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January 2017

MLRC Bulletin 2016 Issue 3

Media Law Roundtable with Professors Clay Calvert, Amy Gajda, and Kyu Ho Youm; Will Trump's Justices "Open Up" Libel Law?; Access Challenges in the Trump Administration
in this issue

Will Trump’s Short-Listers “Open Up” Libel Law?

By Gayle C. Sproul and Max Mishkin Recent reports have identified a number of judges reputed to appear on President Trump’s “short list” of potential Supreme Court candidates. As media advocates, we wondered what the judges’ opinions revealed about their disposition toward issues of importance to our bar and how they might react to Trump’s…

Link Liability: An EU/US Comparison and Guide

By Edward Klaris & Alexia Bedat I. INTRODUCTION Linking is a fundamental part of our online language. Whether it is by private individuals on social media accounts or journalists in news articles, hyperlinks are everywhere. For publishers on global platforms, this means their exposure to liability is, also, everywhere. Understanding hyperlinking liability in the European…

The Room Where It Happens: Access Challenges in the Trump Administration

By Allison Venuti In 1790, a year before the ratification of the Bill of Rights, a deal was struck behind closed doors that shaped the future of our country. Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison agreed over dinner to not only move the capital South to the Potomac but also to strengthen the Federal…

Significant Media Law Developments of 2016

A Roundtable with Professors Clay Calvert, Amy Gajda, and Kyu Ho Youm For our year-end Bulletin, we asked three renowned media law professors to discuss some of the most important and intriguing developments of the year – from the headline-grabbing Gawker trial to publication of hacked emails in the midst of a Presidential campaign. We…

MLRC Bulletin 2016 Issue 3

 Download Publication Significant Media Law Developments of 2016A Roundtable with Professors Clay Calvert, Amy Gajda, and Kyu Ho Youm discussing the Gawker trial, right of publicity law, Section 230, disparaging trademarks, and publishing hacked e-mails The Room Where It Happens: Access Challenges in the Trump AdministrationBy Allison Venuti Link Liability: An EU/US Comparison and GuideBy…