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Legal Issues Concerning Hispanic and Latin American Media 2022

Date: Thursday, April 21, 2022

New location this year! Holland & Knight, 701 Brickell Ave, Miami, FL 33131 (map). On-site parking is available.

Date: Thursday, April 21, 2022, 9:30am – 5pm (reception follows)

Conference Schedule

Registration / Coffee & Light Breakfast

Welcome and introductions

Q&A with Thiago Oliva, Senior Policy Advisor, Facebook Oversight Board – How does the Board select, review and decide social media moderation issues. 

Persecution and Censorship of Journalists in Latin America and Around the World – With Natalie Southwick, Committee to Protect Journalists, and Adolfo Jimenez, Holland & Knight


A conversation with Julie K. Brown – Prize-winning Miami Herald investigative reporter who broke the Jeffrey Epstein story, as recounted in her book Perversion of Justice. Comparative perspectives on #MeToo reporting.

Ethics for Media Lawyers: Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and Privacy – Legal and ethics issues for companies doing business in Latin America. With Wilfredo Ferrer, Holland & Knight, former US Attorney, S.D. Fla.; Hilary Lane, Holland & Knight

Coffee Break

Cross-Border Streaming Services – Setting up productions; types of deals; clearing content, and more. With Alexia Bedat, Klaris Law; Rita Chertorivski, TelevisaUnivision; Katharine Menendez, Holland & Knight; Paula Mena Barreto, CMA Law


CLE: The conference is approved for six hours of Florida CLE, including one hour of Ethics.

Registration: $75 (in-house and nonprofit lawyers) $125 (law firms) – includes light breakfast, lunch and reception

Vaccination: Attendees will be asked to certify that they are vaccinated against Covid-19.

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