Digital Review
A monthly round-up of legal tech news from MLRC deputy director Jeff Hermes.
Digital Review May 2022
Tasseography with the Supreme Court in NetChoice | The Ninth Circuit doubles down in hiQ | More consequences for Richard Liebowitz | SOPA/PIPA-style takedown orders against pirate sites | Lissajous curves and lemniscates | Getting meta with patent law: Does a “buffer” include a “cache”? | The short life of the Disinformation Governance Board |…
Digital Review March – April 2022
The Cyberwar in Ukraine | Elon Musk & Twitter | Justice Thomas on Section 230 (yet again) | The 9th Circuit on hiQ v. LinkedIn after remand | Europe, the DSA and the DMA | and so, so much more…
Digital Review February 2022
Ukraine, Russia, and the information war | The Supreme Court on mistakes in copyright registration | Ken Paxton is at it again. And again. And again. | Instagram fights off an embedding lawsuit | No trademark registration for ".SUCKS," but not for the reason you might expect | Edible Arrangements tastes defeat | Updates on…
Digital Review December 2021 – January 2022
Justice Breyer's First Amendment & copyright decisions | Indiana's revenge porn law survives strict scrutiny | So many federal many First Amendment issues | Pegasus problems persist, proving pervasive | Copyright transfer as a remedy in non-copyright cases | Texas' content moderation law is enjoined | The Fifth Circuit questions Zippo | Plenty of…
Digital Review November 2021
Denials of rehearing in major cases in the Third and Eighth Circuits | Patent judges in Texas face scrutiny | An interesting cross-platform threats case in Wisconsin | Trump loses the home court advantage against social media | The NFT disputes are rolling in | and much more...
Digital Review October 2021
The Supreme Court is back at work and denying cert | The Facebook whistleblower makes waves | Cracking down on ransomware gangs | New hurdles for Trump's attempts to return to social media | President Biden finally gets around to FCC nominations | Missouri Gov. Parson needs to chill out | and much more...
Digital Review September 2021
The limits of the "modern public square" metaphor | The FTC ramps up on privacy issues | Section 230 and rights of publicity | The server test notches a win | The Second Circuit tries a third time to decide Vimeo | Texas passes its anti-content moderation bill | The Eighth Circuit and a hyperlink…
Digital Review May 2021
Florida tells social media sites how to moderate | A California city learns to check its security before lobbing a hacking claim | The embedded content issue is back in a suit against Instagram | A defective design claim against Snap evades Section 230 | The Facebook Oversight Board rules on Donald Trump | A…
Digital Review April 2021
The Supreme Court decides Google v. Oracle America, Biden v. Knight First Amendment Institute, and more | The Second Circuit tries to harmonize the law on standing in data breach cases | The Fourth Circuit takes on defamation by hyperlink | Two cases on revocation of access to digital content that users have "bought" |…
Digital Review February & March 2021
The U.S. Navy learns why unwritten copyright licenses are risky; the new wave of Section 230 reform bills begins to break; the SEC is keeping an eye on Twitter; the pendulum swings back toward net neutrality; a disturbing ruling on border device searches; worldwide activity on the relationship between news and tech; and much, much…