MLRC Media Lawyers Conference
Join media lawyers from Australia, Asia, and the U.S. for a full day of discussion and networking about media law and policy and how media lawyers can strengthen cross-border ties to better defend a free press.
January 29, 2024
Sydney, Australia

Delegates Reception & Dinner in Vaucluse. Hosted by Harry Melkonian.
- 9:00-9:30
Registration and light breakfast
Location: Minter Ellison, Level 40, Governor Macquarie Tower, 1 Farrer Place, Sydney - 9:30-10:30
Impact of the Ben Roberts Smith Case.
Nick McKenzie – Multi Award winning Investigative Journalist and co- author of the Ben Robert-Smith revelations.
Larina Alick – Executive Counsel, Nine Network, In-House Counsel overseeing the BRS defence.
Grant McAvaney – Head of Litigation, News Limited.
Moderator: Peter Bartlett, partner Minter Ellison - 10:45-11:45
Investigative Journalists and the Law: Is Australian law chilling investigative reporting & causing self-censorship?
Hedley Thomas – Australian investigative journalist and author, who writes and produces podcasts for The Australian.
Kate McClymont – chief investigative reporter at The Sydney Morning Herald.
Edmund Tadros – professional services editor at The Australian Financial Review.
Kieran Pender – senior lawyer in the Democratic Freedoms team at the Human Law Centre.
Moderator: Marlia Saunders – partner, Thomson Geer - 12:00-1:00
Vetting of a Hypothetical News Article: Australian vs. US media law with an international panel of discussants.
Moderator: George Freeman, MLRC Executive Director - 1:00-2:30
Lunch with speaker: Trump Trials and Free Speech.
With Harry Melkonian, Melkonian & Co. - 2:30-3:30
Press Freedom in Asia
Cheng Lei, Australian journalist who was held in Beijing for more than three years.
H.R. Dipendra, media lawyer Malaysia
Akarachai Chaimaneekarakate, human rights lawyer Thailand
Moderator: Michael Cameron, Head of Legal, News Limited.
- 3:45-4:45
Australian Judges: Media Law & the Press
With Judge Judith Gibson, District Court NSW; Federal Court Justice Michael Wigney
Moderators: Marina Olsen, partner Gadens, and Dauid Sibtain SC, Level 22 Chambers. - 5:30-7:30
Conference Reception at Thomson Geer
Location: Sixty Martin Place, Level 14, 60 Martin Place, Sydney
TUESDAY JANUARY 30 - 8:00-9:30am
In-house media lawyers breakfast: A meeting for in-house lawyers only to discuss a range of practical issues concerning the provision of pre-publication and pre-broadcast legal advice.
Location: Theatrette, News Corp Australia, 2 Holt St, Surry Hills 2010
Registration & Location
- Registration is $200 US. Discounted registration for academics is $100 US.
- To inquire about register email:
- Location: January 29 sessions are at: Minter Ellison, Level 40, Governor Macquarie Tower, 1 Farrer Place. The January 30 In-house lawyers breakfast is at: News Corp., 2 Holt. St., Surry Hills, 2010.
Conference Supporters
Minter Ellison
Melkonian & Co. • Thomson Geer
News Corp Australia