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Media Law 101: Entertainment

Date: July 25, 2023 1:00 pm

This one hour presentation will cover basic but important issues to be aware of in the entertainment law world, including issues relating to the use of materials subject to copyright and trademarks, the risks involving references to real people and things, how best to use and rely upon releases and disclaimers, and more.

This one hour presentation will cover basic but important issues to be aware of in the entertainment law world, including issues relating to the use of materials subject to copyright and trademarks, the risks involving references to real people and things, how best to use and rely upon releases and disclaimers, and more.

related committee

Entertainment Law Committee

The Entertainment Law Committee holds monthly conference calls to discuss developments in entertainment law and practice, including idea theft and related copyright claims, right of publicity law and legislation, litigation over violent video games and broadcast indecency.