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Practice Guide

Jan 2018

Extent of ISPS’ Duties to Prevent Infringement (DMCA §512(I))

To protect ISPs that act with no direct or effective knowledge of its users' infringing activities from copyright infringement lawsuits, Congress passed the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

Jan 2018

Potential Exposure for Accessing and Using Digital Records

Courts applying the SCA have arrived at divergent outcomes on whether access to such information is impliedly authorized, depending on what information is accessed, and where the information is housed.

Jan 2018

Online Retractions and Corrections

Publishers may reduce their potential liability from defamation and other claims for original content simply by publishing corrections or retractions that respond to meritorious demands from individuals who claim to have been libeled or otherwise injured online.

Jan 2018

Portable Electronic Devices in the Courtroom

As the use of technologies and devices continues to expand, courts have developed different approaches to news media requests to post live reports from the courtroom by means of a portable electronic device.

Jan 2018

Net Neutrality – What’s the Fuss All About?

Protecting the Open Internet/Net Neutrality has been used as a label to encompass a wide swath of conduct and activities deemed a threat to "Internet Openness.

Jan 2018

Link Liability – An EU/US Comparison and Guide

Generally, in the United States, the act of linking to material that is either copyrighted or defamatory does not, on its own, carry liability. In Europe, however, the analysis has recently become significantly more complex.

Jan 2018

Who Qualifies as a Journalist Today for Legal Protections

Courts have grappled with treatment of non-traditional speakers, such as bloggers, in a variety of ways in cases dealing with First Amendment issues such as defamation suits, and reporter's privilege.

Jan 2018

Access to Electronic or Digitized Records Held in Non-Governmental Containers

The growing body of case law on this topic has formed a fairly strong consensus view: it is the content of the email (i.e. whether it is of a purely personal nature or discusses public business) not its location) that controls whether it is deemed a public record.

Oct 2017

Challenges and Solutions for Media Companies and Their Journalist Workforces in Harnessing the Internet’s Power While Avoiding Its Pitfalls

A report on encouraging journalist employees’ use of social media while attempting to reasonably limit that use through policies and workplace rules; and dealing with the increased frequency with which journalists are subjected to abuse and harassment due to works published online.

Dec 2016

Using Trademarks in Expressive Works

An in-depth discussion of the main legal defenses that may enable content creators to avoid the time and expense of establishing that consumer confusion is unlikely under the applicable multi-factor test.