Ninth Circuit Reaffirms CFAA Does Not Prohibit Web Scraping in hiQ v. LinkedIn
Grayson Clary, Gillian Vernick and Gabe RottmanThe case was an important early test of Van Buren’s significance for scraping and other data journalism techniques.
User Generated Content: Snapshot of Legal Issues
Mark LernerAllowing users to post content can raise a host of legal issues, including copyright and trademark infringement, libel/defamation, rights of publicity/privacy and false advertising. This brief snapshot will provide an overview of some of the key issues raised by engaging with UGC.
Extent of ISPS’ Duties to Prevent Infringement (DMCA §512(I))
John C. GreinerTo protect ISPs that act with no direct or effective knowledge of its users' infringing activities from copyright infringement lawsuits, Congress passed the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
Link Liability – An EU/US Comparison and Guide
Edward Klaris & Alexia BedatGenerally, in the United States, the act of linking to material that is either copyrighted or defamatory does not, on its own, carry liability. In Europe, however, the analysis has recently become significantly more complex.
A Brief Description of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act
E. Leonard Rubin and Joseph B. TeigThe DMCA was designed to bring U.S. copyright law squarely into the digital age and to facilitate the robust development and world-wide expansion of electronic commerce, communications, research, development, and education.