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Copyright & Trademark: Practical Realities & Protecting Your Content in an AI World

Date: June 22, 2023 1:00 pm

Generative AI is a big deal — and it's here to stay. Our journalists are all reporting on this topic, and everyone wants to find ways of using AI in their businesses. Please join us for a conversation and practical steps that we can take to protect our content and our ability to monetize it.

Generative AI is a big deal — and it's here to stay. Our journalists are all reporting on this topic, and everyone wants to find ways of using AI in their businesses. Please join us for a conversation and practical steps that we can take to protect our content and our ability to monetize it.

related committee

Media Copyright and Trademark Committee

The Copyright and Trademark Committee provides a forum for MLRC members from a broad cross-section of organizations to discuss recent legal developments and day-to-day issues affecting the media in these areas. The Committee serves as a resource for members to stay up-to-date on copyright and trademark issues directly relevant to the media business.