 3/01(14), 11/01(36), 10/02(37), 4/03(13), 7/03(16), 3/08(22)

Pure opinion: 5/00(23), 5/00(25), 9/09(28), 7/12(23)

Radio hosts: 7/08(21), 4/09(17), 7/12(21)

Reviews: 3/07(37), 7/08(10), 9/13(11), 9/13(14), 2/14(37)

Scientific research: 2/14(21)

Totality of the circumstances test: 8/03(22), 3/04(23), 3/11(24), 4/11(30)

Parody: 6/95(3), 2/00(15), 10/00(19), 3/01(14), 6/01(17, 18, 23), 10/01(7), 11/01(36), 2/03(30), 3/03(17), 4/03(10), 3/06(22), 2/07(19), 4/09(19), 08/10(35), 10/10(20), 12/13(15)

Past Activity: 10/04(20)

Payment: 12/08(13)

Petitioning activity: 12/06(20)

Political Campaigns: 9/05(15)

Public Interest: 2/01(9), 2/01(23), 3/01(9), 6/01(20), 9/02(15), 1/08(15), 9/09(14), 2/11(11)

Quasi-Judicial Privilege: 5/03(10)

Rational Interpretation Doctrine: 3/96(9)

Reckless Disregard, Instructions on: 2/02(14)

Retraction: 5/03(25)

Satire: 5/02(7), 12/02(15), 3/03(17), 10/03(61), 9/04(3), 6/05(16), 1/10(26), 08/10(35)

Self-Defense: 2/06(23)

Single Publication Rule: 9/96(8), 10/98(16), 11/99(4), 4/00(19), 9/00(2), 12/02(5), 4/03(11), 1/04(7, 9, 11), 9/04(13), 7/06(9), 7/06(13), 8/09(21), 12/09(26), 2/12(7), 2/14(18)

Sovereign Immunity: 4/06(20)

Statute of limitations: 2/14(18)

Statutory Privilege: 2/98(7), 1/00(27)

Substantial Truth/Truth: 3/95(3), 6/95(10), 10/95(8), 7/96(5), 8/96(5), 2/97(12, 24), 4/97(5, 7, 8, 13), 9/97(11), 5/98(7), 7/98(13), 8/98(14)10/98(15), 11/98(19), 1/99(1), 1/99(7), 3/99(11, 12, 17), 5/99(13), 12/99(5), 1/00(27), 5/00(8), 5/00(19), 11/00(16), 1/01(6), 4/01(5, 11), 7/01(31)(55), 1/02(5), 5/02(19), 9/02(16), 10/02(27),  10/02(31), 10/02(39), 12/02(21), 12/02(29), 1/03(17), 3/03(7), 3/03(15), 3/03(19), 4/04(12), 4/03(20), 4/03(27), 4/03(33), 7/03(13), 8/03(27), 10/03(45), 10/03(59), 11/03(14); 12/04(11, 13), 1/05(16, 29) ; 3/05(31); 4/05(47); 7/05 (33, 39), 12/05(15), 1/06 (21), 3/06(13), 3/06(21), 5/06(35); 10/06(33); 10/06(40); 10/06(41); 10/06(43); 2/07(7); 3/07(21), 4/07(20), 8/07(13); 10/07(15); 10/07(21); 6/08(5); 6/08(21); 6/08(24); 9/08(16), 5/09(18), 7/09(11); 1/10(22); 4/10(26); 08/10(20); 11/10(13); 10/10(12); 1/11(30), 3/11(12), 3/11(16); 4/11(20); 4/11(32); 8/11(4); 8/11(6); 3/12(14); 09/12(11), 02/13(10), 05/13(13), 8/13(38), 9/13(20), 10/13(14), 11/13(11), 11/13(13), 2/14(17), 3/14(23)

As a non-absolute defense: 2/09(3)

Collateral Estoppel: 8/02(29), 12/02(21)

Documentary: 2/07(17), 4/07(19)

Kentucky: 10/06(41)

Massachusetts: 09/9(27)

Minnesota: 10/06(40)

Minor inaccuracies: 2/12(17)

Subsidiary Meaning Doctrine: 7/96 (4), 1/01(2), 2/07(9)

Wyoming: 10/06(43)

Substantial truth of allegations: 4/11(23)

Texas cases: 4/97(7), 4/02(11), 10/02(27), 5/05(11), 7/13(9)

Third-Party Allegation Rule: 7/13(9), 8/13(38), 3/14(22)

Vituperation (name calling): 1/97 (9)

Website Operators: 7/13(3), 7/13(22)

Wire Service Defense: 12/95(5), 5/96(1), 10/96(4), 12/96(12), 4/97(1), 5/98(3), 10/98(18), 12/03(25)

Reverse Wire Service Defense: 12/03(25)

Product Disparagement Statutes: 1/98 (1)

Pro Se Plaintiffs: 3/95 (13), 6/97 (15)

Publication: 8/99(21), 11/99(4), 10/00(10), 4/03(35), 5/03(30), 1/05(28), 2/05(35), 9/09(23)

Public Concern: 11/98(40), 12/98(24), 4/99(11), 10/99(29), 11/99(36), 1/00(15), 8/00(24), 9/00(14), 11/00(10, 12, 16), 12/00(15), 1/01(15), 2/01(14), 3/01(17), 7/01(27), 8/01(28), 9/02(15), 10/02(40), 11/02(33), 10/05(33), 10/06(31), 6/07(21), 6/08(11), 09/9(25), 12/09(21), 7/12(19), 04/13(20), 1/14(13), 2/14(14)

Public Figure Plaintiffs: 7/94 (1), 10/94(4), 11/94(5), 1/95 (3), 6/95 (1), 8/95(5), 11/95 (2), 1/96 (11), 5/96 (2), 6/96 (1), 10/96(5), 11/96(9), 1/97 (9), 8/97 (10, 12), 9/97 (9, 13), 11/97 (6), 3/98 (7), 4/98 (11, 12), 5/98(5), 7/98(5), 10/98(23)(28), 11/98(1), 11/98(7) (18), 3/99(15), 9/00(15), 11/00(1), 1/01(9, 16), 3/01(2, 23), 4/01(5, 10, 33), 5/01(25, 27), 10/01(34), 9/02(6), 9/02(15), 10/02(27), 12/02(17), 1/03(17), 2/03(13), 3/03(11), 4/03(12), 4/03(23), 5/03(21), 6/03(15), 7/03(16), 8/03(17), 8/03(25), 10/03(43), 11/03(7, 21), 12/03(29), 2/04(10), 3/04(24), 10/05(33), 11/05(16), 11/05(31), 11/05(44), 2/06(19), 4/06(17), 7/06(10); 10/06(23); 2/07(7); 9/07(19); 1/08(10); 9/08(22); 12/08(17); 4/09(18), 10/11(3), 10/11(6), 10/11(7), 12/12(9), 7/13(25), 8/13(26)

Activist Group: 8/13(30)

Athletes: 7/03(16), 12/06(17), 11/07(13), 11/10(12), 8/13(18)

Attorney: 12/07(15), 7/08(13), 11/13(7)

Analysis: 4/03(23), 7/03(16)

Bankruptcy trustee: 1/14(15)

Burdens upon: 3/95(1), 2/03(13), 8/13(18)

Corporations/Businesses as: 7/97(19), 10/97(17), 3/99(15), 8/99(17), 10/99(25), 5/00(9), 6/03(15), 2/06(19), 10/06(23), 8/13(33)

Court-appointed psychologist as: 10/98(9)

Criminals: 2/10(23)

Discovery-related: 12/06(21), 9/07(26)

Former Elected Officials: 3/00(9)

Insufficient evidence to show: 9/06(7)

Involuntary Status of: 3/95(1, 12), 4/98(5), 4/99(17), 5/99(9), 10/99(13), 6/00(14), 10/01(3), 2/02(13), 12/02(17), 6/07(8)

Judge: 10/11(3)

Limited Public Figure Plaintiffs: 1/97(9, 11), 3/97(2), 4/97(13), 8/97(9), 9/97(13), 10/98(23), 11/98(7), 10/99(13,17), 12/99(12), 12/99(13), 12/99(14), 5/00(15), 9/00(9), 10/00(7), 11/00(16), 1/01(4), 3/01(7)(13)(18), 6/01(28), 8/01(23), 8/01(29), 10/01(3, 13), 11/01(33), 2/02(13), 4/02(13), 5/02(14, 15), 9/02(19), 10/02(27), 1/03(17), 3/03(11), 4/03(17), 4/03(19), 7/03(17), 8/03(35), 10/03(43), 12/03(21), 11/05(31), 1/06(19), 9/06(31), 4/07(19), 9/07(19), 2/08(21), 5/08(21), 7/08(5), 7/08(11), 8/08(15), 09/9(25), 12/09(21), 3/11(13), 12/11(9), 12/11(12), 10/13(9), 3/14(18)

Corporations as: 7/07(21)

Involuntary Status: 12/03(21)

Law school as: 10/13(14)

Medical practitioner as: 4/07(19)

Reporter as: 10/98(8), 4/99(6), 5/03(21), 8/03(35)

Vortex: 9/98(13), 10/98(8), 8/13(26)

Public Official Plaintiffs: 10/96 (4), 4/97 (9), 8/97 (7), 9/97(9), 6/98(9),8/98(11), 10/98(9), 7/99(27), 9/00(15), 10/00(9), 10/00(14), 11/00(17), 12/00(17), 1/01(5), 2/01(7), 4/01(20), 6/01(23), 11/01(31), 9/02(11), 9/02(13), 10/02(31), 10/02(37), 12/02(19), 12/02(29), 1/03(19), 3/03(13), 3/03(13), 10/03(42), 2/04(7, 25); 6/08(5); 3/10(9); 3/10(11), 6/10(21); 12/10(29); 5/11(14), 5/11(21)

Police Officer as: 6/00(3), 10/02(27); 8/08(7)

California Police Officers’ Right to Sue Statute: 10/03(57)

Police Advisory Commissioner as: 12/06(19)

Rank-and-file officers: 11/13(9)

Prosecutor as: 4/07(9), 8/13(36)

Spouse of a Public Official: 2/02(12); 12/06(20)

Transmutation of general criticism of government against individual: 3/03(13)

Scientist: 2/07(7)

Statute of Limitations: 12/03(29)

Public Meetings: 10/06(42)

Rap Lyrics: 1/05(13)

Rebuttal: 12/08(12)

Rehabilitation: 10/04(17), 12/04(15)

Republication: 8/11(12)

Reporter v. Media: 3/03(19), 8/03(35)

Sanctions: 4/08(32), 7/12(26)

Scientific research: 2/14(21)

Sarcastic Tone, as Proof of Libel: 10/95(8)

Sexual misconduct: 2/14(20)

Special verdict forms: 2/05(25)

Settlements: 4/00(8), 1/01(16), 6/01(35, 36), 7/01(24), 7/03(8), 7/03(19), 11/03(13)

Negotiations: 3/03(15)

Plaintiff pays to settle: 11/03(13)

Shield law: 4/07(24), 7/11(7)

Statute of Limitations: 5/97(8), 10/99(21), 11/99(4), 4/00(13), 1/01(17), 3/01(23), 4/01(17), 12/01(23), 11/02(15), 11/02(23), 4/03(31), 5/03(25), 12/03(39), 12/05(42), 4/08(32), 6/08(26), 08/10(32)

Summary judgment standard: 11/04(25), 9/06(7), 9/06(12), 12/06(22), 2/07(7), 6/09(5), 3/14(21)


Newspaper Editor awareness: 12/06(41)


Comedy: 4/10(22)

Documentaries: 4/07(19)

Talk Show (Statements made on): 2/05(19)

Terrorism: 3/14(19)

Trade Libel: 10/98(21), 5/08(18), 4/10(26), 9/13(14), 3/14(31)

Underground Newspapers: 3/02(13)

Vanity Publishers:  8/06(19), 8/08(11)

Libel Defense Resource Center: see Media Law Resource Center


Malicious Prosecution: 4/97 (29), 6/03(37), 2/04(58); 2/11(6)

Media Regulation:

UK: 8/03(59); 11/12(28)

Media Law Resource Center:

Anniversary (25th):  11/05(55)

Annual Dinner

preview of: 2/02(3)

summary of: 11/97 (37), 11/99(1), 11/00(33), 11/01(49), 11/02(3), 11/04 (5), 11/05(4); 10/06(8); 11/07(3); 11/08(3); 11/11(4), 11/13(3)

Annual Meetings (Minutes of)

Defense Counsel Section: 11/97 (39), 11/98(46), 12/99(28), 11/01(51), 11/02(6), 11/03(59); 12/04 (65), 11/05(51); 11/07(34); 12/08(38); 11/11(45); 12/12(34)

Media Members: 11/97 (36), 11/98(43), 11/99(43), 11/01(50), 11/02(3), 11/03(59); 12/04(63), 11/05(49); 11/07(32); 12/08(36); 11/11(47); 11/12(45), 11/13(48)


Brennan Defense of Freedom Award: 7/03(68)

First Amendment Leadership Awards: 10/02 (6); 10/04(7); 10/06(5); 10/08(3)

Bulletins: 12/99(31), 2/00(1), 8/00(1), 12/00(2), 2/01(2), 4/01(2), 12/01(50), 2/02(3), 8/02(62), 9/02(49), 12/02(48), 1/03(38), 3/03(3), 7/03(5)

Bench/Media Relations: 11/01(43)

Criminal Libel: 3/03(3)

Damages: 8/94 (4), 2/96 (1), 2/97 (2), 2/98 (3); 2/05(17); 2/09(6)

Independent Appellate Review: 5/94 (4), 9/96 (24)

Motions to Dismiss: 10/04(22)

Right of Publicity: 2/95 (4)

Summary Judgment: 8/97 (30), 11/97 (12, 13)

Trials and Damages: 7/03(5), 2/06(5); 2/07(5); 2/08(5)

Committees: 1/03(47)

Ethics: 6/02(63), 7/02(63), 8/02(59)

Prepublication Review: 7/02(13), 12/02(31), 5/04(55), 6/04(45), 7/04(67)

Product Disparagement: 1/98 (24)

Reports: 4/00(59), 5/01(35), 2/02(53), 11/13(40)

Conferences: 4/97 (30)

Canada Conference: 5/05 (49)

Libel Conference: 10/02 (3), 10/02 (9), 10/02(56)

London Conference: 12/97 (5), 2/98 (2), 3/98 (17), 5/98 (29, 37, 39, 40), 10/00(43, 45), 10/03(5), 9/05(35, 37), 9/07(3), 1/09(9), 2/09(8), 9/13(4)

Lord Justice David Keene:  10/03(5)

Latin America Conference: 03/13(03)

MLRC/Southwestern Law School Conference: 1/09(8), 1/12(13), 1/13(17), 1/14(3)

Moscow Conference: 12/96 (24), 7/97 (31, 34)

NAA/NAB/MLRC Conference: 10/08(5)

DCS Executive Committee Mid-Year Update: 6/05(5)

Executive Director, News from: 3/98(29), 2/02(3)

First Amendment Education Project: 6/00(46), 11/00(35), 6/01(2), 11/01(48), 4/02(60)

Forum:  11/13(6)

Judicial References in Newsgathering: 2/02(16)

Mock Trial: 9/05(37, 39)

Op-Eds: 4/03(11)

Practice Guides:

Actual Malice: 11/01(56)

Public Advocacy Center in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina: 9/01(15)


“Free Press in a Free Society”: 4/05(44)

Stanford Conference: 5/08(7), 4/09(6)

State Legislative Committee 2013 Legislative Highlights: 11/13(35)

Survey (with National Freedom of Information Coalition): 10/13(28)

Thank You:

Robin Bierstedt: 12/02(3)

Hal Fuson: 12/04(5)

Bruce Johnson: 12/04(5)

Lee Levine: 12/03(4)

David Schulz: 12/02(3)

Mary Ann Werner: 12/03(4)

View from the Inside, A: 3/14(44)

Mediation: 4/99(18)

Metadata: 2/06(47), 11/09(29), 3/14(44)

Military Secrets Privilege: 10/05(53)

Military Training (of journalists): 11/02(41)

Misappropriation: See Privacy, Invasion of

Mock Trial: 10/04(51)

Mug Shots: 9/05(23), 9/05(24), 3/14(26)

Must-Carry Regulations: 4/97(1)


Negligence: 6/94 (appendix), 2/95(3), 2/97(9), 3/97(11), 5/98(17), 1/01(25), 5/03(15), 7/03(13), 7/03(27), 7/03(65), 2/06(21), 10/06(33), 06/13(38), 8/13(18)

Heightened First Amendment Protections for Public-Concern Matters: 9/13(15)

Industry Custom: 11/98(24)

Negligent Hiring/Employment: 2/98(9), 7/98(15), 12/98(9), 10/99(40), 6/11(13)

Negligent Misrepresentation: 6/98(12); 7/98(2); 11/03(32); 5/12(27)

Negligent Promotion: 12/95(7)

Negligent Publication: 2/95 (3), 5/97 (9), 4/98 (11), 5/98 (17), 9/00(32, 38); 11/09(24)


Waco, TX Claims: 12/94 (11), 7/94 (3), 9/94 (1, 2), 4/96 (1), 11/96 (3)

Radio Show: 11/07(17), 10/09(21), 6/11(13)

Reporting Mistake: 9/98(7), 3/00(14), 6/11(25)

Reputational Harm, lack of evidence: 9/13(15)

Stop-Delivery Notices: 12/04(62)

Talk Shows: 5/99(20), 11/02(13), 8/03(12), 11/03(33), 9/04(19)

Duty of Care: 3/96 (4), 8/03(12), 11/03(33); 9/04(19)

Wrongful Death: 1/97 (5), 2/97 (9), 5/97 (9, 13), 11/97 (1), 9/00(38), 3/01(20)(21), 11/01(9), 6/02(33), 11/02(13), 8/03(12); 10/10(28)

Net Neutrality (See also Cyberspace): 7/06(25); 7/07(49)(overview of debate)

News Councils: 4/00(47)

Newsgathering: 7/94(3), 10/94(2), 12/94(3), 1/95(1), 12/95(4,6), 7/98(18), 11/98(13), 9/00(23, 50), 10/00(22), 10/02(22), 10/02(36), 6/03(40), 1/04(31), 2/04(27); 8/04(47), 07/10(39), 8/11(14), 9/11(24), 9/11(29), 10/11(11), 9/12(33)   

Anti-Paparazzi Bills: 2/98(14), 3/98(15), 5/98(21), 10/98(30)

California: 9/97(7), 2/98(13), 4/98(20), 9/98(6), 9/98(27), 1/06 (49), 10/09(24), 10/13(33)

Anti SLAPP Statutes, inapplicability of: 1/02(23)

Attorney-Client Privilege: 8/97(23)

Bivens claim: 7/08(35)

Breach of Contract: 11/99(45), 12/99(22), 1/00(13), 9/00(23), 10/09(31)

News Embargo:  8/09(24)

Breach of Duty of Loyalty: 1/97(3), 5/97(1), 9/97(1), 10/99(1), 8/01(21)

Breach of Promise: 4/01(36)

Bribery: 10/99(35), 11/99(41), 1/00(35), 7/00(9), 12/00(8)

Cameraman arrested: 7/08(36)

Civil Rights Violations: 4/97 (28)

Civil Contempt (Reporters Held in): 2/98(10), 10/98(4), 11/98(30)(32), 12/98(4), 5/99(31), 10/00(11), 1/01(27), 4/01(9), 8/01(7), 9/01(6), 10/01(32), 11/01(17), 12/01(43, 45), 2/02(33), 6/02(53), 7/02(39, 42), 8/04(8, 11), 9/09(17)

Civil Trespass: 1/04(5)

Criminal charges: 6/03(40), 12/03(56)

Under French Privacy Law:  11/03(29)

Criminal Contempt (Reporters held in): 1/98 (20), 3/98 (23), 11/98(30); 11/04 (9)

Criminal Hearings: 8/04(43)

Criminal Trespass: 7/07(41)

Confidential Information, publication of: 9/00(50), 4/01(35)

Conspiracy: 2/97 (12), 11/00(30), 7/01(21), 8/01(20)

Drones/unmanned aerial vehicles: 3/14(39)

Duty to Conduct “Follow Up” Inquiry: 9/00(28)

Eavesdropping: 5/94(2), 10/94(2), 12/94(1, appendix), 1/95(1), 6/95(7), 7/95(7), 10/95(7), 9/96(11), 11/96(14), 1/97(1), 2/97(1), 4/97(15), 7/97(21), 8/97(21), 10/97(22), 4/98(23), 5/98(21), 8/98(5), 2/00(9), 4/00(27), 12/00 (25), 8/01(3), 1/02(21), 7/03(25), 9/03(9), 12/07(18), 9/11(32), 10/11(11), 3/12(32), 5/12(3), 12/12(11), 3/14(27)

Exit polling: 5/08(40)

False Imprisonment: 2/98 (13)

“Follow-along” claims: 6/98(22)


Abetting International Terrorism: 6/11(23)

Government Search of Reporter: 10/06(51)

Netherlands: 9/08(32)

Fraud: 1/97(3), 2/97(1, 24), 3/97(11), 5/97(1), 8/97(21), 9/97(1,5), 6/98(11), 7/98(1), 10/98(33), 12/98(12), 1/99(10)(14), 3/99(35), 10/99(1,3), 11/99(20), 1/00(13), 10/00(24), 8/01(21), 10/02(17), 11/03(32), 10/09(31)

Australia: 2/02(29)

Hacking: 10/11(37)

Hidden Camera: 1/97 (3), 2/97 (1), 4/97 (27), 10/97 (1), 10/98(33), 12/98(11)(24), 1/99(13), 3/99(35), 5/99(17), 10/99(1,5), 3/00(5), 11/00(17), 12/00(7), 1/01(11), 2/01(23), 10/02(17), 5/03(13), 6/03(43), 7/03(25), 7/03(28); 9/04(21); 10/04(15); 11/04(11, 17)

Injunctions Upon: 4/96 (1), 2/97 (1), 1/01(23)

Interviews & Outtakes (criminal defendants): 1/99(24), 4/01(28)

Intrusion Claim: 11/03(32); 9/11(24)

Journalists assaulted by police: 07/10(39)

Limitations & Commercial Speech: 5/02(3)

Misrepresentation: 3/00(1), 10/00(23); 3/07(3)

NASD/NYSE (analyst conflict of interest rule): 12/02(33), 4/03(53)

Non-Confidential Sources: 8/04(12)

“Perp Walk,” staged: 9/00(33), 5/01(5), 9/03(3); 6/09(15)

Polling: 11/04 (30)

Pretrial Discovery: 8/04(45)

Public Areas: 8/11(14)

Publisher Arrests: 7/01(19)

Recorded Interviews: 1/00(1), 1/01(19), 8/01(17)

Reporter Arrests: 1/00(36, 37), 6/03(41), 8/11(14)

RICO: 4/95(1), 5/95(1), 2/97(12), 4/97 (28)

Ride-Along Claims: 6/94(1), 9/94(1), 12/94(3), 3/96(11, 12), 9/96(1), 12/96(11), 1/97(1), 3/97(15), 11/97(21), 1/98(16), 5/98(20), 10/98(37), 11/98(25), 5/99(25), 6/99(1), 10/99(41), 11/99(41), 4/01(29), 8/01(3, 13), 7/02(17), 4/10(20), 1/14(21)

§ 1983 Action: 2/06(3); 2/10(25), 4/11(20); 9/12(28)

Sports, and Real-Time Scores: 1/01(33), 1/03(7), 2/04(27)

Stalking Statutes: 11/96 (19), 9/97 (7), 4/99(41), 9/99 (7)

State Actor: 10/02(19)

Temporary Restraining Orders: 12/98(13), 5/99(17), 9/00(35), 12/02(38), 4/03(9), 7/03(43),- 12/10(10)

Tortious Newsgathering Claim: 4/01(31), 10/02(17)

Trespass: 1/97 (1, 3, 5), 5/97 (1), 9/97 (1), 9/98(17), 10/98(33), 12/98(11), 1/99(15), 3/99(35), 10/99(1,3), 9/00(31), 4/01(5, 29), 8/01(14, 21), 9/01(29), 10/02(17), 10/02(19), 3/03(19), 6/03(41), 8/04(16); 8/05 (14); 7/08(17)

Wiretap: 9/97 (8), 8/98(5), 10/98(31), 11/98(13), 11/98(25), 12/98(17), 1/99(15)(17)(19)(21), 3/99(47), 4/99(45), 5/99(17), (37), 6/99(5), 7/99(39), 9/99(5), 10/99(7,10), 11/99(35,38), 1/00(7), 8/00(9), 9/00(30), 11/00(29), 12/00(1), 1/01(11), 6/01(5, 29), 8/01(15), 9/01(37), 11/01(22), 1/02(21), 10/03(26); 7/05 (35), 7/06(4); 8/09(35); 9/11(29), 10/11(11), 11/11(23), 3/14(44)

Choice of law: 5/00(41)

Internet: 2/01(29); 7/07(15)

Receipt and use of tape: 5/07(9), 7/07(15), 1/14(9)

Texas statute: 2/07(3)

Newsletters: 10/09(15)

Defamation: 9/06(6)

Shield law application: 9/06(6)

Newspaper Preservation Act: 12/11(30)


Raids/theft of newspapers: 4/02(51); 10/10(12)

Regulations: 2/02(31), 3/03(49), 3/03(51); 12/04(57), 3/06(57)

Newsroom Issues:

Ban on Political Activity: 3/97 (1), 5/97 (20)

Codes of Conduct: 3/97 (2)

Guidelines: 6/99(40)

Newsroom Director, as Expert Witness: 9/00(23)

Retaliation Aimed at Chilling News Reporter: 1/97 (13), 9/00(23); 5/05 (5, 7)

Search warrants: 4/99(26)

Newsworthiness: 12/04(27)



William S. Dixon: 4/03(73)

Katharine Graham: 7/01(60)

Richard L. Klein: 4/02(3)

Samuel E. Klein: 4/02(3)

Obscenity: 3/96 (19), 7/97 (23), 3/98 (32), 2/99(18), 9/99 (6), 4/02(50), 12/05(49), 5/06(37)

“Official Secrets Act”:

Proposed: 11/00(26), 8/01(19), 10/06(61)

Shelved: 9/01(16)

Vetoed: 11/00(26)

Opinion: see Defenses/Privileges

Outrage, tort of: 5/06(27)

Outrageous conduct, tort of: 2/14(18)

Ownership (media): 9/04(49); 5/08(5)


Patent: 6/99(31), 2/03(54)

Pelton, Robert Young (CNN reporter subpoenaed by Lindh’s lawyers): 7/02(43)

Personal Injury Claim:

Against doctor’s television show: 11/13(16)

Personal Jurisdiction: see Jurisdiction

Pew Research Center:

First Amendment Survey: 9/02(42)

Public’s News Habits: 7/02(61)

Plaintiff’s Attorney: 2/03(12)


Commercial Photograph: 12/07(47)

Drones/unmanned aerial vehicles: 3/14(39), 5/14(34), 5/14(36)

Fair Use: 8/13(44), 9/13(30)

Harassment of Celebrities Children: 10/13(33)

Images taken from Twitter: 12/13(9)

Invasion of Privacy: 4/07(13), 7/12(17); 02/13(19), 8/13(21)

Licensing: 2/14(35)


Morgue Photographer Convicted: 8/02(17), 6/03(44)

Right to Photograph in Public: 8/11(14), 10/12(40), 02/13(19)

Student Photographer Charged: 10/02(36)

Right of Publicity: 9/06(33), 12/06(15), 12/09(14), 12/12(11), 5/14(24)

Stock Photography: 2/14(35)

United Kingdom: 12/07(33)

Poetry: 8/04(61)

Political campaigns: 9/05(49), 10/05(15)

Polling: 11/04 (30)


Ethics: 12/04(61)

Students’ First Amendment Values: 2/05(54)

Trust in Media: 1/05(50)

Where readers get news: 12/04(61) 

Preferential Distribution Rights: 2/00(43)

Presidential Records; Presidential Papers: 1/02(36), 3/02(36), 7/02(34)

Executive Order 12667 restricting release: 11/01(13), 12/01(47)

Press codes: 6/03(58)

Pre-Trial Practice:

Anti-SLAPP Motions: 7/13(14)

Complaints: 3/97 (11), 11/02(20)

Sports Figures: 6/97(11), 7/97 (20), 8/97(14)

Discovery and Investigation: 8/94 appendix), 6/95(9, 11), 12/95 (1, 5), 9/01(23, 25), 1/03(32)

Motion for a More Definite Statement: 7/97(16)

Motion to Dismiss: 7/97(16, 19), 8/97(17), 1/98(4), 5/98(8), 5/03(27), 5/03(29), 12/10(6), 8/11(9), 8/11(12), 3/14(19)

Insufficient pleadings: 5/03(27)

Judgment on the Pleadings: 4/97(1), 4/03(48)

Summary Judgment: 6/94(appendix), 1/95(3), 2/95(10), 4/95(7), 5/95(6, 7, 12), 4/96(3), 2/97(1, 12), 3/97(2, 5, 10), 4/97(1, 7, 8, 27, 28), 5/97(5, 7, 9, 13, 15), 6/97(10, 13,19), 7/97(9, 13, 15, 19), 8/97(9, 12, 13, 21, 27, 30), 9/97 (9, 11), 10/97 (1, 7, 13, 17), 12/97(12), 1/98(1), 4/98(1, 5, 11, 23), 5/98(8, 10, 12, 22), 10/98(7), 10/98(15), 5/99(13), 5/03(31), 5/03(59), 6/03(23), 8/03(29,39), 11/03(21), 8/13(23), 3/14(17), 3/14(21)

Burdens of proof: 8/02(33)

Judge’s gatekeeping function: 3/14(11)

Virginia’s ban on using affidavits or deposition testimony in support: 3/14(11)

Pretexting: 10/06(57); 1/07(35)

Prior Restraint: 9/95(1), 10/95(18), 12/95(1), 1/96(13), 3/96(1,15), 4/96(6, 9), 5/96(1, 9), 7/96(7), 8/96(13), 9/96(9), 2/97(1, 9), 3/97(13), 10/97(19), 1/98(1, 18,21), 10/98(39), 11/98(27, 28, 37), 12/98(15), 1/99(23, 25), 2/99(23, 25, 27), 4/99(31, 33), 5/99(17), 6/99(19), 10/99(34), 5/00(33), 9/00(35, 40), 9/00(43), 9/00(50), 2/01(26), 4/01(4),: 5/01(7), 5/01(9), 6/01(17, 18, 40), 7/01(51), 9/01(45), 10/01(7), 1/02(25), 4/02(16, 37, 42, 53, 55), 5/02(20, 22), 6/02(38), 7/02(16, 27), 9/02 (25), 12/02(33), 4/03(9), 7/03(43), 8/03(45), 8/03(49), 10/03(27), 11/03(34), 12/03(49), 2/04(5), 3/04(51), 8/04(17, 19, 21); 12/04(17, 28) ; 3/05(6, 7, 18, 39); 4/05(27, 29); 5/05 (29); 7/05 (11, 14, 15), 2/06(33), 3/06(43), 4/06(52); 10/07(9); 10/07(11); 3/08(17); 11/08(13); 3/12(36); 11/12(22); 03/13(09); 04/13(28)

Adult Entertainment: 8/13(41)

Animal cruelty videos: 7/08(37); 10/09(8); 4/10(4)

Attorney Website: 11/13(33)

Barring Broadcast, denial of: 11/03(34), 2/04(5); 5/07(41); 10/07(9); 10/07(11); 1/08(5); 4/10(34); 03/13(09)

Barring Rebroadcast or Further Publication: 1/97 (1), 2/97(12), 3/99(40), 12/00(22), 4/02(37, 53); 11/12(22)

Books, publication of: 7/07(27); 4/10(33)

Books by Jurors (California): 7/95(1)

Classified Information: 10/00(41); 11/09(27)   

Movie, Barring Release of: 10/01(19)

“Official Secrets Act,” Veto of: 11/00(26)

War Briefings: 10/01(53)

Confession: 9/13(25)

Contempt of Court: 4/06(52)

United Kingdom: 12/13(23)

Decorum Order: 8/03(45), 10/03(29)

Emergencies: 5/96(9)


Canada (Publication Bans): 1/12(47)

Switzerland: 7/08(26)

United Kingdom

Libor Scandal: 10/13(21)

Grand jury transcript: 3/05(7)

HIPAA: 10/03(27), 8/04(41)


Post-trial injunction: 5/07(17), 1/14(25)

Sought against Broadcast: 3/07(33), 10/07(9), 10/07(11)

Sought against Internet website: 2/08(7), 5/08(14), 1/14(9)

Sought against police / Internet posting of records: 7/07(15), 1/11(15)

Sought against publication: 3/07(31), 7/07(27), 12/11(17)

Sought against reporting:  3/07(29)

Judicial Misconduct: 2/06(33)

Juror Names: 3/05(6); 5/05 (29)

NASD/NYSE: 12/02(33), 4/03(53)

Police Complaint: 3/05(18); 7/07(15)

Police Report: 9/13(25)

Police Officer home addresses: 3/06(43)

Protective Orders: 12/95(1), 3/96(1, 17), 12/99(26), 12/99(27)

Public Records: 3/12(36)

Satellite Photos, Use of: 1/98(15)

Sex tape: 1/14(9)

Street vendor: 8/03(47)

Student Newspapers: 12/04(28)

Taxes, Content-Based: 8/13(41)

Trade Secrets: 4/96(6), 9/96(5), 9/99(15), 5/00(31), 8/01(10), 10/01(26), 12/03(46), 3/04(36)

Trading Cards, Ban on Sale: 10/96(11)

Website: 2/08(7), 2/08(34), 3/08(17), 11/12(22)

False commercial speech: 7/05(15)

Plaintiffs: 10/13(24)

Prisons/Prisoners: 4/99(47), 5/03(48), 1/08(18)

Privacy Act: 3/06(32), 6/12(30), 01/13(33)

California: 4/06(24)

Federal: 3/08(6), 2/12(9)

New York: 4/06(24)

Privacy, Invasion of: 6/94(2), 1/95(1), 5/95(2), 1/97(6), 2/97(1), 4/97(15, 26), 11/98(32), 1/99(26), 3/99(28), 7/99(31), 10/99(39), 9/00(32), 12/00(28), 2/01(15, 23), 6/01(5), 8/01(3), 2/02(17), 3/02(32), 4/02(11), 5/02(23), 6/02(14, 15), 9/02(9), 9/02(13), 10/02(17), 10/02(19), 10/02(22), 10/02(25), 11/02(32), 12/02(32), 1/03(27), 2/03(9), 2/03(52), 4/03(37), 7/03(30), 8/03(7), 9/03(9), 12/03(17, 40), 9/04(5), 5/05 (13), 10/05(27),  10/05(28),  11/05(17), 11/05(25), 12/05(13), 4/06(13), 7/06(12), 9/06(9), 10/06(26), 3/07(3), 11/07(11), 12/07(18), 12/07(26), 12/07(29), 4/08(15), 4/08(30), 10/09(29), 2/10(20), 10/11(15), 11/11(12), 11/11(14), 1/12(43), 2/12(16), 10/12(23), 01/13(24), 02/13(18), 02/13(19), 05/13(11), 7/13(25), 10/13(9), 11/13(13), 11/13(14), 2/14(10)

§ 1983 Action: 11/04 (59), 10/05(42), 9/07(7), 2/10(25)

Bookstore Customer Records: 4/98(25), 11/00(25), 12/00(29), 10/01(46), 3/02(38), 4/02(43)

Broadcasting: 7/07(17), 7/11(13)

Class Actions: 4/06(13)

Damages: 1/10(30)

Distributor Liability: 4/97 (15)

Driver’s Privacy Protection Act: 3/99(31), 8/02(41), 11/11(12), 12/11(18)

Drones/unmanned aerial vehicles: 3/14(39)

Employment Records: 12/06(33); 1/11(34)

False light: 7/94(1), 6/94(appendix), 1/97(3, 16), 2/97(1, 12), 3/97(2), 4/97(15), 5/97(6), 6/97(16), 8/97(10), 10/98(20), 11/98(7), 3/99(25), 5/99(12), 7/99(17), 3/00(27), 4/00(26), 9/00(11, 13, 29), 10/00(6), 12/00(15), 1/01(11), 3/01(24), 4/01(15, 33), 6/01(16), 8/01(30), 9/01(33), 10/01(19), 11/01(29), 12/01(22), 1/02(7), 2/02(17), 6/02(11), 9/02(13), 9/02(19), 10/02(23), 10/02(28), 11/02(15), 1/03(17), 3/03(11), 3/03(17), 3/03(31), 4/03(27), 4/03(31), 5/03(15), 5/03(27), 5/03(30), 6/03(19), 6/03(21), 6/03(70), 7/03(13), 7/03(65), 8/03(11), 9/03(9), 10/03(39), 12/03(11, 22), 3/04(19), 11/04(19), 12/04(31, 35), 1/05(15), 3/05(19), 4/05(11, 13, 15), 6/05(43),  10/05(5), 10/05(27),  11/05(17), 12/05(17), 3/06(19), 3/06(20), 5/06(34), 9/06(9), 9/06(21), 9/06(31), 10/06(16), 10/06(31), 12/06(9), 3/07(9), 5/08(11), 1/09(3), 1/09(7), 9/09(23), 11/09(22), 4/10(25), 3/11(15), 6/11(21), 8/11(9), 10/12(7), 9/13(23), 11/13(7), 11/13(11), 2/14(10), 3/14(16)

Actual Malice Pleading Standard: 8/13(18)

District of Columbia: 9/09(23)

False light by implication: 7/02(11); 9/06(9), 4/11(23)

Florida: 12/06(9)

Illinois: 2/14(17)

In Advertisement: 9(06)15

Jury Verdicts: 6/00(1), 1/01(11), 4/01(7), 12/03(11), 9/06(9), 10/06(16), 2/14(19)

Massachusetts, not recognized in: 3/14(20)

Pennsylvania: 3/14(14)

Rejection of False Light: 10/02(23), 12/03(22), 3/04(19), 10/06(18)

Statute of Limitations: 10/06(16), 12/06(9)

Fiction novel: 4/08(15)


Canada: 1/12(45)

European Union: 2/03(27)

ECHR: 2/12(29)

France: 9/04(48), 1/08(25), 2/10(34)

Germany: 9/04(48), 12/13(26)

IACHR: 7/12(36)

Japan: 3/04(41)

Netherlands: 10/11(24)

Spain: 3/99(46)

United Kingdom: 1/01(23), 2/02(27, 28), 10/02(25), 2/03(27), 4/03(37), 8/03(57), 2/06(35), 12/06(25) [McKennitt], 3/08(37), 6/08(31), 8/08(25), 8/11(21), 5/12(31), 10/12(35)

Funerals: 1/06(9), 10/09(37)

Garbage: 10/03(25)

Government Officials, Publishing Home Address of: 10/07(6)

Hidden Cameras: 11/05(17), 7/11(13)

HIV Status: 3/06(29)

Hospital Emergency Room: 1/05(15)

Injunction: 6/03(33), 7/03(41), 5/08(14), 5/08(15)

Intrusion into Seclusion: 1/97(1,5), 2/97(1), 4/97(15), 8/97(21), 6/98(1), 7/98(3), 8/98(7), 9/98(27), 1/99(14), 7/99(1), 1/00(1,5), 4/00(29), 9/00(11), 9/00(29), 4/02(23), 8/02(17), 10/02(17), 1/03(26), 1/03(29), 2/03(9), 2/03(12), 3/03(11), 5/03(15), 5/03(27), 7/03(65), 10/03(25), 10/05(27), 10/05(28), 11/05(17), 11/05(25), 5/08(11), 10/09(37), 4/10(8), 7/11(13), 10/12(16), 06/13(24)

Canada: 1/12(45)

Internet Service Provider (ISP) information: 4/08(50), 12/10(36), 3/14(44)

Journalists’ source: 2/08(3), 3/14(44)

Jury Instruction, Erroneous: 12/03(17)

Legislation: 8/98(6), 7/03(31)

Minors: 4/10(33)

Misappropriation: 3/95(1, 10), 8/96(5), 10/96(9), 1/97(16), 4/97(15), 5/97(6), 9/97(6), 12/97(11), 1/98(3, 8, 13), 4/98(21), 11/98(23), 11/98(26), 5/99(27), 7/99(10), 5/00(29), 7/00(27), 9/00(32), 11/00(4), 11/00(17), 12/00(13), 4/01(33), 5/01(23), 6/01(35), 7/01(3), 10/01(15, 23), 12/01(9, 13), 6/02(11), 7/02(18), 8/02(11, 15), 10/02(28), 11/02(31), 12/02(32), 2/03(12), 3/03(31), 5/03(29), 6/03(33), 7/03(41), 8/03(7), 8/03(11), 2/04(11), 3/04(14), 3/05(21), 4/05(5), 7/05(25), 1/06(20), 2/06(14), 3/06(27), 6/06(9), 6/06(15), 6/06(17), 8/06(33), 3/07(9), 7/07(7), 6/08(28), 9/09(15), 2/10(3), 12/10(27), 3/11(24), 5/12(23), 9/12(19), 01/13(24), 02/13(12), 02/13(18), 03/13(30), 04/13(18), 8/13(30), 9/13(23), 2/14(10)

Advertisement: 7/07(7), 2/10(3), 02/13(18)

Anti-SLAPP: 7/07(31), 12/07(13), 2/10(3)

Broadcast: 2/07(19), 7/07(31), 01/13(24), 3/14(23)

California: 10/09(29); 2/10(3); 7/11(17); 9/12(13)

Colorado: 12/01(9)

Commercial Use: 1/00(34), 5/00(42), 5/02(3), 9/02(13), 10/02(28), 12/02(32), 2/03(12), 3/03(17), 5/03(29), 6/03(33), 7/03(41), 3/04(14), 4/05(5), 1/06 (20), 2/06(14), 9/08(19), 10/09(29), 2/10(3)

Corporate Plaintiffs: 7/00(25), 10/01(17), 10/02(17)

Death of an individual: 6/07(17); 9/12(13)

False Endorsement: 2/07(19); 2/10(3)

Florida: 8/03(11)

Georgia: 9/12(19)

Movie: 4/08(18); 2/09(14)

Releases/Fraudulent inducement to appear in: 11/09(15)

Name, misappropriation of one’s: 2/14(10)

Newsworthiness: 7/97 (13), 6/98 (12), 11/98(33), 12/99(19), 3/00(17), 5/00(40), 12/01(9), 11/02(31), 2/03(9), 3/03(31), 1/06 (20), 3/06(27), 6/06(17), 4/08(18), 10/13(9)

Political Statements: 7/07(26)

Photograph: 4/07(13); 7/07(7); 9/12(19)

Right of Publicity Statutes: 12/06(15), 6/07(17), 8/13(11)

Statute of Limitations: 12/06(15)

Single Publication Rule: 7/07(7), 8/09(21)

MySpace: 4/09(22); 7/09(22)

Non-Media cases: 3/06(31)

Ohio: 6/07(5)

Perp Walks: 3/99(33), 9/03(3)

Photograph: 4/07(13); 4/07(26); 5/08(38); 2/10(34); 3/11(15); 7/12(17); 11/12(44); 02/13(19), 8/13(21)


Undercover identification: 7/07(17)

Private Facts: 1/96 (3), 8/96 (10), 1/97 (1), 2/97 (1), 3/97 (10), 4/97(15), 5/97 (13), 3/98 (13), 4/98 (24), 7/98(3), 10/98(29), 9/00(29), 6/01(16), 7/02(19), 10/02(25), 10/02(27), 1/03(17), 1/03(27), 3/03(29), 4/03(37), 6/03(33), 10/03(80), 11/05(25), 12/05(13), 2/06(11), 2/06(13), 5/06(27); 3/07(3); 6/07(8); 11/08(19), 6/11(13), 6/11(21); 7/11(13); 2/12(9); 09/12(06); 03/13(33), 2/14(17)

Public Concern Exception: 4/98 (24), 3/00(16), 3/01(9), 12/05(13); 6/07(8); 9/11(36), 10/11(15), 7/13(19)

Reasonable Expectation: 2/00(10), 10/02(17), 10/02(19), 11/02(32), 12/02(39), 1/03(27), 3/03(35), 4/03(37), 5/03(27), 9/03(9)

Criminal Records: 1/03(27), 3/03(29), 6/03(33)

Restatement of Unfair Competition: 2/95 (4)

Right to Know Provision: 11/03(43)

Sanctions: 10/94(1, 3), 12/94(8), 12/95(6), 1/96(8), 5/96(5), 7/96 (2), 8/96(9), 12/96(9)

Sex Offender Registration Laws: 2/98 (18), 7/01(55)

Statements About Deceased:

Family’s Expectation of Privacy: 1/02(27), 7/13(19)

Priests under investigation: 11/03(42)

Statute of Limitations: 4/07(26)

Victim Identification Statutes: 12/94 (14), 1/95 (1), 10/96 (24), 10/01(27)


Receipt of tape by reporter: 5/07(9), 1/14(11)

Texas statute: 2/07(3)

Privacy Protection Act (federal): 3/14(45)

New Jersey Subpoena First Act: 12/13(7)

Procedure, Civil:

Civil: 5/03(23)

Appellatte jurisdiction over administrative orders: 10/13(32)

Appellate procedure on disclosure of unpublished information: 10/13(13)

Law of the Case: 5/03(24)

Res Judicata: 11/13(23)

Jurisdiction: 9/96(1), 10/96(1)

Cases applying Calder v. Jones: 11/01(23), 1/03(15), 6/10(12), 08/10(25), 6/12(6)

Collateral order doctrine: 3/14(33)

Copyright: 10/09(12)

Cyberspace, see Cyberspace, Jurisdiction

Federal Jurisdiction: 8/02(34), 11/02(25), 10/03(23)

Foreign Defendant: 2/04(13), 9/05(5)

Forum Shopping: 6/94 (appendix), 5/95 (4), 6/95 (9), 1/96  (12), 3/96 (8), 3/97 (13), 7/98(27), 6/99(13), 8/99 (19), 6/00(18), 9/02(17); 12/09(22)

Individual v. Publishing Co.: 3/00(11)

Internet: 4/10(38), 4/10(47), 11/11(20)

Long-arm statutes: 4/00(13), 2/01(5), 12/01(24), 9/02(9), 3/03(26), 6/03(19); 12/07(24)

Minimum contacts: 7/03(12), 3/06(25)

Personal: 9/96(1), 10/96(1), 2/97(17), 3/97(3), 4/97(10), 5/97(8, 9), 8/97(5), 3/98(11), 11/01(23), 4/02(10), 9/02(7), 9/02(9), 10/02(41), 3/03(33), 7/03(12), 7/03(58), 8/03(19), 2/04(13), 10/05(39), 4/06(11), 1/08(17), 6/08(21), 02/13(15), 04/13(35)

Purposeful Availment: 2/03(23), 6/03(19), 7/06(27)

Specific: 8/98(15), 4/00(9), 9/02(9), 6/03(19)

Subject matter: 11/02(25)

Tribal Courts: 6/98(17)

Product Disparagement: 11/04 (27), 4/08(38), 1/12(22)

Products Liability: 2/97(9), 5/97(9), 8/99(33), 4/00(43), 9/00(32), 12/06(23)

Promissory Estoppel: 12/09(25), 11/13(18)

Professional Responsibility: 4/99(1), 12/02(21), 3/03(25)

Public Opinion Polls: 9/98(25), 7/00(37), 9/02(41), 1/03(20)

Public Television: 4/02(53)

Publicity, Right of: 11/97 (29), 12/98(19), 3/99(49), 4/99(35), 10/99(38), 1/00(31), 2/00(7), 3/00(21, 23, 25); 4/00(30); 8/00(13), 8/00(17), 9/00(27), 10/00(17, 21, 22), 11/00(5); 12/00(23); 2/01(23), 5/01(3), 7/01(3)(25), 10/01(15), 1/02(23), 6/02(39), 7/02(7), 6/03(31), 6/03(32), 6/03(35), 7/03(9), 8/03(7), 5/05(37), 9/06(33), 9/07(9), 10/07(29), 11/07(21), 12/07(44), 1/08(24), 2/08(8), 2/08(25), 5/08(9), 5/08(11), 11/08(18), 6/09(3), 9/09(10), 9/09(15), 12/09(14), 2/10(7), 3/10(19), 4/10(17), 8/10(22), 7/11(10), 9/11(20), 11/11(17), 1/12(20), 5/12(16), 6/12(10), 9/12(13), 10/12(19), 06/13(20), 8/13(11), 11/13(20), 2/14(8)

California: 4/99(35), 4/99(37), 5/01(3), 1/02(23), 7/02(7), 6/03(31), 10/07(31), 3/10(19), 4/10(17), 2/11(9), 7/11(16), 9/12(13), 10/12(19), 1/14(23), 2/14(14)

Georgia: 12/09(14), 7/11(12), 5/12(16),

Hawaii: 2/10(7)

Illinois: 12/98(19), 5/03(29), 8/10(22), 11/10(19), 3/11(11), 2/12(10), 2/14(16)

Indiana: 2/10(7), 7/11(15)

Massachusetts: 2/10(7)

Michigan: 2/10(7)

New Hampshire: 6/12(10)

New Jersey: 10/12(17)

New York: 7/01(25), 9/01(17), 10/01(9), 6/02(21), 6/07(18), 2/10(7), 2/11(7), 5/12(23), 06/13(20)

Pennsylvania: 12/10(27)

Post-mortem publicity rights: 2/14(32)

Tennessee: 6/12(21)

Transformative Use Defense: 8/13(11), 1/14(23)

Washington: 2/11(7)

Non-domiciled publicity rights: 2/14(32)



Reckless and Wanton Conduct: 9/13(15)

Religion Clauses: Establishment Clause and Freedom of Religion Clause: 2/10(28)

Randal, Jonathan (Post reporter subpoenaed in The Hague): 5/02(31), 6/02(68)

Reality Television

Appearance Release: 11/13(18)

Location Agreement: 11/13(18)

Written Releases: 9/13(35)

Reporter’s Privilege: 1/96(3), 2/96(13), 6/96(3, 5, 6), 11/96(13), 4/98(24), 8/98(8), 10/98(4), 12/98(6-7), 4/99(27), 5/99(29), 8/99 (23), 9/99(27); 10/99(16), 11/99(19), 1/00(23), 9/00(39), 10/00(14), 8/01(9), 11/01(17), 1/02(11), 6/02(53, 55), 9/02(28), 12/02(11), 1/03(29), 5/03(49), 6/03(45), 7/03(27), 7/03(29), 8/03(5), 8/03(21), 9/03(15); 10/03(13), 10/03(15), 10/03(17), 10/03(19), 11/03(23); 11/03(24), 12/03(15, 55, 57), 1/04(33, 44), 2/04(14, 57), 3/04(17, 25), 8/04(9, 13, 15); 9/04(11, 28, 43); 10/04(21, 23); 11/04(7, 9, 37, 39, 43); 12/04(7, 8, 25) ; 2/05(5, 9, 13, 14, 15) ; 4/05(39); 5/05(25); 6/05(17, 19, 21, 22); 7/05(3, 5, 7, 9, 61); 8/05(26, 28, 29), 10/05(5), 10/05(10), 10/05(11); 10/05(19), 11/05(9,12), 12/05(23, 28), 1/06 (41), 2/06(25); 3/06(42); 4/06(31); 4/06(33); 5/06(5), 5/06(8), 5/06(21); 5/06(25); 6/06(3), 7/06(6), 7/06(8), 8/06(9), 8/06(13), 8/06(16); 9/06(3); 9/06(4); 9/06(5); 9/06(6); 10/06(25); 3/07(53); 5/07(44); 6/07(25); 8/07(3); 12/07(27); 12/07(30); 3/08(3); 5/08(28); 5/08(34); 6/08(29); 8/08(22); 5/09(39); 7/09(33); 9/09(4); 11/09(26); 7/10(32); 1/11(4), 4/11(35); 4/11(37), 10/11(33), 11/11(26); 2/12(39); 6/12(27), 6/12(30), 6/12(31), 7/12(10), 8/12(16), 12/12(13), 03/13(19); 05/13(24); 06/13(10), 06/13(13)

Anonymous Internet Posters: 9/08(30), 6/09(17),6/09(19), 4/10(12), 6/10(8), 7/12(24)

Bloggers: 8/06(13); 7/09(35), 6/10(80; 7/11(7); 1/12(27); 1/12(29), 7/12(10); 04/13(14)

Court-Martial: 11/04(39); 3/08(12); 9/09(4)

Criminal Cases: 3/98 (16, 18, 19), 3/99(1, 6), 9/99 (26), 1/99(19), 12/99(25), 3/00(37), 4/00(37), 8/00(37), 1/01(27), 6/02(52), 11/02(44), 11/04(9), 12/05(28), 3/08(14), 3/11(26), 8/13(3), 12/13(3)

Federal Shield Law: 2/02(41), 6/03(60), 9/03(15); 11/04(7); 2/05(9); 4/05(45), 10/05(8, 54), 5/06(10), 7/06(7); 08/10(16)

Free Flow of Information Act of 2007: 5/07(57), 7/07(45), 8/07(6), 9/07(29), 10/07(3)

Free Flow of Information Act of 2009: 9/09(3), 2/10(4), 08/10(16)

Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination: 12/13(5)


Australia: 3/06(55), 7/11(26), 4/12(34), 3/14(35)

Belgium: 4/05(39), 5/05(43), 10/06(51)

Canada: 2/04(37, 40), 12/04(45), 9/06(35), 4/08(44), 11/10(37)

European Court of Human Rights (ECHR): 1/08(27), 1/08(29), 12/09(33)

European Union: 11/04(33)

France: 1/06(45)

Germany: 3/07(35)

Ireland: 10/12(30)

United Kingdom: 7/02(55), 8/02(39), 2/06(39)

Journalist, Defined: 2/02(41), 1/08(32)

Leggett, Vanessa: 8/01(7), 9/01(6), 10/01(32), 11/01(17), 12/01(26), 1/02(33), 4/02(41)

Model Shield Law: 2/06(29)

Outtakes: 12/98(5), 5/99(31), 7/99(37), 4/00(37), 4/01(28), 7/03(29), 9/03(15), 12/04(25), 1/05(5), 2/05(14), 8/05(26, 29), 1/06(41), 4/06(29), 5/06(21), 8/06(13), 03/13(19)

Qualified Privilege: 10/98(1), 11/98(29), 9/00(39), 11/02(24), 1/03(23), 1/03(30), 6/10(6), 7/10(29), 1/11(5), 8/13(8)

Reporters’ Notes: 12/98(1), 5/99(29), 4/00(39), 9/00(39), 2/01(31), 10/01(25), 1/05(5), 12/05(23), 5/06(8), 5/06(21)


Confidential Sources: 7/95(1, 3), 10/95(17), 1/96(3), 5/96(1), 7/96(2), 9/96(1), 1/97(7), 3/97(2), 8/98(8), 11/98(32)(34), 3/99(7), 5/99(1), 11/99(21), 2/00(40), 7/00(1), 10/00(11), 4/01(9), 8/01(9), 9/01(21), 10/01(3), 1/02(11), 2/02(7, 9, 13), 6/02(57); 8/02(32), 10/02(27), 1/03(29), 2/03(3), 2/03(11), 5/03(53), 10/03(13), 10/03(15), 10/03(19), 12/03(15, 48, 57), 1/04(44), 3/04(17, 27, 29, 30); 9/04(11, 28, 43); 11/04(9); 12/04(7); 2/05 (5, 15) ; 3/05(11); 6/05(17, 19, 21, 22); 7/05(3, 5, 7),  9/05(19), 10/05(5), 10/05(19), 11/05(12), 4/06(36), 8/06(16); 9/06(4); 10/06(25); 10/06(26); 3/07(13); 4/07(24); 6/07(23); 8/07(3); 1/10(36); 2/10(30); 6/12(30), 8/13(3), 8/13(8), 12/13(3), 12/13(5)

Singapore: 1/14(35)

Contract Claims: 8/02(37), 2/03(11), 2/06(21)

DC Cir.: 10/03(13), 10/03(15), 3/08(3). 6/12(30)

Default Judgment entered for failure to disclose: 2/02(7, 9); 2/05(23), 10/05(19)

Indemnification of : 4/96(7), 12/98(4)

Jail: 5/03(51); 12/04(8)

NASD/NYSE: 12/02(33), 4/03(53)

Non-Confidential Sources: 3/95(1), 3/98 (16), 10/98(1), 12/98(1)(5), 5/99(4), 9/99(1), 12/02(33), 1/03(3), 1/04(33), 3/04(25), 7/06(6)

Place of Employment: 10/03(13)

Revealing: 5/03(53), 5/03(54), 9/05(19)

Shield law, source invoking: 4/99(23), 5/99(5), 8/01(9),


by government: 3/14(44)

by Independent Counsel: 3/98(26), 4/98(25), 9/00(39), 11/04(9)

Cross-jurisdictional subpoenas: 12/13(3)

SEC policy: 4/06(33)

UK Subpoena: 7/12(7)

Surveillance, government: 3/14(44)

Trade Secrets:

Sources as: 8/01(10), 10/01(26)

Source of Leaked Trade Secrets: 3/05(9), 5/06(5)

Unlawfully Obtained Information: 10/03(19)

Unpublished Material: 8/96 (1), 4/00(37), 10/00(30)

Waiver: 11/96 (13), 2/00(37), 4/02(41)

Speaker’s Bureau on The Reporter’s Privilege: 12/05(30)


Arizona: 5/08(28)

California: 8/00(37), 9/00(49), 6/03(60), 2/06(31), 5/06(5), 10/13(26)

Colorado: 3/04(17), 3/11(30), 12/13(3)

Connecticut: 3/05(11), 6/06(5)

Florida: 12/98(6), 10/06(26), 10/09(27), 10/11(33)

Georgia: 5/08(22), 5/08(34)

Hawaii: 5/08(24), 9/09(8), 05/13(24)

Illinois: 11/09(26), 11/10(40), 11/11(26), 1/12(29), 7/12(10)

Kansas: 3/07(55), 1/10(37), 4/10(13)

Kentucky: 4/10(12)

Maine: 1/08(7), 4/08(42), 5/08(26)

Maryland: 5/03(49), 9/06(6), 5/11(43)

Massachusetts: 10/05(10), 3/07(55)

Michigan: 9/08(28)

Minnesota: 8/96(1), 4/98(24), 12/98(7), 9/03(11), 6/12(31)

Missouri: 11/01(17), 4/06(32), 5/06(21), 3/07(55)

New Jersey: 9/00(39), 1/03(29), 7/03(29), 3/07(13), 6/07(25), 9/08(27), 4/10(8), 2/11(17), 7/11(7), 6/12(27), 04/13(14)

New York: 4/06(29), 5/06(19), 6/07(23), 9/07(27), 6/08(29), 2/09(27), 10/01(25), 6/03(45), 3/04(25), 2/11(18), 4/11(37), 7/11(9), 2/12(35), 06/13(10), 12/13(3)

North Carolina: 8/99(23), 7/03(27), 8/10(17), 5/11(40)

Ohio: 3/04(27)

Oregon: 1/12(27)

Pennsylvania: 4/11(37)

South Carolina: 11/95(3)

Texas: 3/05(11), 3/07(55), 5/09(37)

Utah: 3/07(55); 1/08(7)

Virginia: 10/06(25)

Washington: 2/01(32), 5/06(15), 3/07(55), 5/07(42)

West Virginia: 3/07(55)

Wisconsin: 07/10(32); 12/12(13)

Subscriber lists: 10/05(12)

Video: 9/06(3), 9/09(4), 9/09(8), 1/11(5)

War Crimes Tribunal: 12/02(11)

Researcher-Participant Privilege:

Canada: 1/14(32)


Restatement of Law Governing Lawyers:

Proposed Act on International Jurisdiction and the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Country Judgments: 11/02(9), 1/03(5), 5/03(3)

Restatement of Unfair Competition: 2/95 (4)

Section 174: 6/98 (15)

Retaliation Claims: 1/02(28), 9/04(24), 2/06(3), 7/06(5), 9/12(28)

Retraction Statutes: 7/13(27)

Right to Publish (28 U.S.C. 1983 action): 8/04(59)

Risen, James (New York Times reporter subpoenaed): 8/13(3), 3/14(44)

Rowling, JK (Harry Potter): 7/03(41)



Lawyers: 6/03(76), 2/06(15), 12/06(21)

Terminating case: 5/07(20)

Scientology, Church of: 2/95 (14), 3/95(1), 8/95(1), 9/95(1), 10/95(5), 11/95(5), 12/95(1), 7/96(2), 12/96(13), 9/98(6), 1/01(2), 10/01(35), 5/02(4)

Securities Exchange Commission (SEC): 9/03(50)

Securities Fraud (for failure to investigate): 12/01(7)


Computers: 9/95 (1)

Film: 9/02(26)

Reporters’ Tapes: 9/04(47)

Reporters’ Souvenirs: 5/03(52)

Sexual Harassment in creative workplace:  4/06(5)

Shield Laws: see Reporters’ Privilege

Sign Ordinances: 2/06(45); 10/07(50)

Single Instance Rule: 9/99 (25)

Single Publication Rule: 9/04(13), 3/06(32), 10/06(28) [Incl.list of cases applying rule to internet]; 9/07(18), 11/07(11), 12/08(21), 8/09(21), 11/09(19)

Application to Internet: 11/99(4), 3/06(32), 10/06(28) [Incl.list of cases applying rule to internet], 9/07(18), 12/07(41) [including list of cases applying to internet), 1/08(9), 4/08(32), 12/08(19), 12/09(25), 12/09(26), 8/13(18)

Slander Per Se: 6/00(5), 7/02(15)

SLAPP Statutes, see Anti-SLAPP Statutes

Solomon Act: 4/06(48)

“Son of Sam” Laws: 9/99(7), 4/00(49), 7/01(54), 3/02(3), 12/04(31)

Sources:  see Reporters’ Privilege

State/Government Action: 2/03(5), 3/03(17)

Seizures: 2/03(5), 3/03(5)

Student Speech: 12/06(8); 6/07(33), 6/11(34)

Student Press: 3/02(13), 10/02(36), 1/03(30), 9/13(37)

Subpoenas: 2/95(1), 3/95(2), 3/96(3), 4/96(1), 5/96(2), 9/96(3), 12/98(1), 1/99(39), 2/99(21, 22), 10/00(30), 12/00(29), 8/01(7), 9/01(4, 6), 10/01(32, 45), 11/01(17), 11/02(44), 11/02(47), 2/03(3), 5/03(49), 6/03(45), 6/03(60), 2/06(31), 3/11(30), 3/14(31), 3/14(44), 5/14(37)

Commission on Judicial Conduct: 5/02(28)


The Hague: 5/02(31)

Attorney’s Fees and Costs Awarded: 8/13(8)

Media as Third Party: 11/94(1, 3), 6/95(9), 12/95(6), 11/96(13), 9/97(17), 10/97(20, 21), 3/99(3), 4/99(29), 5/99(31), 7/99(38), 9/01(23), 10/01(25), 12/01(43), 1/02(31), 11/02(44), 6/03(60), 2/06(31); 7/11(9), 8/13(3), 8/13(8)

Reporter’s Home Phone Records (Solomon): 9/01(4), 10/01(45), 12/01(45)

Uniform Act on Criminal Witness Subpoenas: 5/96(7)

Unpublished or unbroadcasted information: 10/13(13)

Supreme Court, U.S.

Blackmun tribute: 3/99(55)

Campaign law: 11/08(9)

Certiorari Petitions: 8/95(supplement), 5/96(2), 7/96(16, supplement), 10/96(13), 12/96(15), 1/97(11), 2/97(12), 3/97(15), 4/97(1, 21, 28), 10/97(26), 3/03(9), 3/03(35), 3/03(44), 4/03(5), 5/03(12), 6/03(5), 7/03(53), 8/03(5), 12/06(8) [Frederick v. Morse], 11/07(20), 10/08(9), 11/08(11), 12/08(5), 9/12(23), 12/12(11), 06/13(28)

Challenge to Florida Secret Docket: 11/03(25)

Commentary on: 7/96(16), 8/96(supplement), 10/96(15), 8/00(3)

Oral Argument Coverage: 1/14(37)

Opinions: 4/03(3), 5/03(11), 7/03(7), 6/07(33), 05/13(27), 2/14(7)

Roundtable: 9/08(37)

Scalia, Justice Antonin: 3/03(17)


Advertising: 8/03(62)

Attitudes Toward Freedom of Information: 4/01(42), 7/01(59), 10/13(28)

Attitudes Toward Media: 5/97(22), 4/02(45), 8/03(63)

International Access to Information: 10/03(10)

News Directors, Television : 9/00(36)

Newspaper Editors / awareness of libel: 12/06(41)

“State of the First Amendment”: 7/01(58), 8/03(63)

Surveys About the Press: 1/99(35). 10/03(10)

Teachers and First Amendment: 7/01(58)



Of broadcasts: 4/99(43)

Of publications: 4/99(42), 8/13(41)

Telecommunications Law:

Automatic Dialing and Announcing Devices: 8/96(13), 12/96 (16)

Cable: see Cable

Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act: 2/01(25), 4/01(47)

Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act: 3/00(43)

Communications Decency Act : 6/96(1), 4/97(1), 11/97(15), 4/98(1), 11/00(19), 7/03(49); 10/04(27, 30), 11/09(25), 7/13(3), 7/13(22)  

Signal Bleed: 1/99(29), 6/00(43)

Consumer Protection & Competition Act: 7/00(21)

Political Editorializing Rules : 7/00(21), 8/00(43)

Subpoenas for customer records : 4/99(25)

Telecommunications Policy Act : 2/96 (3)

Telephone Consumer Protection Act: 1/12(11)

Prerecorded Telephone Messages: 4/01(45)

Text Messages: 3/10(42)

Unwanted Facsimiles: 10/95 (3), 11/95 (3), 6/98(27), 3/00(39), 4/01(46), 10/03(69), 9/09(41)

Telephone Harassment: 4/00(7), 1/02(26), 2/02(17)

Temporary Restraining Orders:

Issued For the Protection of Journalists: 1/02(29)

Terrorism: 4/00(45)

Tort Reform: 6/94(1), 1/95(1), 5/95(5), 6/95(11), 7/95(3), 2/96(9), 9/99 (29); 12/04(26)

Alaska: 7/96(9), 7/97(30)

California: 1/95(4), 7/96(9)

Idaho: 7/96(10)

Illinois: 1/95(4); 9/99(29)

Indiana: 5/95(9)

Louisiana: 6/95(11); 7/96(9)

Maryland: 7/96(10)

Missouri: 8/05(41)

New Jersey: 1/95(3); 7/95(5)

North Carolina: 7/96(10)

Ohio: 2/96(9); 7/96(10); 9/99(29); 12/04(26)

Punitive Damage Cap (Federal Legislation): 2/98(16), 4/98(5)

South Carolina: 7/96(9)

Texas: 1/95(3), 5/95(9)

Wisconsin: 7/96(9)

Tortious Interference with Business Relationship: 4/01(31), 7/03(41), 9/06(21), 2/12(20), 8/12(09), 7/13(25), 8/13(38), 2/14(17)

Tortious Interference with Contract: 11/95(1), 1/96(13), 2/96(1), 5/96(3), 6/96(7), 10/98(15), 4/00(39), 8/02(35), 1/05(21),  08/10(23), 10/10(27), 8/13(23), 3/14(14)

Defamation Rules Applied: 4/97(5), 6/00(9)

Trade Disparagement: 1/08(19)

Trade Embargoes: 10/04(47)

Trademark: 4/96(15), 7/96(1), 5/97(16), 2/98(15), 2/99(30), 9/99(8), 9/99(9), 4/00(30), 8/00(41), 3/01(25), 9/01(30), 10/01(29), 11/01(7), 12/01(17), 2/03(30), 6/03(31), 7/03(9), 7/03(22), 8/03(19), 8/03(69), 11/03(49), 1/04(17, 21, 27), 11/04(56), 9/05(30), 10/05(43), 12/05(41), 8/06(35), 8/06(37), 10/06(59), 11/08(23), 11/08(25), 9/09(10), 9/09(38), 3/12(20), 3/12(22), 6/12(18), 6/12(21), 6/12(25), 7/12(34), 01/13(15), 02/13(20), 06/13(3), 06/13(8), 2/14(8), 2/14(32)

Fair Use: 1/04(27), 10/06(59), 3/12(22), 7/12(34), 06/13(8)

First Amendment protected: 8/06(35), 5/11(29), 6/12(18), 6/12(25), 8/13(11)


France: 6/08(33)

Internet liability: 6/08(14)

Likelihood of Confusion: 8/05(33),  9/05(30), 8/06(35), 02/13(20)

Logos: 11/04(56)

Non Commercial Speech: 8/02(7)

Trade Group Commentary:  8/06(37)

Trademark dilution: 11/13(20)

Trademark Dilution Revision Act of 2006: 10/06(59)

TRO: 11/03(49); 01/13(15)

Trespass, brought against reporters: 10/05(28), 4/08(30)

Trial Practice

Damages: 12/96(3), 3/97(1), 4/97(13, 27), 5/97(6), 2/99(1), 8/03(29), 3/14(16), 3/14(17)

“Assessment of Damages Trial”: 2/02(7)

Effect of Retraction Statute: 8/97(17), 11/02(21), 12/02(17)

Punitive Damages: 2/95(7), 5/95(9, 12), 7/95(5), 1/96(1), 3/96(1, 17), 1/97(3, 16), 2/97(8, 9), 3/97(1), 4/97(1), 5/97(6), 6/97(1, 4), 9/97(1), 11/97(8), 11/98(9), 10/01(9), 6/02(21), 7/03(65), 1/04(45), 3/14(15)

Due Process: 4/95(5), 6/96(6)

Proposals to Cap: 2/98(16)

Reduction of damages: 8/03(25)   

Special Damages, rejection of: 11/03(13)                   

Directed Verdicts: 10/96(9), 1/98(9), 11/98(12), 6/03(12)

Costs Awarded: 2/02(25)

Standard of Review: 10/96(5)


Customer Correspondence, Admissibility of: 8/13(33)

Physician peer review/hospital’s internal reords: 3/14(14)

Polygraphs, Admissibility of: 6/97(13)

Television Network News Report, Admissibility of: 8/13(33)

Judgment Notwithstanding the Verdict, Motions for: 4/97(1), 11/98(9), 11/07(03)

Mistrial: 5/02(8), 8/03(17)

Jury Consultants: 12/95 (8), 10/02(9)

Jury instructions: 6/03(9)

Jury Verdicts: 6/94 (3), 10/94 (2), 11/94 (1), 4/95 (5), 1/96 (9), 2/96(1), 4/96 (2, 3, 13), 8/96 (6), 9/96 (7, 9), 10/96 (1,3), 11/96 (1, 4), 12/96 (1, 7), 1/97 (3, 13), 2/97 (1), 3/97 (1), 4/97 (1, 12, 13, 15), 5/97 (3), 6/97 (1, 4, 7), 8/97 (1, 3, 4), 12/97 (7, 9), 1/98 (8), 2/98 (8), 3/98 (6), 4/98 (7, 19), 10/99(43), 9/00(17), 12/02(15), 3/03(6), 5/03(58), 6/03(7), 6/03(9), 6/03(12), 6/03(31), 6/03(43), 7/03(19), 7/03(27), 8/03(17), 8/13(33), 12/13(9), 2/14(22), 3/14(14), 3/14(17)

Foreign, Enforcement of: 6/94(3), 11/94(4), 2/95(1), 7/95(4), 1/96(8)

Tax Consequences of: 1/96(9), 8/96(7), 12/96(16)

Settlements: 12/96(3), 2/97(1), 7/98(29), 10/00(29), 4/01(37, 38), 7/03(8, 25)

Unpublished Decisions, precedential value of: 9/00(47), 10/01(43)


Experts: 4/03(33), 6/03(9), 6/03(27), 7/03(13), 8/09(28), 3/14(15)

Judicial Proceedings Privilege, application of: 2/07(20)


Unfair Competition: 6/03(69), 4/06(9), 1/09(15), 8/09(32), 02/13(20), 06/13(3), 9/13(14), 2/14(8)

Commercial Misappropriation : 8/96(1), 9/96(9), 10/96(20), 2/97(1), 1/01(33), 7/02(51); 10/09(29), 8/13(48)

Digitally Superimposing Ads Over Other Ads: 8/02(9)

Grand Jury material:  4/06(9)

USA PATRIOT Act: 11/01(45), 12/01(47, 51), 3/02(38), 9/02(39), 2/03(43), 5/03(48), 6/03(53), 7/03(26), 9/03(33)

Patriot II: 2/03(43)


Venezuela: 4/09(36)

Venue: 11/98(39)

View From the Inside Series: 12/13(37)


California: 10/05(51), 8/07(27), 4/10(8), 6/11(3)

Depicting athletes’ likenesses in: 8/13(11)

Failure to disclose content: 6/06(46)

Labeling Requirements: 8/07(27)

Minors, statutes prohibiting sale to: 12/05(46), 8/07(27), 3/08(40), 4/10(8), 6/11(3)

Misappropriation in: 10/09(29), 2/11(10), 7/11(15)

Video Link Evidence: 11/03(29), 2/05(39)

Video News Releases: 10/07(48)

Viewpoint Discrimination: 8/04(29)

Violence and Media:

American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression, study by (refuting connection): 2/01(37)

Media Coalition, report by: 9/00(37)

Movies: 9/02(5)

Video Games: 9/02(5), 6/03(73), 10/05(51), 12/05(46), 6/06(41), 4/10(8), 6/11(3)

Void for Vagueness: 4/02(50)

“Vote-swapping”: 8/07(25)


Wakefield, Wally (subpoenaed): 12/01(43), 7/02(39), 9/03(11)

Whistleblowers: 5/03(58), 7/03(31), 8/03(65), 10/03(35), 6/06(33), 6/11(37), 1/12(25), 3/14(31)

Winter, Jana: 12/13(3)

Wire Fraud: 6/03(39)

Wire Service Defense: 12/95(5), 5/96(1), 10/96(4), 12/96(12), 4/97(1), 5/98(3), 10/98(18), 12/03(25)

Reverse Wire Service Defense: 12/03(25)


Choice of Law: 7/06(3)

Constitutionality: 3/14(27)

Email Privacy: 10/04(31), 10/05(50), 12/10(36)

Federal government: 5/03(48), 6/06(13), 3/14(44)

Illinois statute: 3/14(27)

Interception by Police: 9/01(39), 5/03(61)

Prosecution of Bloggers: 2/14(22)

Jury instruction on mens rea: 2/14(22)

Prosecution of Journalists: 10/03(26), 2/07(3)

Texas statute: 2/07(3)

Unlawfully Obtained: 8/04(5), 11/04(18), 3/06(5), 11/07(20), 5/14(41)

Unlawfully obtained by source: 5/07(9)

Wiretap Act: 11/07(20)

Wrongful Death Lawsuits: 9/00(38), 3/01(21), 11/01(9), 3/02(6); 3/08(26); 4/08(20); 8/08(9); 4/12(21)




Beatrice Mtetwa: 10/03(9)