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The New Legislative Model Designed to Limit Recording Police

Date: October 17, 2024 1:00 pm

The Diverse Voices, Criminal Law, and Newsgathering Committees discuss the new template for legislation states are using to pass laws designed to limit the ability to record police in public. With Grayson Clary (RCFP), Alanah Odoms (ACLU of Louisiana), & Mickey Osterreicher (NPPA).

The Diverse Voices, Criminal Law, and Newsgathering Committees discuss the new template for legislation states are using to pass laws designed to limit the ability to record police in public. With Grayson Clary (RCFP), Alanah Odoms (ACLU of Louisiana), & Mickey Osterreicher (NPPA).

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Newsgathering Committee

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