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Digital Review

A monthly round-up of legal tech news from MLRC deputy director Jeff Hermes.

Jan 2021

Digital Review January 2021

Trump booted off Twitter | Section 230 reform moving into the new Congress | Antitrust lawsuits against Facebook | Control shifts at the FCC, FTC, and USAGM | And much, much more…

Nov 2020

Digital Review November 2020

California Prop 24 passes | A poser on defamation of online pseudonyms | Maneuvering at the FCC and FTC | Trump declares Section 230 a national security threat | French protests shut down police photography ban| and much more...

Oct 2020

Digital Review October 2020

A new Supreme Court justice | A quick puzzle at the intersection of math and nostalgia | An actual 512(f) win | More 230 activity in all three branches | The DOJ antitrust suit against Google lands, and other countries consider jumping on the bandwagon | The Open Technology Fund notches a victory against political…

Sep 2020

Digital Review August-September 2020

The travails of TikTok; the storm intensifies around Section 230; moderating election and voting misinformation; and much more

Jan 2020

MLRC Digital Review January 2020

Illinois’ biometric privacy law keeps generating lawsuits | Richard Liebowitz files more copyright claims, and runs into more trouble | New bills in AZ and NH on online libel | Bernie Sanders wants to fix the internet | Encryption and the Fifth Amendment before state supreme courts