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MLRC London Conference 2022

Over 200 lawyers from around the world attend the London Conference to discuss comparative developments in media law and policy. The conference also features distinguished speakers from the judiciary, academia and the press.


The conference is open to MLRC members and others by invitation.

Registration for UK Lawyers is £675


Sunday, September 18

6:30pm – 8:30pm – Conference Reception
At Bloomberg’s London Headquarters, 3 Queen Victoria Street

Monday, September 19

At The Law Society, 113 Chancery Lane, WC2A

Free Speech in a Fractured World
How can free expression values can survive threats from autocratic regimes, disinformation and efforts to “cancel” offensive speakers? A panel of journalists and thinkers will discuss the future of free speech.

SLAPP Reform in the UK & Europe
Will lawsuits by oligarchs and disgruntled politicians lead to new protections for free expression? Will American anti-SLAPP law provide a useful model? Can lawyers from the US and Europe collaborate to advance new legislation? An overview of the problem, current status of reform efforts, and the unique legal and political hurdles for reform in the UK and Europe.

Lunch at The Law Society

Defending Satire in an Increasingly Humorless World
World-wide threats to satirists and cartoonists. Why is satire such a threat to autocratic regimes? How can political satire be defended?

Media Trials of the Century
Defense counsel from Johnny Depp v. The Sun, Sarah Palin v. New York Times and Ben Roberts-Smith v. Fairfax will discuss defense tactics, lessons learned and the challenges of high-profile defamation trials.

6:30pm – 9pm – Monday Night Reception at The National Gallery

Tuesday, September 20

At The Law Society, 113 Chancery Lane, WC2A

Online Harms / Paying for News
Will the UK enact new law to regulate social media platforms? What are the online harms the government wants to regulate? Will new UK and European regulations unduly restrict press freedom? Should online platforms have to pay news media for their content?

Privacy and the Press
Is UK and European privacy law crippling investigative reporting? Is it possible to report on police investigations prior to charges being brought? Will the UK repeal the Human Rights Act and forge a more liberal law of privacy?

Lunch at The Law Society

Royal Scandals
From London to Los Angeles, how are Harry and Meghan battling the press? How have they used privacy and copyright law against the tabloids? What legal issues arise in the portrayal of the Royals and in docudramas? What are the limits of fictionalization under US, UK and European law.

Debate: The Internet Has Failed Us As A Society
US and UK lawyers will debate the impact of online speech on democratic society.  

Wednesday, September 21

In-House Counsel Breakfast (for in-house lawyers only)
Hosted by The Financial Times, Bracken House, 1 Friday Street (near St. Paul’s)


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