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Consumer Reviews & Testimonials; “Click to Cancel” & California’s Amended Automatic Renewal Law

Date: Friday, December 13 at 1pm ET / 10am PT

Analysis of the FTC’s Final Rule on Consumer Reviews & Testimonials, led by Katherine Surprenant of Klaris Law. Plus an overview by Terri Seligman & Kate Patton of Frankfurt Kurnit Klein + Selz of the FTC’s “Click to Cancel” Rule & California’s amended Automatic Renewal Law, including their practical implications & key takeaways for compliance.

Analysis of the FTC’s Final Rule on Consumer Reviews & Testimonials, led by Katherine Surprenant of Klaris Law. Plus an overview by Terri Seligman & Kate Patton of Frankfurt Kurnit Klein + Selz of the FTC’s “Click to Cancel” Rule & California’s amended Automatic Renewal Law, including their practical implications & key takeaways for compliance.

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