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Media Law Conference – CLE

The following states have already granted credit. (Applications pending in other states.)

  1. Florida
  2. Georgia
  3. Illinois
  4. Kansas
  5. Louisiana
  6. Minnesota
  7. Missouri
  8. Oklahoma
  9. Pennsylvania
  10. South Carolina
  11. Tennessee
  12. Texas
  13. Wisconsin

Certificates of Attendance

You will receive a general or state-specific Certificate of Attendance, generally within 30 days of the Conference. To get CLE, complete this online attendance form.

Financial Assistance Policy

The MLRC Media Law Conference is a biennial legal conference that provides continuing legal education credit at a reasonable cost to members. In cases of demonstrated need we offer full scholarships and/or 50% reductions in the program fee.

  • Preference is given to MLRC member lawyers working in the non-profit media law and policy sector.
  • Requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis, and requests are processed in the order they are received.
  • Requests for fee waivers will not be accepted during the conference.

To apply send an email to, stating your interest in the Conference and explanation of need. The factors to be considered will include current employment status, annual income, and whether and how long the attorney has been a member of MLRC. You will be contacted with a decision; and all requests will remain confidential.

Any questions should be addressed to