MLRC Bulletin 2019 Issue 1
Overview of Potential Data Privacy Legislative Proposals
By Jonathan H. Blavin and Zoe Bedell[1] Since the beginning of 2018, several high-profile privacy scandals involving prominent U.S. technology companies have helped drive home for consumers—and legislators—the scope of many companies’ data-sharing and handling practices, as well as the associated potential dangers and privacy concerns. In response, members of Congress from both parties have…
Deepfakes and the Law: Claims, Defenses and Strategies
By Jim Rosenfeld, Brendan Charney, Adam Rich and Alison Schary[1] Since the early days of photography and video, content creators have manipulated images and other “factual” content to create false narratives.[2] To cite fairly recent examples, photoshopped images disseminated through social media have driven controversies like the outrage that followed an altered image purporting to…
Anonymous Speech and Civil Discovery – Toward a Unified Test?
By Joshua Koltun* Introduction In an earlier era, a citizen who wished to bring some matter to the attention of the public anonymously would likely to have done so by acting as a confidential source to a journalist. Perhaps she would extract a promise of confidentiality, or perhaps she would submit her information “over the…
Tricky Topics in CCPA Compliance
By Marc J. Zwillinger, Kandi Parsons, and Michelle Anderson[1] At the time of the writing of this article, the final language of the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) is yet to be determined. Nevertheless, given the effective date of the statute, as well as the requirement to provide California consumers with access to their personal…
Regulation of Online Platforms in the European Union – The State of Play
By Remy Chavannes, Dorien Verhulst* Introduction For the past two decades, the 2000 Electronic Commerce Directive has been the cornerstone of internet regulation in the European Union, and its safe harbors have played a crucial part in the creation of the modern internet.[1] In recent years, however, rightholders, politicians, civil society groups and others have…
MLRC Bulletin: Legal Frontiers in Digital Media
Download Publication Regulation of Online Platforms in the European Union – The State of PlayBy Remy Chavannes, Dorien Verhulst Tricky Topics in CCPA ComplianceBy Marc J. Zwillinger, Kandi Parsons, and Michelle Anderson Anonymous Speech and Civil Discovery – Toward a Unified Test?By Joshua Koltun Deepfakes and the Law: Claims, Defenses and StrategiesBy Jim Rosenfeld, Brendan…