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Anti-SLAPP committee meeting

Date: February 7, 2023 1:00 pm

Matt Leish of Miller Korzenik on SLAPP case, Golan v. Daily News; Matt Schafer of Paramount Global & Tanvi Valsangikar of Penguin Random House on their article “The Application of the New York Anti-SLAPP Scheme in Federal Court”; & Marc Randazza, on SD 2094, an anti-SLAPP bill introduced recently in the Massachusetts legislature.

Matt Leish of Miller Korzenik on SLAPP case, Golan v. Daily News; Matt Schafer of Paramount Global & Tanvi Valsangikar of Penguin Random House on their article “The Application of the New York Anti-SLAPP Scheme in Federal Court”; & Marc Randazza, on SD 2094, an anti-SLAPP bill introduced recently in the Massachusetts legislature.

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Anti-SLAPP Committee

The MLRC Anti-SLAPP Committee meets bimonthly and focuses its attention on recent SLAPP rulings, the progress of new anti-SLAPP bills in state legislatures without strong SLAPP legislation, possible model SLAPP statutes, and advice and counsel on securing federal anti-SLAPP protections.