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State Privacy and Freedom of Information Laws and Newsgathering Concerns

Date: May 30, 2023 1:00 pm

Frank LoMonte, (Counsel, CNN), and Micah Ratner, (Senior Asst. GC, NPR) join the State Legislative Affairs, Privacy, and Newsgathering committees in a discussion about the rise in state laws that indirectly threaten newsgathering and even publishing activities, including those aimed at protecting personal privacy and curbing freedom of information “auditors.”

Frank LoMonte, (Counsel, CNN), and Micah Ratner, (Senior Asst. GC, NPR) join the State Legislative Affairs, Privacy, and Newsgathering committees in a discussion about the rise in state laws that indirectly threaten newsgathering and even publishing activities, including those aimed at protecting personal privacy and curbing freedom of information “auditors.”

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